WDC Working with CORS

Important: Tableau Web Data Connector 2.0 (this version) is being deprecated at Tableau 2023.1 and eventually retired. We will still support WDC 2.0 until its last compatible version of Tableau (Tableau 2022.4) goes End of Life and is no longer supported.

For information about Tableau Web Data Connector 3.0, see the WDC 3.0 documentation.

The JavaScript code in a web data connector typically makes requests to a server that’s on a different domain than the one that’s hosting the web data connector’s HTML page. That is, the code makes requests that represent cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). As a security measure, most browsers restrict CORS requests made from JavaScript code.

This restriction can result in errors when the web data connector runs. For example, if the code in your connector makes requests to a server that doesn’t allow CORS requests, you might see an error like the following in your browser console:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load URL. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

If your connector experiences CORS-related errors when trying to access another site, you can try the approaches listed in this topic:

Note: For information about how to use the Web Data Connector simulator to help debug errors, including CORS errors, see Debugging in the Simulator and Tableau.

Make requests through a proxy server

To circumvent browser restrictions on CORS, you can use a proxy server. A proxy server acts as a simple go-between for your connector and the server that you want to get data from. Because a proxy server doesn’t run in a browser, it isn’t limited by the same restrictions on CORS.

If the proxy server is in the same domain as the web data connector, JavaScript in the connector page does not run into CORS restrictions. If the proxy server is in another domain, the proxy server can be configured to set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to allow requests from the connector’s domain.

The WDC SDK comes with a test proxy server that you can use out of the box.

  1. From the top-level directory of the repository, open a command prompt or terminal and run the following command:

    npm start

    The test proxy server and test web server start.

  2. In your connector code, prefix your requests with the following URL:


    For example, for the earthquakeUSGS connector, you would change the $.getJSON function from this:


    To this:


Important: The test proxy server supports HTTP API calls only.

If you want to share your connectors with other users in your organization, you can download and configure a production proxy server, or you can use a free, public proxy server like https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/.

Request CORS support from API Server

To allow CORS requests, the server that hosts the data can set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the response. The header can be set to specific domains (for example, http://example.com), or to * to indicate that all domains are allowed access to the server’s data. To get CORS support for requests from your connector, you can contact the owners of the site that hosts the data you are querying and ask them to add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header with your domain in it, or to add your domain if the site already sends the header.

For more information, see HTTP access control on the Mozilla Developer Network site.

Make requests with JSONP

If the site that contains the data doesn’t support CORS, it’s often possible to get data from the site by using JSON with padding, or JSONP. JSONP provides an alternative to making requests directly in JavaScript, since those are blocked. Instead, you use JavaScript to dynamically create or update a <script> element and set its src attribute to a URL that points to the site that has the data. The URL also contains the name of a callback function that’s in the connector page. If the site supports JSONP, the response includes the data in JSON format, “padded” with a call to the callback function.

If you use jQuery in your web data connector, you can make JSONP calls using the ajax function. For more information, see jQuery.ajax() on the jQuery site.

If you aren’t using jQuery, you can implement JSONP in your JavaScript code. For example, a connector might contain the following JavaScript code, which dynamically creates a <script> element and sets its src attribute to the URL of a server that has a fictional temperature service. The URL includes various parameters; one of the parameters is the name of a callback function. When the new <script> element is created, the browser invokes the URL that the src attribute is set to.

    var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
    scriptTag.src = "http://myserver/temperatures?city=Seattle&year=2014&callback=getTemperatures";

The connector must also include the following function, which is invoked by the “padded” JSON that the temperature site returns. The JSON data is passed to the function as the jsonpData parameter, and the code in the function can extract values as it would from any JSON block.

    var getTemperatures = function(jsonpData) {
        // More code here to extract the JSON data

For more information, see JSONP on Wikipedia.