Welcome to the Python API Reference for the Migration SDK.
The Migration SDK is written in .NET. It has a Python wrapper package that provides access to most of this functionality.
With the Python API, you can:
- Provide basic configuration values to the Migration SDK via the PlanBuilder.
- Set configuration options as described in Configuration with environment variables.
- Configure Python logging.
- Run a migration using python.
- Write Python hooks. See Custom Hooks for an overview.
Current limitations
There are advanced features of the Migration SDK that the Python Wrapper cannot currently access:
- Override
classes and methods to change how the SDK works.
Examples to get started
The following code samples are for writing a simple migration app using the Migration SDK. For details on configuring and customizing the Migration SDK to your specific needs, see Articles and Code Samples.
# This application performs a basic migration using the Tableau Migration SDK.
# By default all supported content will be migrated, but can be modified to your specific needs.
# The application assumes you have already installed the Tableau Migration SDK Python package.
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import configparser # configuration parser
import os # environment variables
import tableau_migration # Tableau Migration SDK
from print_result import print_result
from threading import Thread # threading
from tableau_migration import (
serializer = MigrationManifestSerializer()
def migrate():
"""Performs a migration using Tableau Migration SDK."""
# Get the absolute path of the current file
current_file_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
manifest_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(current_file_path), 'manifest.json')
plan_builder = tableau_migration.MigrationPlanBuilder()
migration = tableau_migration.Migrator()
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
# Build the plan.
plan_builder = plan_builder \
server_url = config['SOURCE']['URL'],
site_content_url = config['SOURCE']['SITE_CONTENT_URL'],
access_token_name = config['SOURCE']['ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME'],
access_token = os.environ.get('TABLEAU_MIGRATION_SOURCE_TOKEN', config['SOURCE']['ACCESS_TOKEN']),
create_api_simulator = os.environ.get('TABLEAU_MIGRATION_SOURCE_SIMULATION', 'False') == 'True') \
pod_url = config['DESTINATION']['URL'],
site_content_url = config['DESTINATION']['SITE_CONTENT_URL'],
access_token_name = config['DESTINATION']['ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME'],
access_token = os.environ.get('TABLEAU_MIGRATION_DESTINATION_TOKEN', config['DESTINATION']['ACCESS_TOKEN']),
create_api_simulator = os.environ.get('TABLEAU_MIGRATION_DESTINATION_SIMULATION', 'False') == 'True') \
.for_server_to_cloud() \
.with_tableau_id_authentication_type() \
# TODO: add filters, mappings, transformers, etc. here.
# Load the previous manifest file if it exists.
prev_manifest = load_manifest(f'{manifest_path}')
# Validate the migration plan.
validation_result = plan_builder.validate()
# TODO: Handle errors if the validation fails here.
plan =
# Run the migration.
results = migration.execute(plan, prev_manifest)
# Save the manifest file., f'{manifest_path}')
# TODO: Handle results here.
print("All done.")
def load_manifest(manifest_path: str) -> MigrationManifest | None:
"""Loads a manifest if requested."""
manifest = serializer.load(manifest_path)
if manifest is not None:
while True:
answer = input(f'Existing Manifest found at {manifest_path}. Should it be used? [Y/n] ').upper()
if answer == 'N':
return None
elif answer == 'Y' or answer == '':
return manifest
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create a thread that will run the migration and start it.
migration_thread = Thread(target = migrate)
done = False
# Create a busy-wait loop to continue checking if Ctrl+C was pressed to cancel the migration.
while not done:
done = True
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Ctrl+C was caught, request migration to cancel.
print("Caught Ctrl+C, shutting down...")
# This will cause the Migration SDK to cleanup and finish,
# which will cause the thread to finish.
# Wait for the migration thread to finish and then quit the application.
done = True