LogShark Command Options

Full usage can be viewed at any time by invoking LogShark --help.  The only required argument is the log set location, which can be either an archive (zip file), a directory, or a logset hash.

LogShark command syntax

   LogShark <i>LogSetLocation</i> <i>RunId</i> [<i>Options</i>]

<LogSetLocation> - Location of the logs to process (zip file or unzipped folder)

<RunId> - Unique identifier to use for output of this run (i.e. SaturdayOutageLogs). If not specified

Options Description
–force-run-id LogShark prefixes RunId with timestamp even if RunId provided by the user. This flag prevents timestamps from being added to user-supplied RunId. In this case, you are responsible for providing unique RunId for each run
–password Tableau server password
–pg-db-conn-string Connection string for output database for postgres writer
–pg-db-host Output database hostname for postgres writer
–pg-db-name Output database name for postgres writer
–pg-db-pass Output database password for postgres writer
–pg-db-user Output database username for postgres writer
-plugins all, --plugins <plugin1>;<plugin2>... (Default: All) List of plugins to run, to specify more than one plugin, list them separated by a semicolon, no spaces. Or “All” to run all applicable plugins. See LogShark plugins and generated workbooks
–site Tableau server site name
–url Tableau server URL
–username Tableau server username
–workbookname Custom workbook name to append to the end of each workbook generated.
-?, -h, –help Show help information
-a, –append-to Append this run results to the results from a specified run id. Implementation varies by output writer. See Visualize Historical Trends of Your Logs for more info
-c, –config Specify alternative config file to use. By default <LogShark_Install_location.\Config\LogSharkConfig.json is used
-l, –listplugins Lists the LogShark plugins available for use with --plugins parameter
-p, –publishworkbooks (Default: False) Publish resulting workbooks to Tableau Server
-w, --writer <WRITER> Select type of output writer to use (i.e. “csv”, “postgres, “sql”, etc)