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— retrieve a hardcoded set of rows

VALUES ( <expression> [, ...] ) [, ...]
[ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL | DISTINCT ] <select> ]
[ ORDER BY <sort_expression> [ ASC | DESC ] [, ...] ]
[ LIMIT { <count> | ALL } ]
[ OFFSET <start> [ ROW | ROWS ] ]
[ FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ <count> ] { ROW | ROWS } ONLY ];


VALUES retrieves a set of rows hardcoded in the SQL query. It is particularly useful to provide a set of constant rows for an INSERT command or as a subquery in a larger SELECT query.

It can be used as a top-level command or as a space-saving syntax variant in parts of complex queries. Only the UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT, ORDER BY, LIMIT, OFFSET, and FETCH clauses can be used with TABLE; the WHERE clause and any form of aggregation cannot be used. For more information on those clauses, see the documentation of SELECT.

The columns produced by the VALUES query are named column1, column2 and so on.


Return a single row, containing two columns:

VALUES(1, 'first entry')

The VALUES clause can also contain arbitrarily complex expressions:

VALUES(1 + 4, NOW())

To return multiple rows from a VALUES clause, use multiple comma-separated bracketed lists:

VALUES (1, 'first'), (2, 'second'), (1+2, 'third)

One can also use ORDER BY, OFFSET and LIMIT on a VALUES clause:

VALUES (1, 'first'), (3, 'third'), (4, 'fourth'), (2, 'second')
ORDER BY column1