Prerequisites for Installing TabMon

In this section:

To install TabMon on your system please ensure that you have the following:

System Requirements

Configure Tableau Server

Open Tableau Server JMX ports:

  1. Open command line as administrator

  2. Navigate to Tableau Server Bin Folder

  3. Run the following tabadmin commands:

Tableau Server 2018.1 and Older
    tabadmin set service.jmx_enabled true

    tabadmin stop

    tabadmin configure

    tabadmin start
Tableau Server 2018.2+
    tsm configuration set -k service.jmx_enabled -v true
    tsm pending-changes apply

Configure the Tableau Server “readonly” user:

This step is only required if you want to use the “What’s Going On?” dashboard in the provided sample workbook. TabMon does not actually utilize this user account in any way.

  1. Open command line as administrator

  2. Navigate to Tableau Server Bin Folder

  3. Run the following tabadmin commands

Tableau Server 2018.1 and Older
    tabadmin dbpass --username readonly [Password here]

    tabadmin restart
Tableau Server 2018.2+
    tsm data-access repository-access enable --repository-username readonly --repository-password <PASSWORD>