Publish LogShark Results to Tableau Server

If you want to publish the workbooks to Tableau Server instead of the default \Output folder, you need to modify the <LogShark_install_location>\Config\LogSharkConfig.json file and use the -p or --publishworkbooks option when you run LogShark. Here is the syntax to use.

LogShark <LogSetLocation> Options -p

In this section:

Update Config

  1. You will need to update the <LogShark_install_location>\Config\LogSharkConfig.json file. Change the <TableauServer> settings to match your Tableau Server configuration.
  "TableauServer": {
    "Url": "<EnterServerUrlHere>",
    "Site": "<EnterSiteNameHere>",
    "Username": "<EnterUsernameHere>",
    "Password": "<EnterPasswordHere>",
    "Timeout": 240,
    "GroupsToProvideWithDefaultPermissions": [],
    "ParentProject": {
      "Id": "",
      "Name": ""
  1. The Server Url attribute should contain full URL address or IP address of the computer (for example, https://myServer).

  2. To publish workbooks, the user account you specify must exist on the Tableau Server (and the site) with Publisher permissions and the permissions to create projects. (Site Administrator role will be the easiest option).

  3. If you don’t want to store username and password in the config file, you can use the command line to specify them. To see a full list of the available command parameters go to LogShark Command Options.

LogShark <LogSetLocation> <RunId> --publishworkbooks --username "myUserName" --password "myPassword"

Publish Workbooks

  1. Specify the -p or --publishworkbooks option when you run LogShark.
LogShark <LogSetLocation> <RunId> --publishworkbooks
  1. Navigate to your Tableau Server. The URL for your workbooks would look like the following:


    The generated workbooks are organized in project folders. The default name of a project is Timestamp-MachineName-FileName, where Timestamp is the time stamp that indicates when the logs were processed, MachineName is the name of the computer where LogShark was run, and FileName is the name of the archive file. The project contains all the workbooks for the archive file. If you want to replace MachineName-FileName portion with your own RunID, please see instructions on the Configure and Customize LogShark page.

  2. Navigate to projects folder you are interested in and double-click the Tableau workbook you want to view. For information about all the plugins and workbooks, see LogShark Plugins and Generated Workbooks

Publishing into Sub-projects on Tableau Server

If you want to publish logs into sub-projects on Tableau Server, you can do so easily by specifying either ParentProject or ID variable in the config file. (You only need to provide one or of the other. If you provided both, ID is used.) Make sure that the project folder already exists on the site.

ID variable is GUID of the project. You can get it using Tableau Rest API. You only really ever need to use ID if the name of the project you want to use is present more than once on the site.

If neither name nor id specified (default) - LogShark created projects at the root of the site.

Please note that the sub-projects will inherit the parent project’s permissions settings.

"ParentProject": {
  "Id": "",
  "Name": ""

Set permissions for workbooks

You can give a specific user group permissions to the workbooks generated by LogShark by specifying the user group in the parameter GroupsToProvideWithDefaultPermissions in the config file. The specified user group will be added in addition to all the default permissions.

Note that you need to have admin priveledges to be able to do that.

   "GroupsToProvideWithDefaultPermissions": [ "myUserGroup" ],