LogShark Workbook - TabadminController

In this section:

What is it?

The TabadminController Logshark plugin parses the tabadmincontroller, tabadminagent and process control logs for Tableau Server and provides a set of dashboards for a visual analysis of errors and timelines associated with jobs in a Tableau Server environment.

Important Notes:

When to use it?

How to use it?

Jobs Timeline

Jobs Timeline view shows an overview of each asynchronous job captured by the tabadmincontroller logs, synchronous jobs are not captured. Note: Synchronous jobs are not displayed in this view ( i.e. licensing, configuration changes. etc.).

Use Cases:

General use for identifying when some common TSM tasks were performed. Helpful in determining frequency of common task failures vs successes.


Job ID+: Filter by job ID or see errors presented

Note: Hovering over a mark will display tooltip with associated log entry.

TabadminContriller Jobs Timeline Screenshot

Errors & Warnings

Use Cases:

Helpful in sorting out which errors occurred during a timeframe. Frequency of errors/warning messages and message. Could be useful when investigating communication issues between tabadmincontroller/tabadminagent and other processes.


Admin Users Activity

User Logins: Displays a graphical representation of which users logged in for TSM. Some detail can be provided regarding whether the user was using the CLI or TSM U/I.

Config Changes: Displays a graphical timeline representation of configuration changes which are logged in the tabadmincontroller logs. Note: As we do not log all the configuration changes and often do not log the values for these changes in the tabadmincontroller logs, this view will be able to show some of the config information (cold) values during a start or restart. This may change in the future.

Build History: Displays a graphical representation of the build number from the folder path captured in the tabadmincontroller logs. Note: In most cases, there will likely only be one build number present, unless the logs cover an upgrade period.

Use Cases:

Helpful when attempting to identify timeframes for administrator logins/changes, upgrade timeframes, tracking some configuration updates.


Config Parameters Changing: Can use a wildcard filter for specific config parameters.

TabadminController Admin Users Activity Screenshot

Maintenance Logs

Common maintenance steps log: Graphical representation of maintenance tasks performed and the final status of those tasks.

Use Cases:

Helpful when investigating possible issues with backup jobs, determine when cleanups were performed, ziplogs taken as part of larger investigations.

Dropdown Filters:

Action: Allows filtering the view to only show specific maintenance actions presented in the logs (i.e. Ziplogs, Backup, Cleanup, etc.)

TabadminController Maintenance Logs