Dependency Injection
Migration SDK uses .NET Dependency Injection (DI) to manage required service dependencies.
Dependency Retrieval and Management
The entry point for DI is the IServiceProvider interface. This acts as a container to retrieve registered services and manage their lifetimes.
Dependency Lifetimes
Service lifetimes are controlled by the ServiceLifetime enum. These are automatically applied using IServiceCollection.AddSingleton/AddScoped/AddTransient
extension methods.
Dependency Registration
Individual services are registered using an IServiceCollection instance. This instance is a collection of registered services that is built to create an IServiceProvider instance for service retrieval and management.
Migration SDK Dependency Injection
IServiceCollectionExtensions.AddTableauMigrationSdk is the main method used to register default Migration SDK services. This call is required to set up the dependencies required by the SDK.
Scoped services are used to isolate services, for example for source and destination API clients.
Sample Code
The sample below shows a console application that initializes the Migration SDK using dependency injection. The full code is available in the DependencyInjection.ExampleApplication
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DependencyInjection.ExampleApplication.Hooks.Filters;
using DependencyInjection.ExampleApplication.Hooks.Mappings;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Tableau.Migration;
namespace DependencyInjection.ExampleApplication
public static class Program
// Update the values here to filter the service output.
private static readonly IEnumerable<Type>? DisplayFilter = null; // new[] { typeof(ProjectsFilter), typeof(ProjectMapping) };
public static async Task Main()
// Initialize a new service collection
var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection()
// Register the default migration-related services.
// Set up logging to redirect to the console.
// Register a singleton service.
// Register a scoped filter.
/// Register a scoped mapping.
// Display the services in the collection.
// Build the service provider (container) instance to manage services.
// Dependencies will be retrieved from this instance.
await using var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
// Verify the services are configured correctly.
await VerifyServicesAsync(serviceProvider);
private static async Task VerifyServicesAsync(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
// Create a scope to access our scoped services.
await using var scope1 = serviceProvider.CreateAsyncScope();
// Retrieve some services from our scoped provider...
var scope1Singleton = scope1.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<SingletonService>();
var scope1Filter1 = scope1.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ProjectsFilter>();
var scope1Mapping1 = scope1.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ProjectMapping>();
var scope1Filter2 = scope1.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ProjectsFilter>();
var scope1Mapping2 = scope1.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ProjectMapping>();
// Create another scope to access our scoped services.
await using var scope2 = serviceProvider.CreateAsyncScope();
// Retrieve some services from our scoped provider...
var scope2Singleton = scope1.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<SingletonService>();
var scope2Filter = scope2.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ProjectsFilter>();
var scope2Mapping = scope2.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ProjectMapping>();
// Because the SingletonService was registered as a singleton,
// requests across scopes will return the same instance.
Assert.SameReferences(scope1Singleton, scope2Singleton);
// Because we registered these services as scoped, other requests for the service
// within the same scope will return the initial instance.
Assert.SameReferences(scope1Filter1, scope1Filter2);
Assert.SameReferences(scope1Mapping1, scope1Mapping2);
// Because we are accessing services from a different scope, the instances
// returned here will be different from the first scope.
Assert.DifferentReferences(scope1Filter1, scope2Filter);
Assert.DifferentReferences(scope1Mapping1, scope2Mapping);