API reference

Important: More coming soon! This section is under active construction and might not reflect all the available functionality of the TSC library.

The Tableau Server Client (TSC) is a Python library for the Tableau Server REST API. Using the TSC library, you can manage and change many of the Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud resources programmatically. You can use this library to create your own custom applications.

The TSC API reference is organized by resource. The TSC library is modeled after the REST API. The methods, for example, workbooks.get(), correspond to the endpoints for resources, such as workbooks, users, views, and data sources. The model classes (for example, the WorkbookItem class have attributes that represent the fields (name, id, owner_id) that are in the REST API request and response packages, or payloads.

Note: Some methods and features provided in the REST API might not be currently available in the TSC library (and in some cases, the opposite is true). In addition, the same limitations apply to the TSC library that apply to the REST API with respect to resources on Tableau Server and Tableau Clous. For more information, see the Tableau Server REST API Reference.


You can use the TSC library to sign in and sign out of Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud. The credentials for signing in are defined in the TableauAuth class and they correspond to the attributes you specify when you sign in using the Tableau Server REST API.

TableauAuth class

TableauAuth(username, password, site_id='', user_id_to_impersonate=None)

The TableauAuth class defines the information you can set in a sign-in request. The class members correspond to the attributes of a server request or response payload. To use this class, create a new instance, supplying user name, password, and site information if necessary, and pass the request object to the Auth.sign_in method.

Note: In the future, there might be support for additional forms of authorization and authentication (for example, OAuth).


Name Description
username The name of the user whose credentials will be used to sign in.
password The password of the user.
site_id This corresponds to the contentUrl attribute in the Tableau REST API. The site_id is the portion of the URL that follows the /site/ in the URL. For example, “MarketingTeam” is the site_id in the following URL MyServer/#/site/MarketingTeam/projects. To specify the default site on Tableau Server, you can use an empty string '' (single quotes, no space). For Tableau Cloud, you must provide a value for the site_id.
user_id_to_impersonate Specifies the id (not the name) of the user to sign in as.

Source file: models/tableau_auth.py


import tableauserverclient as TSC

tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD', site_id='CONTENTURL')
server = TSC.Server('https://SERVER_URL', use_server_version=True)

PersonalAccessTokenAuth class

PersonalAccessTokenAuth(token_name, personal_access_token, site_id='')

The PersonalAccessTokenAuth class serves the same purpose and is used in the same way as TableauAuth, but using Personal Access Tokens instead of username and password.


Name Description
token_name The personal access token name.
personal_access_token The personal access token value.
site_id This corresponds to the contentUrl attribute in the Tableau REST API. The site_id is the portion of the URL that follows the /site/ in the URL. For example, “MarketingTeam” is the site_id in the following URL MyServer/#/site/MarketingTeam/projects. To specify the default site on Tableau Server, you can use an empty string '' (single quotes, no space). For Tableau Cloud, you must provide a value for the site_id.

Source file: models/personal_access_token_auth.py


import tableauserverclient as TSC

tableau_auth = TSC.PersonalAccessTokenAuth('TOKEN-NAME', 'TOKEN-VALUE', site_id='CONTENTURL')
server = TSC.Server('https://SERVER_URL', use_server_version=True)

Auth methods

The Tableau Server Client provides two methods for interacting with authentication resources. These methods correspond to the sign in and sign out endpoints in the Tableau Server REST API.

Source file: server/endpoint/auth_endpoint.py

See Also Sign in and Out Server



Signs you in to Tableau Server.

The method signs into Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud and manages the authentication token. You call this method from the server object you create. For information about the server object, see Server. The authentication token keeps you signed in for 240 minutes, or until you call the auth.sign_out method. Before you use this method, you first need to create the sign-in request (auth_req) object by creating an instance of the TableauAuth. To call this method, create a server object for your server. For more information, see Sign in and Out.



auth_req : The TableauAuth object that holds the sign-in credentials for the site.


import tableauserverclient as TSC

# create an auth object
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')

# create an instance for your server
server = TSC.Server('https://SERVER_URL')

# call the sign-in method with the auth object



Signs you out of the current session.

The sign_out() method takes care of invalidating the authentication token. For more information, see Sign in and Out.

REST API: Sign Out





Switch to a different site on the current Tableau Server.

Switching avoids the need for reauthenticating to the same server. (Note: This method is not available in Tableau Cloud.)

REST API: Switch Site


site_item The site that you want to switch to. This should be a SiteItem retrieved from sites.get(), sites.get_by_id() or sites.get_by_name{}.


# find and then switch auth to another site on the same server
site = server.sites.get_by_id('9a8b7c6d-5e4f-3a2b-1c0d-9e8f7a6b5c4d')

See Also
Sign in and Out


The connections for Tableau Server data sources and workbooks are represented by a ConnectionItem class. You can call data source and workbook methods to query or update the connection information. The ConnectionCredentials class represents the connection information you can update.

ConnectionItem class


The ConnectionItem class corresponds to workbook and data source connections.

In the Tableau Server REST API, there are separate endpoints to query and update workbook and data source connections.


Name Description
datasource_id The identifier of the data source.
datasource_name The name of the data source.
id The identifier of the connection.
connection_type The type of connection.
username The username for the connection. (see ConnectionCredentials)
password The password used for the connection. (see ConnectionCredentials)
embed_password (Boolean) Determines whether to embed the password (True) for the workbook or data source connection or not (False). (see ConnectionCredentials)
server_address The server address for the connection.
server_port The port used for the connection.
connection_credentials The Connection Credentials object containing authentication details for the connection. Replaces username/password/embed_password when publishing a flow, document or workbook file in the request body.

Source file: models/connection_item.py

ConnectionCredentials class

ConnectionCredentials(name, password, embed=True, oauth=False)

The ConnectionCredentials class is used for workbook and data source publish requests.


Attribute Description
name The username for the connection.
embed (Boolean) Determines whether to embed the password (True) for the workbook or data source connection or not (False).
password The password used for the connection.
ouath (Boolean) Specifies whether OAuth is used for the data source of workbook connection. For more information, see OAuth Connections.

Source file: models/connection_credentials.py

Data sources

Using the TSC library, you can get all the data sources on a site, or get the data sources for a specific project. The data source resources for Tableau Server are defined in the DatasourceItem class. The class corresponds to the data source resources you can access using the Tableau Server REST API. For example, you can gather information about the name of the data source, its type, its connections, and the project it is associated with. The data source methods are based upon the endpoints for data sources in the REST API and operate on the DatasourceItem class.

DatasourceItem class

DatasourceItem(project_id, name=None)

The DatasourceItem represents the data source resources on Tableau Server. This is the information that can be sent or returned in the response to an REST API request for data sources. When you create a new DatasourceItem instance, you must specify the project_id that the data source is associated with.


Name Description
ask_data_enablement Determines if a data source allows use of Ask Data. The value can be TSC.DatasourceItem.AskDataEnablement.Enabled, TSC.DatasourceItem.AskDataEnablement.Disabled, or TSC.DatasourceItem.AskDataEnablement.SiteDefault. If no setting is specified, it will default to SiteDefault. See REST API Publish Datasource for more information about ask_data_enablement.
connections The list of data connections (ConnectionItem) for the specified data source. You must first call the populate_connections method to access this data. See the ConnectionItem class.
content_url The name of the data source as it would appear in a URL.
created_at The date and time when the data source was created.
certified A Boolean value that indicates whether the data source is certified.
certification_note The optional note that describes the certified data source.
datasource_type The type of data source, for example, sqlserver or excel-direct.
description The description for the data source.
encrypt_extracts A Boolean value to determine if a datasource should be encrypted or not. See Extract and Encryption Methods for more information.
has_extracts A Boolean value that indicates whether the datasource has extracts.
id The identifier for the data source. You need this value to query a specific data source or to delete a data source with the get_by_id and delete methods.
name The name of the data source. If not specified, the name of the published data source file is used.
owner_id The identifier of the owner of the data source.
project_id The identifier of the project associated with the data source. You must provide this identifier when you create an instance of a DatasourceItem.
project_name The name of the project associated with the data source.
tags The tags (list of strings) that have been added to the data source.
updated_at The date and time when the data source was last updated.
use_remote_query_agent A Boolean value that indicates whether to allow or disallow your Tableau Cloud site to use Tableau Bridge clients. Bridge allows you to maintain data sources with live connections to supported on-premises data sources. See Configure and Manage the Bridge Client Pool for more information.
webpage_url The url of the datasource as displayed in browsers.


    import tableauserverclient as TSC

    # Create new datasource_item with project id '3a8b6148-493c-11e6-a621-6f3499394a39'

    new_datasource = TSC.DatasourceItem('3a8b6148-493c-11e6-a621-6f3499394a39')

Source file: models/datasource_item.py

Datasources methods

The Tableau Server Client provides several methods for interacting with data source resources, or endpoints. These methods correspond to endpoints in the Tableau Server REST API.

Source file: server/endpoint/datasources_endpoint.py



Removes the specified data source from Tableau Server.


Name Description
datasource_id The identifier (id) for the DatasourceItem that you want to delete from the server.


Error Description
Datasource ID undefined Raises an exception if a valid datasource_id is not provided.

REST API: Delete Datasource


datasources.download(datasource_id, filepath=None, include_extract=True, no_extract=None)

Downloads the specified data source in .tdsx or .hyper format.

REST API: Download Datasource


Name Description
datasource_id The identifier (id) for the DatasourceItem that you want to download from the server.
filepath (Optional) Downloads the file to the location you specify. If no location is specified (the default is Filepath=None), the file is downloaded to the current working directory.
include_extract (Optional) Specifies whether to download the file with the extract. The default is to include the extract, if present (include_extract=True). When the data source has an extract, if you set the parameter include_extract=False, the extract is not included. You can use this parameter to improve performance if you are downloading data sources that have large extracts. Available starting with Tableau Server REST API version 2.5.
no_extract (Deprecated) Use include_extract instead. The default value is to ignore this parameter (no_extract=None). If you set the parameter to no_extract=True, the download will not include an extract (if there is one). If set to no_extract=False, the download will include the extract (if there is one). Available starting with Tableau Server REST API version 2.5.


Error Description
Datasource ID undefined Raises an exception if a valid datasource_id is not provided.


The file path to the downloaded data source. The data source is downloaded in .tdsx or .hyper format.


  file_path = server.datasources.download('1a2a3b4b-5c6c-7d8d-9e0e-1f2f3a4a5b6b')
  print("\nDownloaded the file to {0}.".format(file_path))



Returns all the data sources for the site.

To get the connection information for each data source, you must first populate the DatasourceItem with connection information using the populate_connections(datasource_item) method. For more information, see Populate Connections and Views

REST API: Query Datasources


Name Description
req_options (Optional) You can pass the method a request object that contains additional parameters to filter the request. For example, if you were searching for a specific data source, you could specify the name of the project or its id.


Returns a list of DatasourceItem objects and a PaginationItem object. Use these values to iterate through the results.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
    all_datasources, pagination_item = server.datasources.get()
    print("\nThere are {} datasources on site: ".format(pagination_item.total_available))
    print([datasource.name for datasource in all_datasources])



Returns the specified data source item.

REST API: Query Datasource


Name Description
datasource_id The datasource_id specifies the data source to query.


Error Description
Datasource ID undefined Raises an exception if a valid datasource_id is not provided.


The DatasourceItem. See DatasourceItem class


datasource = server.datasources.get_by_id('59a57c0f-3905-4022-9e87-424fb05e9c0e')



Populates the connections for the specified data source.

This method retrieves the connection information for the specified data source. The REST API is designed to return only the information you ask for explicitly. When you query for all the data sources, the connection information is not included. Use this method to retrieve the connections. The method adds the list of data connections to the data source item (datasource_item.connections). This is a list of ConnectionItem objects.

REST API: Query Datasource Connections


Name Description
datasource_item The datasource_item specifies the data source to populate with connection information.


Error Description
Datasource item missing ID. Datasource must be retrieved from server first. Raises an error if the datasource_item is unspecified.


None. A list of ConnectionItem objects are added to the data source (datasource_item.connections).


# import tableauserverclient as TSC

# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

# get the data source
  datasource = server.datasources.get_by_id('1a2a3b4b-5c6c-7d8d-9e0e-1f2f3a4a5b6b')

# get the connection information

# print the information about the first connection item
  connection = datasource.connections[0]



datasources.publish(datasource_item, file, mode, connection_credentials=None, as_job=False)

Publishes a data source to a server, or appends data to an existing data source.

This method checks the size of the data source and automatically determines whether the publish the data source in multiple parts or in one operation.

REST API: Publish Datasource


Name Description
datasource_item The datasource_item specifies the new data source you are adding, or the data source you are appending to. If you are adding a new data source, you need to create a new datasource_item with a project_id of an existing project. The name of the data source will be the name of the file, unless you also specify a name for the new data source when you create the instance. See DatasourceItem.
file The file path or file object of the data source to publish.
mode Specifies whether you are publishing a new data source (CreateNew), overwriting an existing data source (Overwrite), or appending data to a data source (Append). If you are appending to a data source, the data source on the server and the data source you are publishing must be be extracts (.tde files) and they must share the same schema. You can also use the publish mode attributes, for example: TSC.Server.PublishMode.Overwrite.
connection_credentials (Optional) The credentials required to connect to the data source. The ConnectionCredentials object contains the authentication information for the data source (user name and password, and whether the credentials are embedded or OAuth is used).
as_job (Optional) If this value is set to True, the publish operation will be asynchronous and return a JobItem.


Error Description
File path does not lead to an existing file. Raises an error of the file path is incorrect or if the file is missing.
Invalid mode defined. Raises an error if the publish mode is not one of the defined options.
Only .tds, tdsx, .tde, or .hyper files can be published as datasources. Raises an error if the type of file specified is not supported.


The DatasourceItem for the data source that was added or appended to.


  import tableauserverclient as TSC
  server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')


  project_id = '3a8b6148-493c-11e6-a621-6f3499394a39'
  file_path = r'C:\temp\WorldIndicators.tde'

  # Use the project id to create new datsource_item
  new_datasource = TSC.DatasourceItem(project_id)

  # publish data source (specified in file_path)
  new_datasource = server.datasources.publish(
                    new_datasource, file_path, 'CreateNew')




Refreshes the data of the specified extract.

REST API: Update Data Source Now


Name Description
datasource_item The datasource_item specifies the data source to update.


Error Description
Datasource item missing ID. Datasource must be retrieved from server first. Raises an error if the datasource_item is unspecified. Use the Datasources.get() method to retrieve that identifies for the data sources on the server.


A refreshed JobItem.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')
# sign in ...

# get the data source item to update
  datasource = server.datasources.get_by_id('1a2a3b4b-5c6c-7d8d-9e0e-1f2f3a4a5b6b')

# call the refresh method with the data source item
  refreshed_datasource = server.datasources.refresh(datasource)



Updates the specified data source.

REST API: Update Data Source


Name Description
datasource_item The datasource_item specifies the data source to update.


Error Description
Datasource item missing ID. Datasource must be retrieved from server first. Raises an error if the datasource_item is unspecified. Use the Datasources.get() method to retrieve that identifies for the data sources on the server.


An updated DatasourceItem.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')
# sign in ...

# get the data source item to update
  datasource = server.datasources.get_by_id('1a2a3b4b-5c6c-7d8d-9e0e-1f2f3a4a5b6b')

# do some updating
  datasource.owner_id = 'New Owner ID'

# call the update method with the data source item
  updated_datasource = server.datasources.update(datasource)


datasource.update_connection(datasource_item, connection_item)

Updates the server address, port, username, or password for the specified data source connection.

REST API: Update Datasource Connection


Name Description
datasource_item The datasource_item specifies the data source to update.
connection_item The connection_item that has the information you want to update.


An updated ConnectionItem for the data source.


See the update_connection.py sample in the Samples directory.


datasource.update_hyper_data(datasource_or_connection_item, *, request_id, actions, payload=None)

Updates the data contained within a published live-to-Hyper datasource.

REST API: Update Data in Hyper Data Source


This endpoint is available with REST API version 3.13 and up.


Name Description
datasource_or_connection_item Either a DataSourceItem or a ConnectionItem. If the datasource only contains a single connection, the DataSourceItem is sufficient to identify which data should be updated. Otherwise, for datasources with multiple connections, a ConnectionItem must be provided.
request_id User supplied arbitrary string to identify the request. A request identified with the same key will only be executed once, even if additional requests using the key are made, for instance, due to retries when facing network issues.
actions a list of actions (insert, update, delete, …) specifying how to modify the data within the published datasource
payload an (optional) Hyper file containing tuples to be inserted/deleted or other payload data used by the actions.

For more information on the actions, see the REST API docs on “Action batch description”. To create a payload Hyper file, you can use Hyper API or pantab.


A JobItem for the update job on the server. Upon completion of this job, the data was updated.


See the update_datasource_data.py sample in the Samples directory.


The TSC library provides a Filter class that you can use to filter results returned from the server.

You can use the Filter and RequestOptions classes to filter and sort the following endpoints:

For more information, see Filter and Sort.

Filter class

Filter(field, operator, value)

The Filter class corresponds to the filter expressions in the Tableau REST API.


Name Description
Field Defined in the RequestOptions.Field class.
Operator Defined in the RequestOptions.Operator class
Value The value to compare with the specified field and operator.


Using the TSC library, you can get information about all the groups on a site, you can add or remove groups, or add or remove users in a group.

The group resources for Tableau Server are defined in the GroupItem class. The class corresponds to the group resources you can access using the Tableau Server REST API. The group methods are based upon the endpoints for groups in the REST API and operate on the GroupItem class.

GroupItem class


The GroupItem class contains the attributes for the group resources on Tableau Server. The GroupItem class defines the information you can request or query from Tableau Server. The class members correspond to the attributes of a server request or response payload.

Source file: models/group_item.py


Name Description
domain_name The name of the Active Directory domain (local if local authentication is used).
id The id of the group.
users The list of users (UserItem).
name The name of the group. The name is required when you create an instance of a group.
minimum_site_role The role to grant users that are added to the group.
license_mode The mode defining when to apply licenses for group members. When the mode is onLogin, a license is granted for each group member when they login to a site. When the mode is onSync, a license is granted for group members each time the domain is synced.


 newgroup = TSC.GroupItem('My Group')

 # call groups.create() with new group

Groups methods

The Tableau Server Client provides several methods for interacting with group resources, or endpoints. These methods correspond to endpoints in the Tableau Server REST API.

Source file: server/endpoint/groups_endpoint.py


groups.add_user(group_item, user_id):

Adds a user to the specified group.

REST API Add User to Group


Name Description
group_item The group_item specifies the group to update.
user_id The id of the user.




# Adding a user to a group
# get the group item
  all_groups, pagination_item = server.groups.get()
  mygroup = all_groups[1]

# The id for Ian is '59a8a7b6-be3a-4d2d-1e9e-08a7b6b5b4ba'

# add Ian to the group
  server.groups.add_user(mygroup, '59a8a7b6-be3a-4d2d-1e9e-08a7b6b5b4ba')


groups.add_users(group_item, user_id):

Adds multiple users to the specified group.

REST API Add User to Group


This endpoint is available with REST API version 3.21 and up. Method added in version v0.33


Name Description
group_item The group_item specifies the group to update.
users An Iterable of UserItems, or user ids.




# Adding a user to a group
# get the group item
  all_groups, pagination_item = server.groups.get()
  mygroup = all_groups[1]

# Add Viewers to the group
  added_users = server.groups.add_users(



Creates a new local group in Tableau Server.

REST API: Create Group


Name Description
group_item The group_item specifies the group to add. You first create a new instance of a GroupItem and pass that to this method.

Returns Adds new GroupItem.


# Create a new group

#  import tableauserverclient as TSC
#  tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
#  server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

# create a new instance with the group name
  newgroup = TSC.GroupItem('My Group')
  newgroup.minimum_site_role = TSC.UserItem.Roles.ExplorerCanPublish

# call the create method
  newgroup = server.groups.create(newgroup)

# print the names of the groups on the server
  all_groups, pagination_item = server.groups.get()
  for group in all_groups :
      print(group.name, group.id)


create_AD_group(group_item, asJob=False)

Creates an active directory group in Tableau Server.

REST API: Create Group


Name Description
group_item The group_item specifies the group to add. You first create a new instance of a GroupItem and pass that to this method.
asJob Boolean flag used to specify an asynchronous operation. If set to True, the return value will be a JobItem containing the status of the queued job. See JobItem class.

Returns Returns the created GroupItem or a JobItem if asJob flag was set to True.


# Create a new group

#  import tableauserverclient as TSC
#  tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
#  server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

# create a new instance with the group name
  newgroup = TSC.GroupItem('AD_Group_Name', 'AD_Domain_Name')
  newgroup.minimum_site_role = TSC.UserItem.Roles.SiteAdministratorExplorer
  newgroup.license_mode = TSC.GroupItem.LicenseMode.onSync

# call the create method
  newgroup = server.groups.create_AD_group(newgroup)
# call the create method asynchronously
  newgroup_job = server.groups.create_AD_group(newgroup, asJob=True)



Deletes the group on the site.

REST API: Delete Group


Name Description
group_id The identifier (id) for the group that you want to remove from the server.


Error Description
Group ID undefined Raises an exception if a valid group_id is not provided.


#  Delete a group from the site

# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

  with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):



Returns information about the groups on the site.

To get information about the users in a group, you must first populate the GroupItem with user information using the groups.populate_users method.

REST API: Get Users on Site


Name Description
req_options (Optional) You can pass the method a request object that contains additional parameters to filter the request. For example, if you were searching for a specific group, you could specify the name of the group or the group id.


Returns a list of GroupItem objects and a PaginationItem object. Use these values to iterate through the results.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

  with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):

       # get the groups on the server
       all_groups, pagination_item = server.groups.get()

       # print the names of the first 100 groups
       for group in all_groups :
           print(group.name, group.id)


groups.populate_users(group_item, req_options=None)

Populates the group_item with the list of users.

REST API: Get Users in Group


Name Description
group_item The group_item specifies the group to populate with user information.
req_options (Optional) Additional request options to send to the endpoint.


Group item missing ID. Group must be retrieved from server first. : Raises an error if the group_item is unspecified.


None. A list of UserItem objects are added to the group (group_item.users).


# import tableauserverclient as TSC

# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

# get the group
  all_groups, pagination_item = server.groups.get()
  mygroup = all_groups[1]

# get the user information
  pagination_item = server.groups.populate_users(mygroup)

# print the names of the users
  for user in mygroup.users :


groups.remove_user(group_item, user_id)

Removes a user from a group.

REST API: Remove User from Group


Name Description
group_item The group_item specifies the group to remove the user from.
user_id The id for the user.


Error Description
Group must be populated with users first. Raises an error if the group_item is unpopulated.


None. The user is removed from the group.


#  Remove a user from a group

# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

  with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):

     # get a group
     all_groups, pagination_item = server.groups.get()
     mygroup = all_groups[0]

     # remove user '9f9e9d9c-8b8a-8f8e-7d7c-7b7a6f6d6e6d'
     server.groups.remove_user(mygroup, '9f9e9d9c-8b8a-8f8e-7d7c-7b7a6f6d6e6d')


groups.remove_users(group_item, user_id):

Removes multiple users from the specified group.

REST API Remove User from Group


This endpoint is available with REST API version 3.21 and up. Method added in version v0.33


Name Description
group_item The group_item specifies the group to update.
users An Iterable of UserItems, or user ids.




# Removing a user from a group
# get the group item
  all_groups, pagination_item = server.groups.get()
  mygroup = all_groups[1]

# Remove Viewers from the group


groups.update(group_item, as_job=False)

Updates a group in Tableau Server.

REST API: Update Group


Name Description
group_item The group_item specifies the group to update.
as_job (Optional) If this value is set to True, the update operation will be asynchronous and return a JobItem. This is only supported for Active Directory groups. By default, this value is set to False.


Error Description
Group item missing ID. Raises an error if the group_item is missing the id attribute.
Local groups cannot be updated asynchronously. The as_job attribute was set to True for a local group.


The updated GroupItem object. If as_job was set to True, a JobItem will be returned instead.


# Fetch an existing group from server.
groups, pagination = server.groups.get()
group = groups[0]

# Set update-able fields. Any of these can be added or removed.
## Local group
group.name = "new group name"
group.minimum_site_role = TSC.UserItem.Roles.SiteAdministratorExplorer

## Active Directory group
group.minimum_site_role = TSC.UserItem.Roles.SiteAdministratorExplorer
group.license_mode = TSC.GroupItem.LicenseMode.onLogin

# Update group - synchronous
group = server.groups.update(group)

# Update group - asynchronous (only for Active Directory groups)
job = server.groups.update(group, as_job=True)


Using the TSC library, you can get information about an asynchronous process (or job) on the server. These jobs can be created when Tableau runs certain tasks that could be long running, such as importing or synchronizing users from Active Directory, or running an extract refresh. For example, the REST API methods to create or update groups, to run an extract refresh task, or to publish workbooks can take an asJob parameter (asJob-true) that creates a background process (the job) to complete the call. Information about the asynchronous job is returned from the method.

If you have the identifier of the job, you can use the TSC library to find out the status of the asynchronous job.

The job properties are defined in the JobItem class. The class corresponds to the properties for jobs you can access using the Tableau Server REST API. The job methods are based upon the endpoints for jobs in the REST API and operate on the JobItem class.

JobItem class

JobItem(id, type, created_at, started_at=None, completed_at=None, finish_code=0)

The JobItem class contains information about the specified job running on Tableau Server. The JobItem class defines the information you can query from Tableau Server. The class members correspond to the attributes of a server response payload.

Source file: models/job_item.py


Name Description
id The id of the job.
type The type of task. The types correspond to the job type categories listed for the Query Job REST API.
created_at The time the job was created.
started_at The time the job started.
completed_at The time the job finished.
finish_code The return code from job.
progress The progress of the job.
notes The notes of the job.
mode The mode of the job.

Jobs methods

The Jobs methods are based upon the endpoints for jobs in the REST API and operate on the JobItem class.

Source files: server/endpoint/jobs_endpoint.py



Gets information about the specified job.

REST API: Query Job


Name Description
job_id The job_id specifies the id of the job that is returned from an asynchronous task, such as extract refresh, or an import or update to groups using Active Directory


Error Description
404018 Resource Not Found Raises an error if the job_id is not found.


Returns the JobItem requested.


#  Query a Job

# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

  with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):

     # get the id of the job from response to extract refresh task,
     # or another asynchronous REST API call.
     # in this case, "576b616d-341a-4539-b32c-1ed0eb9db548"

    myJobId = '576b616d-341a-4539-b32c-1ed0eb9db548'
    jobinfo = server.jobs.get_by_id(myJobId)


    # <Job#576b616d-341a-4539-b32c-1ed0eb9db548 RefreshExtract created_at(2018-04-10T23:43:21Z) started_at(2018-04-10T23:43:25Z) completed_at(2018-04-10T23:43:26Z) finish_code(1)>



Cancels the currently running job. Can be used to cancel currently running jobs like extract refreshes.


Name Description
job_id The job_id specifies the id of the job that we want to cancel. It is the id of the job that is retunred from an asynchronous taks, such as extract refresh, run a flow, or import or update to groups using Active Directory.


Error Description
404 Resource Not Found Raises an error if the job_id is not found.

Returns Returns the details of the canceled job including the URL of the site where the job was created.


#  Query a Job

# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

  with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):

     # get the id of the job from response from the query job method.
     # in this example, "576b781d-331c-4539-b61d-1ed0eb9db548"
    cancelJobId = '576b781d-331c-4539-b61d-1ed0eb9db548'
    jobs.cancel (cancelJobId)


jobs.wait_for_job(job_id, *, timeout=None)

Waits until a given job succesfully finishes. Repeatedly polls the server using jobs.get_by_id until the job completed. It uses an exponentially increasing sleep time between polls to guarantee a snappy response time for fast-running jobs while not putting overly large load on the server for long-running jobs.

In case the job fails or is cancelled, wait_for_job will raise an exception.


Name Description
job_id The job_id specifies the id of the job that we want to wait for
timeout Optional timeout interval in seconds. wait_for_job will raise a TimeoutError if the job is not finished after waiting for timeout seconds.


Returns the final JobItem.

Usually, you can just discard the return value without checking the job status. In case the job wasn’t succesful, wait_for_job would have already raised an exception. For advanced scenarios, the returned JobItem might still be interesting to access e.g. start and end time or notes.


See the update_datasource_data.py or refresh.py sample in the Samples directory.


Using the metadata endpoint, one can use GraphQL to query metadata on, e.g., workbooks, datasources, the fields contained within them, and the relationships between them.

Metadata methods

The Metadata methods call the Metadata API which is a GraphQL interface allowing to query metadata about objects on the server (workbooks, datasources, …) and the relationships between them.

Source files: server/endpoint/metadata_endpoint.py


metadata.query(query, variables=None, abort_on_error=False)

Executes a metadata query and returns the result.


Name Description
query The GraphQL query
variables Variables for the GraphQL query
abort_on_error Whether to throw an exception on error


The method returns the query results as a stucture of lists and dicts as returned by the json package.


See the metadata_query.py sample in the Samples directory.


Using the TSC library, you can get information about all metrics on a site, update, or delete metrics.

MetricItem class

MetricItem(name: Optional[str]=None)

The metrics resources for Tableau are defined in the MetricItem class. The class corresponds to the metric resource you can access using the Tableau Server REST API.

Attributes Name | Description :— | :— name | Name of the metric id | The REST API id for the metric description | The description of the metric webpage_url | The URL for the metric created_at | The datetime object for when the metric was created updated_at | The datetime object for when the metric was updated suspended | Boolean for if the metric is in a suspended state project_id | REST API id for the project containing the metric project_name | The name of the project containing the metric owner_id | REST API id for the user who owns the metric view_id | REST API id for the view from which the metric was created

Source file: models/metric_item.py

Metric methods

The metric methods are based upon the endpoints for metrics in the REST API and operate on the MetricItem class. The metrics endpoint also supports the django style filtering. See Filter and Sort for more information.

Source files: server/endpoint/metrics_endpoint.py



Deletes a metric item from a site.

To specify the site, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id), and sign in to that site. See the TableauAuth class.

REST API: Delete Metric


Name Description
metric_id The id of the metric to delete




# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, etc




Return a list of metrics items for a site.

To specify the site, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id), and sign in to that site. See the TableauAuth class.

REST API: List Metrics for Site




Returns a Tuple containing a list of all MetricItem objects and a PaginationItem. Use these values to iterate through the results.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD', site_id='CONTENTURL')
server = TSC.Server('https://SERVER')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
        # get all metrics on site
        all_metric_items, pagination_item = server.metrics.get()
        print([metric.name for metric in all_metric_items])



Return a specific metric item from the site.

To specify the site, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id), and sign in to that site. See the TableauAuth class.

REST API: Get Metric


Name Description
metric_id The id of the desired metric


Returns a MetricItem object corresponding to the ID requested.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, etc




Updates a metric item on the Tableau Server.

To specify the site, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id), and sign in to that site. See the TableauAuth class.

REST API: Update Metric


Name Description
metric_item The altered MetricItem to be updated on the Tableau Server


Returns a MetricItem object reflecting the changes applied to Tableau Server.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, etc

metric = server.metrics.get_by_id("6561daa3-20e8-407f-ba09-709b178c0b4a")
metric.owner_id = "1bbbc2b9-847d-443c-9a1f-dbcf112b8814"


Using the TSC library, you can get information about all the projects on a site, or you can create, update projects, or remove projects.

The project resources for Tableau are defined in the ProjectItem class. The class corresponds to the project resources you can access using the Tableau Server REST API. The project methods are based upon the endpoints for projects in the REST API and operate on the ProjectItem class.

ProjectItem class

ProjectItem(name, description=None, content_permissions=None,  parent_id=None)

The project resources for Tableau are defined in the ProjectItem class. The class corresponds to the project resources you can access using the Tableau Server REST API.


Name Description
content_permissions Sets or shows the permissions for the content in the project. The options are either LockedToProject, ManagedByOwner or LockedToProjectWithoutNested.
name Name of the project.
description The description of the project.
id The project id.
parent_id The id of the parent project. Use this option to create project hierarchies. For information about managing projects, project hierarchies, and permissions, see Use Projects to Manage Content Access.

Source file: models/project_item.py


The ProjectItem class has a sub-class that defines the permissions for the project (ProjectItem.ContentPermissions). The options are LockedToProject, ManagedByOwner and LockedToProjectWithoutNested. For information on these content permissions, see Lock Content Permissions to the Project.

Name Description
ProjectItem.ContentPermissions.LockedToProject Locks all content permissions to the project.
ProjectItem.ContentPermissions.ManagedByOwner Users can manage permissions for content that they own. This is the default.
ProjectItem.ContentPermissions.LockedToProjectWithoutNested Lock the permissions of a parent project, but not those of its child projects.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, etc

locked_true = TSC.ProjectItem.ContentPermissions.LockedToProject
# prints 'LockedToProject'

by_owner = TSC.ProjectItem.ContentPermissions.ManagedByOwner
# prints 'ManagedByOwner'

# pass the content_permissions to new instance of the project item.
new_project = TSC.ProjectItem(name='My Project', content_permissions=by_owner, description='Project example')

Project methods

The project methods are based upon the endpoints for projects in the REST API and operate on the ProjectItem class.

Source files: server/endpoint/projects_endpoint.py



Creates a project on the specified site.

To create a project, you first create a new instance of a ProjectItem and pass it to the create method. To specify the site to create the new project, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id), and sign in to that site. See the TableauAuth class.

REST API: Create Project


Name Description
project_item Specifies the properties for the project. The project_item is the request package. To create the request package, create a new instance of ProjectItem.

Returns Returns the new project item.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD', site_id='CONTENTURL')
server = TSC.Server('https://SERVER')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
    # create project item
    new_project = TSC.ProjectItem(name='Example Project', content_permissions='LockedToProject', description='Project created for testing')
    # create the project
    new_project = server.projects.create(new_project)



Return a list of project items for a site.

To specify the site, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id), and sign in to that site. See the TableauAuth class.

REST API: Query Projects




Returns a list of all ProjectItem objects and a PaginationItem. Use these values to iterate through the results.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD', site_id='CONTENTURL')
server = TSC.Server('https://SERVER')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
        # get all projects on site
        all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
        print([proj.name for proj in all_project_items])



Modify the project settings.

You can use this method to update the project name, the project description, or the project permissions. To specify the site, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id), and sign in to that site. See the TableauAuth class.

REST API: Update Project


Name Description
project_item The project item object must include the project ID. The values in the project item override the current project settings.


Error Description
Project item missing ID. Raises an exception if the project item does not have an ID. The project ID is sent to the server as part of the URI.


Returns the updated project information.

See ProjectItem class


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, etc

  # get list of projects
  all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()

  # update project item #7 with new name, etc.
  my_project = all_projects[7]
  my_project.name ='New name'
  my_project.description = 'New description'

  # call method to update project
  updated_project = server.projects.update(my_project)



Deletes a project by ID.

To specify the site, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id), and sign in to that site. See the TableauAuth class.

REST API: Delete Project


Name Description
project_id The ID of the project to delete.


Error Description
Project ID undefined. Raises an exception if the project item does not have an ID. The project ID is sent to the server as part of the URI.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, etc.




Queries the project permissions, parses and stores the returned the permissions.

REST API: Query Project Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]


projects.update_permissions(item, rules)

Add project permissions for a user or group.

REST API: Add Project Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.
rules A list of PermissionsRule objects.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]
 project_capabilities = {
   TSC.Permission.Capability.Read: TSC.Permission.Mode.Allow

 project_rules = TSC.PermissionsRule(
 server.projects.update_permissions(project_item, [project_rules])


projects.delete_permission(item, rules)

Delete project permissions.

REST API: Delete Project Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.
rules A list of PermissionsRule objects or a single PermissionsRule object.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]
 project_capabilities = {
   TSC.Permission.Capability.Read: TSC.Permission.Mode.Allow

 project_rules = TSC.PermissionsRule(



Queries the default workbook permissions, parses and stores the returned the permissions.

REST API: Query Default Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]



Queries the default datasource permissions, parses and stores the returned the permissions.

REST API: Query Default Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]



Queries the default flow permissions, parses and stores the returned the permissions.

REST API: Query Default Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]


projects.update_workbook_default_permissions(item, rules)

Add or update default workbook permissions.

REST API: Add Default Workbook Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.
rules A list of PermissionsRule objects.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]
 capabilities = {
   TSC.Permission.Capability.ViewComments: TSC.Permission.Mode.Allow

 rules = TSC.PermissionsRule(
 server.projects.update_workbook_default_permissions(project_item, [rules])


projects.update_datasource_default_permissions(item, rules)

Add or update default datasource permissions.

REST API: Add Default Datasource Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.
rules A list of PermissionsRule objects.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]
 capabilities = {
   TSC.Permission.Capability.ExportXml: TSC.Permission.Mode.Allow

 rules = TSC.PermissionsRule(
 server.projects.update_datasource_default_permissions(project_item, [rules])


projects.update_flow_default_permissions(item, rules)

Add or update default flow permissions.

REST API: Add Default Flow Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.
rules A list of PermissionsRule objects.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]
 capabilities = {
   TSC.Permission.Capability.Read: TSC.Permission.Mode.Allow

 rule = TSC.PermissionsRule(
 server.projects.update_flow_default_permissions(project_item, [rule])


projects.delete_workbook_default_permissions(item, rule)

Delete default workbook permissions.

REST API: Delete Default Workbook Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.
rule A PermissionsRule object.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]
 capabilities = {
   TSC.Permission.Capability.ViewComments: TSC.Permission.Mode.Allow

 rule = TSC.PermissionsRule(
 server.projects.delete_workbook_default_permissions(project_item, rule)


projects.delete_datasource_default_permissions(item, rule)

Delete default datasource permissions.

REST API: Delete Default Datasource Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.
rule A PermissionsRule object.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]
 capabilities = {
   TSC.Permission.Capability.ExportXml: TSC.Permission.Mode.Allow

 rule = TSC.PermissionsRule(
 server.projects.delete_datasource_default_permissions(project_item, rule)


projects.delete_flow_default_permissions(item, rule)

Delete default flow permissions.

REST API: Delete Default Flow Permissions


Name Description
item A project object.
rule A PermissionsRule object.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC  
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')  
# sign in, etc.  

 all_project_items, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
 project_item = all_project_items[0]
 capabilities = {
   TSC.Permission.Capability.Read: TSC.Permission.Mode.Allow

 rule = TSC.PermissionsRule(
 server.projects.delete_flow_default_permissions(project_item, rule)


The TSC library provides a RequestOptions class that you can use to filter results returned from the server.

You can use the Sort and RequestOptions classes to filter and sort the following endpoints:

You can use the ImageRequestOptions and PDFRequestOptions to set options for views returned as images and PDF files.

For more information about filtering and sorting, see Filter and Sort.

RequestOptions class

RequestOptions(pagenumber=1, pagesize=100)


Name Description
pagenumber The page number of the returned results. The default value is 1.
pagesize The number of items to return with each page (the default value is 100).
sort() Returns a iterable set of Sort objects.
filter() Returns an iterable set of Filter objects.

RequestOptions.Field class

The RequestOptions.Field class corresponds to the fields used in filter expressions in the Tableau REST API. For more information, see Filtering and Sorting in the Tableau REST API.



Field Description
CreatedAt Same as ‘createdAt’ in the REST API. TSC. RequestOptions.Field.CreatedAt
LastLogin Same as ‘lastLogin’ in the REST API. RequestOptions.Field.LastLogin
Name Same as ‘name’ in the REST API. RequestOptions.Field.Name
OwnerName Same as ‘ownerName’ in the REST API. RequestOptions.Field.OwnerName
SiteRole Same as ‘siteRole’ in the REST API. RequestOptions.Field.SiteRole
Tags Same as ‘tags’ in the REST API. RequestOptions.Field.Tags
UpdatedAt Same as ‘updatedAt’ in the REST API. RequestOptions.Field.UpdatedAt

RequestOptions.Operator class

Specifies the operators you can use to filter requests.


Operator Description
Equals Sets the operator to equals (same as eq in the REST API). TSC.RequestOptions.Operator.Equals
GreaterThan Sets the operator to greater than (same as gt in the REST API). TSC.RequestOptions.Operator.GreaterThan
GreaterThanOrEqual Sets the operator to greater than or equal (same as gte in the REST API). TSC.RequestOptions.Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual
LessThan Sets the operator to less than (same as lt in the REST API). TSC.RequestOptions.Operator.LessThan
LessThanOrEqual Sets the operator to less than or equal (same as lte in the REST API). TSC.RequestOptions.Operator.LessThanOrEqual
In Sets the operator to in (same as in in the REST API). TSC.RequestOptions.Operator.In

RequestOptions.Direction class

Specifies the direction to sort the returned fields.


Name Description
Asc Sets the sort direction to ascending (TSC.RequestOptions.Direction.Asc)
Desc Sets the sort direction to descending (TSC.RequestOptions.Direction.Desc).

CSVRequestOptions class


Use this class to specify view filters to be applied when the CSV data is generated. Optionally, you can specify the maximum age of the CSV data cached on the server by providing a maxage value. See views.populate_csv.


Name Description
maxage Optional. The maximum number of minutes the CSV data will be cached on the server before being refreshed. The value must be an integer between 1 and 240 minutes. 0 will be interpreted as 1 minute on server, as that is the shortest interval allowed. By default, maxage is set to -1, indicating the default behavior configured in server settings.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, get a specific view, etc.

# set view filters
csv_req_option = TSC.CSVRequestOptions(maxage=5)
csv_req_option.vf('Region', 'South')
csv_req_option.vf('Category', 'Furniture')

# retrieve the csv data for the view
server.views.populate_csv(view_item, csv_req_option)

If you set a parameter in the workbook, you can also pass the parameter value as part of the CSVRequestOptions object. For example, if you have a parameter named Region in the workbook, you can set the parameter value to South as follows:

# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, get a specific view, etc.

# set view filters
csv_req_option = TSC.CSVRequestOptions(maxage=5)
csv_req_option.parameter('Region', 'South')

# retrieve the csv data for the view
server.views.populate_csv(view_item, csv_req_option)

ExcelRequestOptions class


Use this class to specify view filters to be applied when data is generated in an Excel file format. Optionally, you can specify the maximum age of the Excel data cached on the server by providing a maxage value. See views.populate_csv.


Name Description
maxage Optional. The maximum number of minutes the Excel data will be cached on the server before being refreshed. The value must be an integer between 1 and 240 minutes. 0 will be interpreted as 1 minute on server, as that is the shortest interval allowed. By default, maxage is set to -1, indicating the default behavior configured in server settings.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, get a specific view, etc.

# set view filters
excel_req_option = TSC.ExcelRequestOptions(maxage=5)
excel_req_option.vf('Region', 'South')
excel_req_option.vf('Category', 'Furniture')

# retrieve the excel data for the view
server.views.populate_excel(view_item, excel_req_option)

If you set a parameter in the workbook, you can also pass the parameter value as part of the ExcelRequestOptions object. For example, if you have a parameter named Region in the workbook, you can set the parameter value to South as follows:

# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, get a specific view, etc.

# set view filters
excel_req_option = TSC.ExcelRequestOptions(maxage=5)
excel_req_option.parameter('Region', 'South')

# retrieve the excel data for the view
server.views.populate_excel(view_item, excel_req_option)

ImageRequestOptions class

ImageRequestOptions(imageresolution=None, maxage=-1)

Use this class to specify the resolution of the view and, optionally, the maximum age of the image cached on the server. You can also use this class to specify view filters to be applied when the image is generated. See views.populate_image.


Name Description
imageresolution The resolution of the view returned as an image. If unspecified, the views.populate_image method returns an image with standard resolution (the width of the returned image is 784 pixels). If you set this parameter value to high (Resolution.High), the width of the returned image is 1568 pixels. For both resolutions, the height varies to preserve the aspect ratio of the view.
maxage Optional. The maximum number of minutes the image will be cached on the server before being refreshed. The value must be an integer between 1 and 240 minutes. 0 will be interpreted as 1 minute on server, as that is the shortest interval allowed. By default, maxage is set to -1, indicating the default behavior configured in server settings.

View Filters

You can use the vf('filter_name', 'filter_value') method to add view filters. When the image is generated, the specified filters will be applied to the view.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, get a specific view, etc.

# set the image request option
image_req_option = TSC.ImageRequestOptions(imageresolution=TSC.ImageRequestOptions.Resolution.High, maxage=1)

# (optional) set a view filter
image_req_option.vf('Category', 'Furniture')

# retrieve the image for the view
server.views.populate_image(view_item, image_req_option)

If you set a parameter in the workbook, you can also pass the parameter value as part of the ImageRequestOptions object. For example, if you have a parameter named Region in the workbook, you can set the parameter value to South as follows:

# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, get a specific view, etc.

# set view filters
image_req_option = TSC.ImageRequestOptions(maxage=5)
image_req_option.parameter('Region', 'South')

# retrieve the image data for the view
server.views.populate_image(view_item, image_req_option)

PDFRequestOptions class

PDFRequestOptions(page_type=None, orientation=None, maxage=-1)

Use this class to specify the format of the PDF that is returned for the view. Optionally, you can specify the maximum age of the rendered PDF that is cached on the server by providing a maxage value. See views.populate_pdf.


Name Description
page_type The type of page returned in PDF format for the view. The page_type is set using the PageType class:
orientation The orientation of the page. The options are portrait and landscape. The options are set using the Orientation class:
maxage Optional. The maximum number of minutes the rendered PDF will be cached on the server before being refreshed. The value must be an integer between 1 and 240 minutes. 0 will be interpreted as 1 minute on server, as that is the shortest interval allowed. By default, maxage is set to -1, indicating the default behavior configured in server settings.
viz_height Optional. The height of the output PDF in pixels. If specified, viz_width must also be specified.
viz_width Optional. The width of the output PDF in pixels. If specified, viz_height must also be specified.

View Filters You can use the vf('filter_name', 'filter_value') method to add view filters. When the PDF is generated, the specified filters will be applied to the view.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, get a specific view, etc.

# set the PDF request options
pdf_req_option = TSC.PDFRequestOptions(page_type=TSC.PDFRequestOptions.PageType.A4,

# (optional) set a view filter
pdf_req_option.vf('Region', 'West')

# retrieve the PDF for a view
server.views.populate_pdf(view_item, pdf_req_option)

You can also specify height and width for the visualization to be rendered in the PDF. If you specify the height and width, you must specify both values. The height and width are set in pixels.

# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, get a specific view, etc.

# set the PDF request options
pdf_req_option = TSC.PDFRequestOptions(page_type=TSC.PDFRequestOptions.PageType.A4,

server.views.populate_pdf(view_item, pdf_req_option)

If you set a parameter in the workbook, you can also pass the parameter value as part of the PDFRequestOptions object. For example, if you have a parameter named Region in the workbook, you can set the parameter value to South as follows:

# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, get a specific view, etc.

# set view filters
pdf_req_option = TSC.PDFRequestOptions(maxage=5)
pdf_req_option.parameter('Region', 'South')

# retrieve the pdf data for the view
server.views.populate_pdf(view_item, pdf_req_option)


Using the TSC library, you can schedule extract refresh or subscription tasks on Tableau Server. You can also get and update information about the scheduled tasks, or delete scheduled tasks.

If you have the identifier of the job, you can use the TSC library to find out the status of the asynchronous job.

The schedule properties are defined in the ScheduleItem class. The class corresponds to the properties for schedules you can access in Tableau Server or by using the Tableau Server REST API. The Schedule methods are based upon the endpoints for jobs in the REST API and operate on the JobItem class.

ScheduleItem class

ScheduleItem(name, priority, schedule_type, execution_order, interval_item)

The ScheduleItem class contains information about the specified schedule running on Tableau Server. The ScheduleItem class defines the information you can query and set. The class members correspond to the attributes of a server response payload.

Source file: models/schedule_item.py


Name Description
name The name of the schedule.
priority The priority of the schedule (integer). Lower values represent higher priorities, with 0 indicating the highest priority.
schedule_type The type of task. The types are either an Extract for an extract refresh task or a Subscription for a scheduled subscription.
execution_order Specifies how the scheduled task should run. The choices are Parallelwhich uses all available background processes for this scheduled task, or Serial, which limits this schedule to one background process.
interval_item Specifies the frequency that the scheduled task should run. The interval_item is an instance of the IntervalItem class. The interval_item has properties for frequency (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly), and what time and date the scheduled item runs. You set this value by declaring an IntervalItem object that is one of the following: HourlyInterval, DailyInterval, WeeklyInterval, or MonthlyInterval.

IntervalItem class

This class sets the frequency and start time of the scheduled item. This class contains the classes for the hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly intervals. This class mirrors the options you can set using the REST API and the Tableau Server interface.


Name Description
HourlyInterval Runs scheduled item hourly. To set the hourly interval, you create an instance of the HourlyInterval class and assign the following values: start_time, end_time, and interval_value. To set the start_time and end_time, assign the time value using this syntax: start_time=time(hour, minute) and end_time=time(hour, minute). The hour is specified in 24 hour time. The interval_value specifies how often the to run the task within the start and end time. The options are expressed in hours. For example, interval_value=.25 is every 15 minutes. The values are .25, .5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12. Hourly schedules that run more frequently than every 60 minutes must have start and end times that are on the hour.
DailyInterval Runs the scheduled item daily. To set the daily interval, you create an instance of the DailyInterval and assign the start_time. The start time uses the syntax start_time=time(hour, minute).
WeeklyInterval Runs the scheduled item once a week. To set the weekly interval, you create an instance of the WeeklyInterval and assign the start time and multiple instances for the interval_value (days of week and start time). The start time uses the syntax time(hour, minute). The interval_value is the day of the week, expressed as a IntervalItem. For example TSC.IntervalItem.Day.Monday for Monday.
MonthlyInterval Runs the scheduled item once a month. To set the monthly interval, you create an instance of the MonthlyInterval and assign the start time and day. The

Schedule methods

The schedule methods are based upon the endpoints for schedules in the REST API and operate on the ScheduleItem class.

Source files: server/endpoint/schedules_endpoint.py


schedules.add_to_schedule(schedule_id, workbook=None, datasource=None, flow=None, task_type=None)

Adds a DatasourceItem, FlowItem, or WorkbookItem to a schedule.

REST API: Add Data Source to Schedule


Name Description
schedule_id The identifier (id) of the schedule to add the data source or workbook to. Can be retrieved from a ScheduleItem, e.g., by performing schedules.get().
workbook (Optional) A WorkbookItem that should be added to the schedule. Only provide either workbook or datasource, passing multiple items will be deprecated.
datasource (Optional) A DatasourceItem that should be added to the schedule. Only provide either workbook or datasource, passing multiple items will be deprecated.
flow (Optional) A FlowItem that should be added to the schedule. Only applicable if workbook = None and datasource = None.
task_type (Optional) Determines the type of task. One of TaskItem.Type: ExtractRefresh, DataAcceleration, RunFlow.

Returns Returns a List of AddResponses.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
# sign in, etc.
# get a datasource item that should be added to a schedule
datasource_item = server.datasources.get("d14dd951-01c1-4879-8bc2-e96d7dec9f0")

# retrieve the id of the target schedule 
schedule_id = schedule_item.id  # can be a freshly created schedule or one queried via `schedules.get()`

# Add the data source to the schedule



Creates a new schedule for an extract refresh or a subscription.

REST API: Create Schedule


Name Description
schedule_item The settings for the schedule that you want to create. You need to create an instance of ScheduleItem and pass it to the create method. The ScheduleItem includes the IntervalItem which specifies the frequency, or interval, that the schedule should run.


Returns a new instance of schedule_item.


Error Description
Interval item must be defined. Raises an exception if the schedule_item.interval_item is not specified. The interval item specifies whether the interval is hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
from datetime import time

# sign in, etc.
# Create an interval to run every 2 hours between 2:30AM and 11:00PM
hourly_interval = TSC.HourlyInterval(start_time=time(2, 30),
                                     end_time=time(23, 0),
# Create schedule item
hourly_schedule = TSC.ScheduleItem("Hourly-Schedule",
# Create schedule
hourly_schedule = server.schedules.create(hourly_schedule)



Deletes an existing schedule for an extract refresh or a subscription.

REST API: Delete Schedule


Name Description
schedule_id The identifier (schedule_item.id) of the schedule to delete. Use the schedule.get() method to get the identifiers of the schedules on the server.




Error Description
Schedule ID undefined The identifier is not a valid identifier for a schedule on the server.



Returns all schedule items from the server.

REST API: Query Schedules



Returns the specified schedule.

REST API: Get Schedule


Name Description
req_options (Optional) Additional request options to send to the endpoint.




Name Description
schedule_item The settings for the schedule that you want to update. You need to fetch an existing instance of ScheduleItem from the get method, make your changes, and then pass it to the update method to update the schedule on the server. The ScheduleItem includes the IntervalItem which specifies the frequency, or interval, that the schedule should run.

REST API: Update Schedules

Hourly schedule example

import tableauserverclient as TSC
from datetime import time
# sign in, etc.

# Create an interval to run every 2 hours between 2:30AM and 11:00PM
hourly_interval = TSC.HourlyInterval(start_time=time(2, 30),
                                     end_time=time(23, 0),

# Create schedule item
hourly_schedule = TSC.ScheduleItem("Hourly-Schedule",

# Create schedule
hourly_schedule = server.schedules.create(hourly_schedule)

Daily schedule example

import tableauserverclient as TSC
from datetime import time
# sign in, etc.

# Create a daily interval to run every day at 12:30AM
daily_interval = TSC.DailyInterval(start_time=time(0, 30))

# Create schedule item using daily interval
daily_schedule = TSC.ScheduleItem("Daily-Schedule",

# Create daily schedule
daily_schedule = server.schedules.create(daily_schedule)

Weekly schedule example

import tableauserverclient as TSC
from datetime import time
# sign in, etc.

# Create a weekly interval to run every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:15PM
weekly_interval = TSC.WeeklyInterval(time(19, 15),
# Create schedule item using weekly interval
weekly_schedule = TSC.ScheduleItem("Weekly-Schedule", 70,
# Create weekly schedule
weekly_schedule = server.schedules.create(weekly_schedule)

Monthly schedule example

import tableauserverclient as TSC
from datetime import time
# sign in, etc.

# Create a monthly interval to run on the 15th of every month at 11:30PM
monthly_interval = TSC.MonthlyInterval(start_time=time(23, 30),
# Create schedule item using monthly interval
monthly_schedule = TSC.ScheduleItem("Monthly-Schedule",
                                    TSC.ScheduleItem.ExecutionOrder.Parallel, monthly_interval)
# Create monthly schedule
monthly_schedule = server.schedules.create(monthly_schedule)


In the Tableau REST API, the server (https://MY-SERVER/) is the base or core of the URI that makes up the various endpoints or methods for accessing resources on the server (views, workbooks, sites, users, data sources, etc.) The TSC library provides a Server class that represents the server. You create a server instance to sign in to the server and to call the various methods for accessing resources.

Server class


The Server class contains the attributes that represent the server on Tableau Server. After you create an instance of the Server class, you can sign in to the server and call methods to access all of the resources on the server.


Attribute Description
server_address Specifies the address of the Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud (for example, https://MY-SERVER/).
version Specifies the version of the REST API to use (for example, '2.5'). When you use the TSC library to call methods that access Tableau Server, the version is passed to the endpoint as part of the URI (https://MY-SERVER/api/2.5/). Each release of Tableau Server supports specific versions of the REST API. New versions of the REST API are released with Tableau Server. By default, the value of version is set to '2.3', which corresponds to Tableau Server 10.0. You can view or set this value. You might need to set this to a different value, for example, if you want to access features that are supported by the server and a later version of the REST API. For more information, see REST API Versions.


import tableauserverclient as TSC

# create a instance of server
server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')

# sign in, etc.

# change the REST API version to match the server

# or change the REST API version to match a specific version
# for example, 2.8
# server.version = '2.8'


When you create an instance of the Server class, you have access to the resources on the server after you sign in. You can select these resources and their methods as members of the class, for example: server.views.get()

Resource Description
server.auth Sets authentication for sign in and sign out. See Auth
server.views Access the server views and methods. See Views
server.users Access the user resources and methods. See Users
server.sites Access the sites. See Sites
server.groups Access the groups resources and methods. See Groups
server.jobs Access the jobs resources and methods. See Jobs
server.workbooks Access the resources and methods for workbooks. See Workbooks
server.datasources Access the resources and methods for data sources. See Data Sources
server.projects Access the resources and methods for projects. See Projects
server.schedules Access the resources and methods for schedules. See Schedules
server.subscriptions Access the resources and methods for subscriptions. See Subscriptions
server.server_info Access the resources and methods for server information. See ServerInfo class


The Server class has PublishMode class that enumerates the options that specify what happens when you publish a workbook or data source. The options are Overwrite, Append, or CreateNew.


Resource Description
PublishMode.Overwrite Overwrites the workbook or data source.
PublishMode.Append Appends to the workbook or data source.
PublishMode.CreateNew Creates a new workbook or data source.


 import tableauserverclient as TSC
 # login, etc.

 # prints 'Overwrite'

 overwrite_true = TSC.Server.PublishMode.Overwrite


 # pass the PublishMode to the publish workbooks method
 new_workbook = server.workbooks.publish(new_workbook, args.filepath, overwrite_true)

ServerInfoItem class

ServerInfoItem(product_version, build_number, rest_api_version)

The ServerInfoItem class contains the build and version information for Tableau Server. The server information is accessed with the server_info.get() method, which returns an instance of the ServerInfo class.


Name Description
product_version Shows the version of the Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud (for example, 10.2.0).
build_number Shows the specific build number (for example, 10200.17.0329.1446).
rest_api_version Shows the supported REST API version number. Note that this might be different from the default value specified for the server, with the Server.version attribute. To take advantage of new features, you should query the server and set the Server.version to match the supported REST API version number.

ServerInfo methods

The TSC library provides a method to access the build and version information from Tableau Server.



Retrieve the build and version information for the server.

This method makes an unauthenticated call, so no sign in or authentication token is required.

REST API: Server Info

Parameters None


Error Description
404003 UNKNOWN_RESOURCE Raises an exception if the server info endpoint is not found.


import tableauserverclient as TSC

# create a instance of server
server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')

# set the version number > 2.3
# the server_info.get() method works in 2.4 and later
server.version = '2.5'

s_info = server.server_info.get()
print("\nServer info:")
print("\tProduct version: {0}".format(s_info.product_version))
print("\tREST API version: {0}".format(s_info.rest_api_version))
print("\tBuild number: {0}".format(s_info.build_number))


Using the TSC library, you can query a site or sites on a server, or create or delete a site on the server.

The site resources for Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud are defined in the SiteItem class. The class corresponds to the site resources you can access using the Tableau Server REST API. The site methods are based upon the endpoints for sites in the REST API and operate on the SiteItem class.

SiteItem class

SiteItem(name, content_url, admin_mode=None, user_quota=None, storage_quota=None,
                 disable_subscriptions=False, subscribe_others_enabled=True, revision_history_enabled=False)

The SiteItem class contains the members or attributes for the site resources on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. The SiteItem class defines the information you can request or query from Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. The class members correspond to the attributes of a server request or response payload.


Attribute Description
name The name of the site. The name of the default site is “”.
content_url The path to the site.
admin_mode (Optional) For Tableau Server only. Specify ContentAndUsers to allow site administrators to use the server interface and tabcmd commands to add and remove users. (Specifying this option does not give site administrators permissions to manage users using the REST API.) Specify ContentOnly to prevent site administrators from adding or removing users. (Server administrators can always add or remove users.)
user_quota (Optional) Specifies the total number of users for the site. The number can’t exceed the number of licenses activated for the site; and if tiered capacity attributes are set, then user_quota will equal the sum of the tiered capacity values, and attempting to set user_quota will cause an error.
Tiered capacity attributes: tier_explorer_capacity tier_creator_capacity tier_viewer_capacity (Optional) The maximum number of licenses for users with the Creator, Explorer, or Viewer role, respectively, allowed on a site.
storage_quota (Optional) Specifies the maximum amount of space for the new site, in megabytes. If you set a quota and the site exceeds it, publishers will be prevented from uploading new content until the site is under the limit again.
disable_subscriptions (Optional) Specify true to prevent users from being able to subscribe to workbooks on the specified site. The default is false.
subscribe_others_enabled (Optional) Specify false to prevent server administrators, site administrators, and project or content owners from being able to subscribe other users to workbooks on the specified site. The default is true.
revision_history_enabled (Optional) Specify true to enable revision history for content resources (workbooks and datasources). The default is false.
revision_limit (Optional) Specifies the number of revisions of a content source (workbook or data source) to allow. On Tableau Server, the default is 25.
state Shows the current state of the site (Active or Suspended).


# create a new instance of a SiteItem

new_site = TSC.SiteItem(name='Tableau', content_url='tableau', admin_mode='ContentAndUsers', user_quota=15, storage_quota=1000, disable_subscriptions=True)

Source file: models/site_item.py

Site methods

The TSC library provides methods that operate on sites for Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud. These methods correspond to endpoints or methods for sites in the Tableau REST API.

Source file: server/endpoint/sites_endpoint.py



Creates a new site on the server for the specified site item object.

Tableau Server only.

REST API: Create Site


Name Description
site_item The settings for the site that you want to create. You need to create an instance of SiteItem and pass it to the create method.


Returns a new instance of SiteItem.


import tableauserverclient as TSC

# create an instance of server
server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')

# create shortcut for admin mode

# create a new SiteItem
new_site = TSC.SiteItem(name='Tableau', content_url='tableau', admin_mode=content_users, user_quota=15, storage_quota=1000, disable_subscriptions=True)

# call the sites create method with the SiteItem
new_site = server.sites.create(new_site)



Queries all the sites on the server.

REST API: Query Sites




Returns a list of all SiteItem objects and a PaginationItem. Use these values to iterate through the results.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, etc.

  # query the sites
  all_sites, pagination_item = server.sites.get()

  # print all the site names and ids
  for site in all_sites:
       print(site.id, site.name, site.content_url, site.state)



Queries the site with the given ID.

REST API: Query Site


Name Description
site_id The id for the site you want to query.


Error Description
Site ID undefined. Raises an error if an id is not specified.


Returns the SiteItem.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, etc.

 a_site = server.sites.get_by_id('9a8b7c6d-5e4f-3a2b-1c0d-9e8f7a6b5c4d')
 print("\nThe site with id '9a8b7c6d-5e4f-3a2b-1c0d-9e8f7a6b5c4d' is: {0}".format(a_site.name))



Queries the site with the specified name.

REST API: Query Site


Name Description
site_name The name of the site you want to query.


Error Description
Site Name undefined. Raises an error if an name is not specified.


Returns the SiteItem.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, etc.

 a_site = server.sites.get_by_name('MY_SITE')



Modifies the settings for site.

The site item object must include the site ID and overrides all other settings.

REST API: Update Site


Name Description
site_item The site item that you want to update. The settings specified in the site item override the current site settings.


Error Description
Site item missing ID. The site id must be present and must match the id of the site you are updating.
You cannot set admin_mode to ContentOnly and also set a user quota To set the user_quota, the AdminMode must be set to ContentAndUsers


Returns the updated site_item.



# make some updates to an existing site_item
site_item.name ="New name"

# call update
site_item = server.sites.update(site_item)




Deletes the specified site.

REST API: Delete Site


Name Description
site_id The id of the site that you want to delete.


Error Description
Site ID Undefined. The site id must be present and must match the id of the site you are deleting.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# sign in, etc.



The Sort class is used with request options (RequestOptions) where you can filter and sort on the results returned from the server.

You can use the sort and request options to filter and sort the following endpoints:

Sort class

sort(field, direction)


Name Description
field Sets the field to sort on. The fields are defined in the RequestOption class.
direction The direction to sort, either ascending (Asc) or descending (Desc). The options are defined in the RequestOptions.Direction class.


# create a new instance of a request option object
req_option = TSC.RequestOptions()

# add the sort expression, sorting by name and direction
matching_workbooks, pagination_item = server.workbooks.get(req_option)

for wb in matching_workbooks:

For information about using the Sort class, see Filter and Sort.


Using the TSC library, you can manage subscriptions to views or workbooks on a site. You can get information about all the subscriptions on a site, or information about a specific subscription on a site, and you can create, update, or delete subscriptions.

SubscriptionItem class

The subscription resources for Tableau Server are defined in the SubscriptionItem class. The class corresponds to the subscription resources you can access using the Tableau Server REST API. The subscription methods are based upon the endpoints for subscriptions in the REST API and operate on the SubscriptionItem class.

SubscriptionItem(subject, schedule_id, user_id, target)


Name Description
id The id of the subscription on the site.
attach_image Setting this to True will cause the subscriber to receive mail with .png images of workbooks or views attached to it. By default, this value is set to True. If attach_pdf is set to False, then this value cannot be set to False.
attach_pdf Setting this to True will cause the subscriber to receive mail with a .pdf file containing images of workbooks or views attached to it. By default, this value is set to False.
message The text body of the subscription email message.
page_orientation The orientation of the pages produced when attach_pdf is True. If this parameter is not present the page orientation will default to Portrait. See chart below for a full list of values.
page_size_option The type of page produced, which determines the page dimensions when attach_pdf is True. If this parameter is not present the page type will default to Letter. See chart below for a full list of values.
schedule_id The id of the schedule associated with the specific subscription.
send_if_view_empty Applies to views only (see target attribute). If True, an image is sent even if the view specified in a subscription is empty. If False, nothing is sent if the view is empty. The default value is True.
subject The subject of the subscription. This is the description that you provide to identify the subscription.
suspended Setting this value to True stops email delivery for the specified subscription. Setting it to False will resume email delivery for the subscription.
target The target of the subscription, that is, the content that is subscribed to (view, workbook). The target is an instance of the target class. The target has two properties, the id of the workbook or view (target.id), and the type (target.type), which can either view or workbook. The send_if_view_empty attribute can only be set to True if the target.type is set to View.
user_id The identifier of the user (person) who receives the subscription.

Valid PDF options (applies only if attach_pdf is set to True)

Attribute Valid options
page_orientation TSC.PDFRequestOptions.Orientation.Landscape
page_size_option TSC.PDFRequestOptions.PageType.A3

Source files: server/endpoints/subscription_item.py server/request_options.py

Subscription methods

The Tableau Server Client provides several methods for interacting with subscription resources, or endpoints. These methods correspond to endpoints in the Tableau Server REST API.

Source files: server/endpoints/subscriptions_endpoint.py



Creates a subscription to a view or workbook for a specific user on a specific schedule. When a user is subscribed to the content, Tableau Server sends the content to the user in email on the schedule that’s defined on Tableau Server and specified in the subscription_item.

To create a new subscription you need to first create a new subscription_item (from SubscriptionItem class).

REST API: Create Subscription


Name Description
subscription_item Specifies the user to subscribe, the content to subscribe to, the schedule to associate the subscription with, and other metadata for the subscription.


Returns the new SubscriptionItem object.


# Create the target (content) of the subscription with its ID and type.
# ID can be obtained by calling workbooks.get() or views.get().
target = TSC.Target('c7a9327e-1cda-4504-b026-ddb43b976d1d', 'workbook')

# Store the schedule ID and user ID.
# IDs can be obtained by calling schedules.get() and users.get().
schedule_id = 'b60b4efd-a6f7-4599-beb3-cb677e7abac1'
user_id = '28ce5884-ed38-49a9-aa10-8f5fbd59bbf6'

# Create the new SubscriptionItem object with variables from above.
new_sub = TSC.SubscriptionItem('My Subscription', schedule_id, user_id, target)

# (Optional) Set other fields. Any of these can be added or removed.
new_sub.attach_image = False
new_sub.attach_pdf = True
new_sub.message = "You have an alert!"
new_sub.page_orientation = TSC.PDFRequestOptions.Orientation.Landscape
new_sub.page_size_option = TSC.PDFRequestOptions.PageType.B4
new_sub.send_if_view_empty = True

# Create the new subscription on the site you are logged in.
new_sub = server.subscriptions.create(new_sub)



Deletes the specified subscription from the site.

REST API: Delete Subscription


Name Description
subscription_id The identifier (id) for the subscription that you want to remove from the site.


Error Description
Subscription ID undefined Raises an exception if a valid subscription_id is not provided.


#  Remove a subscription from the site

#  import tableauserverclient as TSC
#  tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD', site_id='SITE')
#  server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

   with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):



Returns information about the subscriptions on the specified site.

REST API: Query Subscriptions


Name Description
req_options (Optional) You can pass the method a request object that contains additional parameters to filter the request. For example, if you were searching for a specific subscription, you could specify the subject of the subscription or the id of the subscription.

Returns Returns a list of SubscriptionItem objects and a PaginationItem object. Use these values to iterate through the results.



Returns information about the specified subscription.

REST API: Query Subscription


Name Description
subscription_id The subscription_id specifies the subscription to query.


Error Description
No Subscription ID provided. Raises an exception if a valid subscription_id is not provided.


The SubscriptionItem. See SubscriptionItem class


  sub1 = server.subscription.get_by_id('9f9e9d9c-8b8a-8f8e-7d7c-7b7a6f6d6e6d')



Updates a specific subscription. To update a subscription, you must first query it from server using the subscriptions.get() or subscriptions.get_by_id() method.

REST API: Update Subscription


Name Description
subscription_item Specifies the user to subscribe, the content to subscribe to, the schedule to associate the subscription with, and other metadata for the subscription.


Returns the updated SubscriptionItem object.


# Fetch an existing subscription from server. You can also use the subscriptions.get() method
sub = server.subscriptions.get_by_id('59cec1ec-15a0-4eb3-bc9d-056b87aa0a18')

# Set update-able fields. Any of these can be added or removed.
sub.subject = "Updated subject"
sub.attach_image = True
sub.attach_pdf = True
sub.page_orientation = TSC.PDFRequestOptions.Orientation.Landscape
sub.page_size_option = TSC.PDFRequestOptions.PageType.Folio
sub.suspended = True
sub.schedule_id = 'cf2f4465-9c4b-4536-b7cc-59994e9b7dde'
sub.send_if_view_empty = True

# Create the new subscription on the site you are logged in.
sub = server.subscriptions.update(sub)


Using the TSC library, you can get information about all the tasks on a site and you can remove tasks. To create new tasks see Schedules.

The task resources for Tableau Server are defined in the TaskItem class. The class corresponds to the task resources you can access using the Tableau Server REST API. The task methods are based upon the endpoints for tasks in the REST API and operate on the TaskItem class.

TaskItem class

TaskItem(id, task_type, priority, consecutive_failed_count=0, schedule_id=None, target=None)


Name Description
id The id of the task on the site.
task_type Type of extract task - full or incremental refresh.
priority The priority of the task on the server.
consecutive_failed_count The number of failed consecutive executions.
schedule_id The id of the schedule on the site.
target An object, datasource or workbook, which is associated to the task. Source file: models/target.py


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('server')

  task = server.tasks.get_by_id('9f9e9d9c-8b8a-8f8e-7d7c-7b7a6f6d6e6d')

Source file: models/task_item.py

Tasks methods

The Tableau Server Client provides several methods for interacting with task resources, or endpoints. These methods correspond to endpoints in the Tableau Server REST API.

Source file: server/endpoint/tasks_endpoint.py



Returns information about the tasks on the specified site.

REST API: Get Extract Refresh Tasks on Site


Name Description
req_options (Optional) You can pass the method a request object that contains additional parameters to filter the request.


Returns a list of TaskItem objects and a PaginationItem object. Use these values to iterate through the results.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
    all_tasks, pagination_item = server.tasks.get()
    print("\nThere are {} tasks on site: ".format(pagination_item.total_available))
    print([task.id for task in all_tasks])



Returns information about the specified task.

REST API: Query Extract Refresh Task On Site


Name Description
task_id The task_id specifies the task to query.


Error Description
Task ID undefined. Raises an exception if a valid task_id is not provided.


The TaskItem. See TaskItem class


task1 = server.tasks.get_by_id('9f9e9d9c-8b8a-8f8e-7d7c-7b7a6f6d6e6d')



Runs the specified extract refresh task.

To run a extract refresh task you need to first lookup the task task_item (TaskItem class).

REST API: Run Extract Refresh Task


Name Description
task_item You can pass the method a task object.


Returns the REST API response.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('server')
# login, etc.

task = server.tasks.get_by_id('9f9e9d9c-8b8a-8f8e-7d7c-7b7a6f6d6e6d')



Deletes an extract refresh task.

REST API: Delete Extract Refresh Task


Name Description
task_id The task_id specifies the task to delete.


Error Description
Task ID undefined. Raises an exception if a valid task_id is not provided.




Using the TSC library, you can get information about all the users on a site, and you can add or remove users, or update user information.

The user resources for Tableau Server are defined in the UserItem class. The class corresponds to the user resources you can access using the Tableau Server REST API. The user methods are based upon the endpoints for users in the REST API and operate on the UserItem class.

UserItem class

UserItem(name, site_role, auth_setting=None)

The UserItem class contains the members or attributes for the view resources on Tableau Server. The UserItem class defines the information you can request or query from Tableau Server. The class members correspond to the attributes of a server request or response payload.


Name Description
auth_setting This is a required attribute and is only for Tableau Cloud. The new authentication type for the user - see User Auth below for values.
domain_name The name of the site.
external_auth_user_id Represents ID stored in Tableau’s single sign-on (SSO) system. The externalAuthUserId value is returned for Tableau Cloud. For other server configurations, this field contains null.
id The id of the user on the site.
last_login The date and time the user last logged in.
workbooks The workbooks the user owns or has Read (view) permissions. You must run the populate_workbooks method to add the workbooks to the UserItem.
email The email address of the user.
fullname The full name of the user.
name The name of the user. This attribute is required when you are creating a UserItem instance.
site_role The role the user has on the site. This attribute is required if you are creating a UserItem instance. See User Roles below for details.
groups The groups that the user belongs to. You must run the populate_groups method to add the groups to the UserItem.

User Auth

You can assign the following values for this attribute:

User Roles

The possible user roles for the site_role attribute are the following:

Note: If any operations related to a user’s site_role cause a 400 error response (for example: Invalid site role: 'Explorer' is malformed or is not a supported user role in this version of Tableau), ensure you are using the latest REST API version for your server.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('server')

# create a new UserItem object.
  newU = TSC.UserItem('Monty', 'Publisher')

  print(newU.name, newU.site_role)

Source file: models/user_item.py

Users methods

The Tableau Server Client provides several methods for interacting with user resources, or endpoints. These methods correspond to endpoints in the Tableau Server REST API.

Source file: server/endpoint/users_endpoint.py



Adds the user to the site.

To add a new user to the site you need to first create a new user_item (from UserItem class). When you create a new user, you specify the name of the user and their site role. For Tableau Cloud, you also specify the auth_setting attribute in your request. When you add user to Tableau Cloud, the name of the user must be the email address that is used to sign in to Tableau Cloud. After you add a user, Tableau Cloud sends the user an email invitation. The user can click the link in the invitation to sign in and update their full name and password.

REST API: Add User to Site


Name Description
user_item You can pass the method a request object that contains additional parameters to filter the request. For example, if you were searching for a specific user, you could specify the name of the user or the user’s id.


Returns the new UserItem object.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('server')
# login, etc.

# create a new UserItem object.
  newU = TSC.UserItem('Heather', 'Publisher')

# add the new user to the site
  newU = server.users.add(newU)
  print(newU.name, newU.site_role)



Returns information about the users on the specified site.

To get information about the workbooks a user owns or has view permission for, you must first populate the UserItem with workbook information using the populate_workbooks(user_item) method.

REST API: Get Users on Site


Name Description
req_options (Optional) You can pass the method a request object that contains additional parameters to filter the request. For example, if you were searching for a specific user, you could specify the name of the user or the user’s id.


Returns a list of UserItem objects and a PaginationItem object. Use these values to iterate through the results.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
    all_users, pagination_item = server.users.get()
    print("\nThere are {} user on site: ".format(pagination_item.total_available))
    print([user.name for user in all_users])



Returns information about the specified user.

REST API: Query User On Site


Name Description
user_id The user_id specifies the user to query.


Error Description
User ID undefined. Raises an exception if a valid user_id is not provided.


The UserItem. See UserItem class


  user1 = server.users.get_by_id('9f9e9d9c-8b8a-8f8e-7d7c-7b7a6f6d6e6d')



Returns the list of favorites (views, workbooks, and data sources) for a user.

Not currently implemented


users.populate_groups(user_item, req_options=None):

Returns the groups that the user belongs to.

REST API: Get Groups for a User


Name Description
user_item The user_item specifies the user to populate with group membership.


Error Description
User item missing ID. Raises an error if the user_item is unspecified.


A list of GroupItem

A PaginationItem that points (user_item.groups). See UserItem class


# first get all users, call server.users.get()
# get groups for user[0]

  page_n = server.users.populate_groups(all_users[0])
  print("\nUser {0} is a member of {1} groups".format(all_users[0].name, page_n.total_available))
  print("\nThe groups are:")
  for group in all_users[0].groups :



users.populate_workbooks(user_item, req_options=None):

Returns information about the workbooks that the specified user owns and has Read (view) permissions for.

This method retrieves the workbook information for the specified user. The REST API is designed to return only the information you ask for explicitly. When you query for all the users, the workbook information for each user is not included. Use this method to retrieve information about the workbooks that the user owns or has Read (view) permissions. The method adds the list of workbooks to the user item object (user_item.workbooks).

REST API: Query Workbooks for User


Name Description
user_item The user_item specifies the user to populate with workbook information.


Error Description
User item missing ID. Raises an error if the user_item is unspecified.


A list of WorkbookItem

A PaginationItem that points (user_item.workbooks). See UserItem class


# first get all users, call server.users.get()
# get workbooks for user[0]

  page_n = server.users.populate_workbooks(all_users[0])
  print("\nUser {0} owns or has READ permissions for {1} workbooks".format(all_users[0].name, page_n.total_available))
  print("\nThe workbooks are:")
  for workbook in all_users[0].workbooks :




Removes the specified user from the site.

REST API: Remove User from Site


Name Description
user_id The identifier (id) for the user that you want to remove from the server.


Error Description
User ID undefined Raises an exception if a valid user_id is not provided.


#  Remove a user from the site

#  import tableauserverclient as TSC
#  tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
#  server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

   with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):


users.update(user_item, password=None)

Updates information about the specified user.

The information you can modify depends upon whether you are using Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud, and whether you have configured Tableau Server to use local authentication or Active Directory. For more information, see Update User.

REST API: Update User


Name Description
user_item The user_item specifies the user to update.
password (Optional) The new password for the user.


Error Description
User item missing ID. Raises an error if the user_item is unspecified.


An updated UserItem. See UserItem class


#  import tableauserverclient as TSC
#  tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
#  server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

 with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):

  # create a new user_item
    user1 = TSC.UserItem('temp', 'Viewer')

  # add new user
    user1 = server.users.add(user1)
    print(user1.name, user1.site_role, user1.id)

  # modify user info
    user1.name = 'Laura'
    user1.fullname = 'Laura Rodriguez'
    user1.email = 'laura@example.com'

  # update user
    user1 = server.users.update(user1)
    print("\Updated user info:")
    print(user1.name, user1.fullname, user1.email, user1.id)


Using the TSC library, you can get information about views in a site or a workbook.

The view resources for Tableau Server are defined in the ViewItem class. The class corresponds to the view resources you can access using the Tableau Server REST API. The view methods are based upon the endpoints for views in the REST API and operate on the ViewItem class.

ViewItem class


The ViewItem class contains the members or attributes for the view resources on Tableau Server. The ViewItem class defines the information you can request or query from Tableau Server. The class members correspond to the attributes of a server request or response payload.

Source file: models/view_item.py


Name Description
content_url The name of the view as it would appear in a URL.
csv The CSV data of the view. You must first call the views.populate_csv method to access the CSV data.
id The identifier of the view item.
image The image of the view. You must first call the views.populate_imagemethod to access the image.
name The name of the view.
owner_id The ID for the owner of the view.
pdf The PDF of the view. You must first call the views.populate_pdf method to access the PDF content.
preview_image The thumbnail image for the view. You must first call the views.populate_preview_image method to access the preview image.
project_id The ID of the project that contains the view.
total_views The usage statistics for the view. Indicates the total number of times the view has been looked at.
workbook_id The ID of the workbook associated with the view.

Views methods

The Tableau Server Client provides methods for interacting with view resources, or endpoints. These methods correspond to the endpoints for views in the Tableau Server REST API.

Source file: server/endpoint/views_endpoint.py


views.get(req_options=None, usage=False)

Returns the list of views items for a site.

REST API: Query Views for Site


This endpoint is available with REST API version 2.0 and up.


Name Description
req_options (Optional) You can pass the method a request object that contains additional parameters to filter the request. For example, if you were searching for a specific view, you could specify the name of the view or its ID.
usage (Optional) If true (usage=True) returns the usage statistics for the views. The default is usage=False.


Returns a list of all ViewItem objects and a PaginationItem. Use these values to iterate through the results.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('username', 'password')
server = TSC.Server('https://servername')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
    all_views, pagination_item = server.views.get()
    print([view.name for view in all_views])

Example using Pager

You can also use the provided Pager generator to get all views on site, without having to page through the results.

for view in TSC.Pager(server.views):

See ViewItem class



Returns the details of a specific view.

REST API: Get View


This endpoint is available REST API version 3.1 and up.


Name Description
view_id The ID of the view to retrieve.


Returns a single ViewItem object.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('username', 'password')
server = TSC.Server('https://servername')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
    view = server.views.get_by_id('d79634e1-6063-4ec9-95ff-50acbf609ff5')

See ViewItem class



Populates a preview image for the specified view.

This method gets the preview image (thumbnail) for the specified view item. The method uses the id and workbook_id fields to query the preview image. The method populates the preview_image for the view.

REST API: Query View Preview Image


This endpoint is available with REST API version 2.0 and up.


Name Description
view_item Specifies the view to populate.


Error Description
View item missing ID or workbook ID Raises an error if the ID of the view or workbook is missing.


None. The preview image is added to view_item and can be accessed by its preview_image field.


# Sign in, get view, etc.

# Populate and save the preview image as 'view_preview_image.png'
with open('./view_preview_image.png', 'wb') as f:

See ViewItem class


views.populate_image(view_item, req_options=None)

Populates the image of the specified view.

This method uses the id field to query the image, and populates the image content as the image field.

REST API: Query View Image


This endpoint is available with REST API version 2.5 and up.


Name description
view_item Specifies the view to populate.
req_options (Optional) You can pass in request options to specify the image resolution (imageresolution) and the maximum age of the view image cached on the server (maxage). See ImageRequestOptions class for more details.


Error Description
View item missing ID Raises an error if the ID of the view is missing.


None. The image is added to the view_item and can be accessed by its image field.


# Sign in, get view, etc.

# Populate and save the view image as 'view_image.png'
with open('./view_image.png', 'wb') as f:

See ViewItem class


views.populate_csv(view_item, req_options=None)

Populates the CSV data of the specified view.

This method uses the id field to query the CSV data, and populates the data as the csv field.

REST API: Query View Data


This endpoint is available with REST API version 2.7 and up.


Name description
view_item Specifies the view to populate.
req_options (Optional) You can pass in request options to specify the maximum age of the CSV cached on the server. See CSVRequestOptions class for more details.


Error Description
View item missing ID Raises an error if the ID of the view is missing.


None. The CSV data is added to the view_item and can be accessed by its csv field.


# Sign in, get view, etc.

# Populate and save the CSV data in a file
with open('./view_data.csv', 'wb') as f:
	# Perform byte join on the CSV data

See ViewItem class


views.populate_pdf(view_item, req_options=None)

Populates the PDF content of the specified view.

This method populates a PDF with image(s) of the view you specify.

REST API: Query View PDF


This endpoint is available with REST API version 2.7 and up.


Name description
view_item Specifies the view to populate.
req_options (Optional) You can pass in request options to specify the page type and orientation of the PDF content, as well as the maximum age of the PDF rendered on the server. See PDFRequestOptions class for more details.


Error Description
View item missing ID Raises an error if the ID of the view is missing.


None. The PDF content is added to the view_item and can be accessed by its pdf field.


# Sign in, get view, etc.

# Populate and save the view pdf as 'view_pdf.pdf'
with open('./view_pdf.pdf', 'wb') as f:

See ViewItem class


Using the Tableau Server Client (TSC), you can create a new webhook, get a list of all the webhooks, get details about a specific webhook, or delete a webhook.

The webhook resource for Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud are defined in the WebhookItem class. The class corresponds to the webhook resources you can access using the Tableau REST API. For example, using REST API, you can gather information about a workbook, like the name of the Webbook, the event it is associated with, and the destination URL, and you can get the same information using TSC as well.

Tableau webhook REST API endpoints are available in REST API version 3.16 and later.

WebhookItem class

The WebhookItem represents the webhook resources on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. This is the information that can be sent or returned in response to a REST API request for webhooks.


Name Description
id The identifier (luid) for the webhook. You need this value to query a specific webhook with the get_by_id method or to delete a webhook with the delete method.
name The name of the webhook. You must specify this when you create an instance of the WebhookItem.
url The destination URL for the webhook. The webhook destination URL must be https and have a valid certificate. You must specify this when you create an instance of the WebhookItem.
event The name of the Tableau event that triggers your webhook.This is either api-event-name or webhook-source-api-event-name: one of these is required to create an instance of the WebhookItem. We recommend using the api-event-name.
The event name must be one of the supported events listed in the Trigger Events table.
owner_id The identifier of the owner of the webhook.


import tableauserverclient as TSC

# Create new Webhook_item

new_webhook = TSC.WebhookItem()

Source file: models/webhook_item.py

Webhook methods

The Tableau Server Client provides several methods for interacting with webhook resources, or endpoints. These methods correspond to endpoints in the Tableau REST API.

Source file: server/endpoint/webhooks_endpoint.py



Creates a new webhook on a specified site.

To create a webhook, you must first create a new instance of a WebhookItem and pass it to the create method.

To specify the site to create the new webhook in, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id) and sign in to that site. For more information on how to specify a site, see the TableauAuth class.

REST API: Create Webhook

Name Description
webhook_item Specifies the properties for the webhook. The webhook_item is the request package. To create a request package, create a new instance of WebhokItem. The WebhookItem includes the name, destination url, and the event or source. The event or source specifies the Tableau event that should be associated with the webhook.

Returns Returns the new webhook item.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVER')
# sign in . For authentication examples, see https://github.com/tableau/server-client-python/blob/master/samples/login.py

 # create a webhook item
 with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
    new_webhook = TSC.WebhookItem()
    new_webhook.name = 'testWebhook'
    new_webhook.event = "workbook-refresh-failed" # alternately, you can also use new_webhook.source="webhook-source-event-workbook-refresh-failed" 
    new_webhook.url = "https://webhook.site/6e4c957d-dd40-422c-8fc6-7151afe7fc0b"    
    # create the webhook
    new_webhook = server.webhooks.create(new_webhook)
  print("Webhook created. ID: {}".format(new_webhook.id))



Deletes a webhook by ID.

To specify the site, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id) and sign in to the site. For more information on how to specify a site, see the TableauAuth class.

REST API: Delete Webhook


Name Description
webhook_id The ID of the webhook to delete.


Error Description
Webhook ID undefined Raises an exception if a webhook_id is not provided.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVER')
# sign in . For authentication examples, see https://github.com/tableau/server-client-python/blob/master/samples/login.py

# Delete the webhook
with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):



Returns a list of all the webhooks for a site.
To specify the site, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id), and sign in to that site. For more information on how to specify a site, see the TableauAuth class.

REST API: List Webhooks


Name Description
req_option (Optional) You can pass themthod oa request object that contains additional parameters to filter the request. For example, you could specify the name of the webhook or the name of the owner. For more information, see Filter and Sort.


Returns a list of all ProjectItem objects and a PagainationItem. Use these values to iterate through the results.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVER')
# sign in . For authentication examples, see https://github.com/tableau/server-client-python/blob/master/samples/login.py

# get a list of all the webhooks on a site
with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
   all_webhooks, pagination_item = server.webhooks.get()

print("\nThere are {} webhooks on site: ".format(pagination_item.total_available))
print(["Webhook Name:"+ webhook.name+ ";" + "ID:" + webhook.id for webhook in all_webhooks])



Returns information about the specified workbook for a site.

To specify the site, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id), and sign in to that site. For more information on how to specify a site, see the TableauAuth class.


Name Description
webhook_id The ID of the webhook. The ID is a luid.


Error Description
Webhook ID undefined Raises an exception if a webhook_id is not provided.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVER')
# sign in . For authentication examples, see https://github.com/tableau/server-client-python/blob/master/samples/login.py

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
  webhook = server.webhooks.get_by_id ('7d60d364-b9f5-4a9c-8aa5-4bdaa38c5dd3')
print (webhook.name, webhook.url)

Additional Resources


Using the TSC library, you can get information about a specific workbook or all the workbooks on a site, and you can publish, update, or delete workbooks.

The project resources for Tableau are defined in the WorkbookItem class. The class corresponds to the workbook resources you can access using the Tableau REST API. The workbook methods are based upon the endpoints for projects in the REST API and operate on the WorkbookItem class.

WorkbookItem class

 WorkbookItem(project_id, name=None, show_tabs=False)

The workbook resources for Tableau are defined in the WorkbookItem class. The class corresponds to the workbook resources you can access using the Tableau REST API. Some workbook methods take an instance of the WorkbookItem class as arguments. The workbook item specifies the project


Name Description
connections The list of data connections (ConnectionItem) for the data sources used by the workbook. You must first call the workbooks.populate_connections method to access this data. See the ConnectionItem class.
content_url The name of the data source as it would appear in a URL.
created_at The date and time when the data source was created.
description The user-defined description of the workbook
id The identifier for the workbook. You need this value to query a specific workbook or to delete a workbook with the get_by_id and delete methods.
name The name of the workbook.
owner_id The ID of the owner.
preview_image The thumbnail image for the view. You must first call the workbooks.populate_preview_image method to access this data.
project_id The project id.
project_name The name of the project.
size The size of the workbook (in megabytes).
show_tabs (Boolean) Determines whether the workbook shows tabs for the view.
hidden_views (Optional) List of string names of views that need to be hidden when the workbook is published.
tags The tags that have been added to the workbook.
updated_at The date and time when the workbook was last updated.
views The list of views (ViewItem) for the workbook. You must first call the workbooks.populate_views method to access this data. See the ViewItem class.
webpage_url The full URL of the workbook.


# creating a new instance of a WorkbookItem
import tableauserverclient as TSC

# Create new workbook_item with project id '3a8b6148-493c-11e6-a621-6f3499394a39'

 new_workbook = TSC.WorkbookItem('3a8b6148-493c-11e6-a621-6f3499394a39')

Source file: models/workbook_item.py

Workbook methods

The Tableau Server Client (TSC) library provides methods for interacting with workbooks. These methods correspond to endpoints in the Tableau Server REST API. For example, you can use the library to publish, update, download, or delete workbooks on the site. The methods operate on a workbook object (WorkbookItem) that represents the workbook resources.

Source files: server/endpoint/workbooks_endpoint.py



Queries the server and returns information about the workbooks the site.

REST API: Query Workbooks for Site


Name Description
req_options (Optional) You can pass the method a request object that contains additional parameters to filter the request. For example, if you were searching for a specific workbook, you could specify the name of the workbook or the name of the owner. See Filter and Sort


Returns a list of all WorkbookItem objects and a PaginationItem. Use these values to iterate through the results.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('username', 'password', site_id='site')
server = TSC.Server('https://servername')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
  all_workbooks_items, pagination_item = server.workbooks.get()  
  # print names of first 100 workbooks
  print([workbook.name for workbook in all_workbooks_items])



Returns information about the specified workbook on the site.

REST API: Query Workbook


Name Description
workbook_id The workbook_id specifies the workbook to query. The ID is a LUID (64-bit hexadecimal string).


Error Description
Workbook ID undefined Raises an exception if a workbook_id is not provided.


The WorkbookItem. See WorkbookItem class


workbook = server.workbooks.get_by_id('1a1b1c1d-2e2f-2a2b-3c3d-3e3f4a4b4c4d')


workbooks.publish(workbook_item, file_path, publish_mode, connections, skip_connection_check, as_job)

Publish a workbook to the specified site.

Note: The REST API cannot automatically include extracts or other resources that the workbook uses. Therefore, a .twb file that uses data from an Excel or csv file on a local computer cannot be published, unless you package the data and workbook in a .twbx file, or publish the data source separately.

For workbooks that are larger than 64 MB, the publish method automatically takes care of chunking the file in parts for uploading. Using this method is considerably more convenient than calling the publish REST APIs directly.

REST API: Publish Workbook, Initiate File Upload, Append to File Upload


Name Description
workbook_item The workbook_item specifies the workbook you are publishing. When you are adding a workbook, you need to first create a new instance of a workbook_item that includes a project_id of an existing project. The name of the workbook will be the name of the file, unless you also specify a name for the new workbook when you create the instance. See WorkbookItem.
file The file path or file object of the workbook to publish. When providing a file object, you must also specifiy the name of the workbook in your instance of the workbook_itemworkbook_item , as the name cannot be derived from the file name.
mode Specifies whether you are publishing a new workbook (CreateNew) or overwriting an existing workbook (Overwrite). You cannot appending workbooks. You can also use the publish mode attributes, for example: TSC.Server.PublishMode.Overwrite.
connections List of ConnectionItems objects for the connections created within the workbook.
skip_connection_check (Optional) Set to True to skip connection check at time of upload. Publishing will succeed but unchecked connection issues may result in a non-functioning workbook. Defaults to False.
as_job (Optional) Set to True to run the upload as a job (asynchronous upload). If set to True a job will start to perform the publishing process and a Job object is returned. Defaults to False.


Error Description
File path does not lead to an existing file. Raises an error of the file path is incorrect or if the file is missing.
Invalid mode defined. Raises an error if the publish mode is not one of the defined options.
Workbooks cannot be appended. The mode must be set to Overwrite or CreateNew.
Only .twb or twbx files can be published as workbooks. Raises an error if the type of file specified is not supported.

See the REST API Publish Workbook for additional error codes.


The WorkbookItem for the workbook that was published.


import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('username', 'password', site_id='site')
server = TSC.Server('https://servername')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
    # create a workbook item
    wb_item = TSC.WorkbookItem(name='Sample', project_id='1f2f3e4e-5d6d-7c8c-9b0b-1a2a3f4f5e6e')
    # set hidden views
    wb_item.hidden_views = ['Sheet1', 'Sheet2']
    # call the publish method with the workbook item
    wb_item = server.workbooks.publish(wb_item, 'SampleWB.twbx', 'Overwrite')



Refreshes the extract of an existing workbook.

REST API: Update Workbook Now


Name Description
workbook_item The workbook_item specifies the settings for the workbook you are refreshing.


Error Description
Workbook item missing ID. Workbook must be retrieved from server first. Raises an error if the workbook_item is unspecified. Use the workbooks.get() or workbooks.get_by_id() methods to retrieve the workbook item from the server.

import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('username', 'password', site_id='site')
server = TSC.Server('https://servername')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):

    # get the workbook item from the site
    workbook = server.workbooks.get_by_id('1a1b1c1d-2e2f-2a2b-3c3d-3e3f4a4b4c4d')

    # call the update method
    workbook = server.workbooks.refresh(workbook)
    print("\nThe data of workbook {0} is refreshed.".format(workbook.name))



Modifies an existing workbook. Use this method to change the owner or the project that the workbook belongs to, or to change whether the workbook shows views in tabs. The workbook item must include the workbook ID and overrides the existing settings.

REST API: Update Workbooks


Name Description
workbook_item The workbook_item specifies the settings for the workbook you are updating. You can change the owner_id, project_id, and the show_tabs values. See WorkbookItem.


Error Description
Workbook item missing ID. Workbook must be retrieved from server first. Raises an error if the workbook_item is unspecified. Use the workbooks.get() or workbooks.get_by_id() methods to retrieve the workbook item from the server.

import tableauserverclient as TSC
tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth('username', 'password', site_id='site')
server = TSC.Server('https://servername')

with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):

    # get the workbook item from the site
    workbook = server.workbooks.get_by_id('1a1b1c1d-2e2f-2a2b-3c3d-3e3f4a4b4c4d')
    print("\nUpdate {0} workbook. Project was {1}".format(workbook.name, workbook.project_name))

    # make an change, for example a new project ID
    workbook.project_id = '1f2f3e4e-5d6d-7c8c-9b0b-1a2a3f4f5e6e'

    # call the update method
    workbook = server.workbooks.update(workbook)
    print("\nUpdated {0} workbook. Project is now {1}".format(workbook.name, workbook.project_name))



Deletes a workbook with the specified ID.

To specify the site, create a TableauAuth instance using the content URL for the site (site_id), and sign in to that site. See the TableauAuth class.

REST API: Delete Workbook


Name Description
workbook_id The ID of the workbook to delete.


Error Description
Workbook ID undefined. Raises an exception if the project item does not have an ID. The project ID is sent to the server as part of the URI.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC
# server = TSC.Server('https://MY-SERVER')
# tableau_auth sign in, etc.



workbooks.download(workbook_id, filepath=None, no_extract=False)

Downloads a workbook to the specified directory (optional).

REST API: Download Workbook


Name Description
workbook_id The ID for the WorkbookItem that you want to download from the server.
filepath (Optional) Downloads the file to the location you specify. If no location is specified, the file is downloaded to the current working directory. The default is Filepath=None.
no_extract (Optional) Specifies whether to download the file without the extract. When the workbook has an extract, if you set the parameter no_extract=True, the extract is not included. You can use this parameter to improve performance if you are downloading workbooks that have large extracts. The default is to include the extract, if present (no_extract=False). Available starting with Tableau Server REST API version 2.5.


Error Description
Workbook ID undefined Raises an exception if a valid datasource_id is not provided.


The file path to the downloaded workbook.


  file_path = server.workbooks.download('1a1b1c1d-2e2f-2a2b-3c3d-3e3f4a4b4c4d')
  print("\nDownloaded the file to {0}.".format(file_path))



Populates (or gets) a list of views for a workbook.

You must first call this method to populate views before you can iterate through the views.

This method retrieves the view information for the specified workbook. The REST API is designed to return only the information you ask for explicitly. When you query for all the data sources, the view information is not included. Use this method to retrieve the views. The method adds the list of views to the workbook item (workbook_item.views). This is a list of ViewItem.

REST API: Query Views for Workbook


Name Description
workbook_item The workbook_item specifies the workbook to populate with views information. See WorkbookItem class.


Error Description
Workbook item missing ID. Workbook must be retrieved from server first. Raises an error if the workbook_item is unspecified. You can retrieve the workbook items using the workbooks.get() and workbooks.get_by_id() methods.


None. A list of ViewItem objects are added to the workbook (workbook_item.views).


# import tableauserverclient as TSC

# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

# get the workbook item
  workbook = server.workbooks.get_by_id('1a1b1c1d-2e2f-2a2b-3c3d-3e3f4a4b4c4d')

# get the view information

# print information about the views for the work item
  print("\nThe views for {0}: ".format(workbook.name))
  print([view.name for view in workbook.views])




Populates a list of data source connections for the specified workbook.

You must populate connections before you can iterate through the connections.

This method retrieves the data source connection information for the specified workbook. The REST API is designed to return only the information you ask for explicitly. When you query all the workbooks, the data source connection information is not included. Use this method to retrieve the connection information for any data sources used by the workbook. The method adds the list of data connections to the workbook item (workbook_item.connections). This is a list of ConnectionItem.

REST API: Query Workbook Connections


Name Description
workbook_item The workbook_item specifies the workbook to populate with data connection information.


Error Description
Workbook item missing ID. Workbook must be retrieved from server first. Raises an error if the workbook_item is unspecified.


None. A list of ConnectionItem objects are added to the data source (workbook_item.connections).


# import tableauserverclient as TSC

# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')

# get the workbook item
  workbook = server.workbooks.get_by_id('1a1b1c1d-2e2f-2a2b-3c3d-3e3f4a4b4c4d')

# get the connection information

# print information about the data connections for the workbook item
  print("\nThe connections for {0}: ".format(workbook.name))
  print([connection.id for connection in workbook.connections])




This method gets the preview image (thumbnail) for the specified workbook item.

The method uses the view.id and workbook.id to identify the preview image. The method populates the workbook_item.preview_image.

REST API: Query View Preview Image


Name Description
view_item The view item specifies the view.id and workbook.id that identifies the preview image.


Error Description
View item missing ID or workbook ID Raises an error if the ID for the view item or workbook is missing.


None. The preview image is added to the view.


# import tableauserverclient as TSC

# server = TSC.Server('https://SERVERURL')


  # get the workbook item
  workbook = server.workbooks.get_by_id('1a1b1c1d-2e2f-2a2b-3c3d-3e3f4a4b4c4d')

  # add the png thumbnail to the workbook item


workbooks.update_connection(workbook_item, connection_item)

Updates a workbook connection information (server address, server port, user name, and password).

The workbook connections must be populated before the strings can be updated. See workbooks.populate_connections

REST API: Update Workbook Connection


Name Description
workbook_item The workbook_item specifies the workbook to populate with data connection information.
connection_item The connection_item that has the information you want to update.


None. The connection information is updated with the information in the ConnectionItem.


# query for workbook connections

# update connection item user name and password
connection = workbook.connections[0]
connection.username = 'USERNAME'
connection.password = 'PASSWORD'

# call the update method
server.workbooks.update_connection(workbook, connection)


workbooks.populate_pdf(workbook_item, req_options=None)

Populates the PDF content of the specified workbook.

This method populates a PDF with image(s) of the workbook view(s) you specify.

REST API: Download Workbook PDF


This endpoint is available with REST API version 3.4 and up.


Name description
workbook_item Specifies the workbook to populate.
req_options (Optional) You can pass in request options to specify the page type and orientation of the PDF content, as well as the maximum age of the PDF rendered on the server. See PDFRequestOptions class for more details.


Error Description
Workbook item missing ID Raises an error if the ID of the workbook is missing.


None. The PDF content is added to the workbook_item and can be accessed by its pdf field.


# Sign in, get view, etc.

# Populate and save the workbook pdf as 'workbook_pdf.pdf'
with open('./workbook_pdf.pdf', 'wb') as f: