Evaluate Endpoint

POST /evaluate

Executes a block of code, replacing named parameters with their provided values. The Evaluate endpoint is where all of the analysis using the service is done.

Username and password values that have been configured in Tableau are passed to the Analytics Extension using the HTTP headers of calls to the /evaluate method.

The POST body is a JSON dictionary with two elements:

Table Calculation Example: curl -X POST http://localhost:9004/evaluate -d '{"data": {"_arg1": 1, "_arg2": 2}, "script": "return _arg1 + _arg2"}'

Table Extension Example: curl -X POST http://localhost:9004/evaluate -d '{"data": {"_arg1": {"Name": ["Bob", "Alice"], "Score": [1, 2]}, "script": "return _arg1"}'

For more information, see https://tableau.github.io/analytics-extensions-api/docs/ae_api_ref.html#post-evaluate.