API reference


class Workbook(filename):

The Workbook class represents a tableau workbook. It may be either a TWB or TWBX, and the library will handle packaging and unpackaging automatically.


filename takes a string representing the path to the workbook file.


TableauVersionNotSupportedException if the workbook is not a supported version. TableauInvalidFileException if the file is not a valid tableau workbook file.


Workbook.save(self): Saves any changes to the workbook to the existing file.

Workbook.save_as(self, new_filename): Saves any changes to the workbook to a new file specified by the new_file parameter.


self.worksheets: Returns a list of worksheets found in the workbook.

self.datasources: Returns a list of Datasource objects found in the workbook.

self.filename: Returns the filename of the workbook.

self.shapes Returns a list of strings with the names of shapes found in the workbook.

self.dashboards: Returns a list of strings with the names of the dashboards found in the workbook


class Datasource(dsxml, filename=None)

A class representing Tableau Data Sources, embedded in workbook files or in TDS files.




Datasource.save(self) Saves any changes to the datasource to the existing file.

Datasource.save_as(self) Saves any changes to the datasource to a new file specified by the new_file parameter.

Datasource.add_field(self, name, datatype, role, field_type, caption) Adds a base field object with the given values.

Datasource.remove_field(self, field) Remove a given field.

Datasource.add_calculation(self, caption, formula, datatype, role, type) Adds a calculated field with the given values.


self.name Returns string with the name of datasource.

self.version Returns string of datasource’s version.

self.caption Returns string of user defined name of datasource if exists.

self.connections Returns list of connections used in workbook.

self.fields Returns key-value result of field name and their attributes.

self.calculations Returns calculated field of the workbook.


class Connection(connxml)

The Connection class represents a tableau data connection. It can be from any type of connection found in dbclass.py via is_valid_dbclass





self.server: Returns a string containing the server.

self.dbname: Returns a string containing the database name.

self.username: Returns a string containing the username.

self.dbclass: Returns a string containing the database class.

self.port: Returns a string containing the port.

self.query_band: Returns a string containing the query band.

self.initial_sql: Returns a string containing the initial sql.


class Field(column_xml=None, metadata_xml=None)

Represents a field in a datasource


Methods: Field.create_field_xml() Create field from scratch.

Field.add_alias(self, key, value) Add an alias for a given display value.


self.name Returns a string providing a nice name for the field which is derived from the alias, caption, or the id.

self.id Returns a string with name of the field as specified in the file, usually surrounded by [ ].

self.xml Returns a ElementTree object which represents an XML of the field.

self.caption Returns a string with the name of the field as displayed in Tableau unless an aliases is defined.

self.alias Returns a string with the name of the field as displayed in Tableau if the default name isn’t wanted.

self.datatype Returns a string with the type of the field within Tableau (string, integer, etc).

self.role Returns a string which identify field as a Dimension or Measure.

self.type Returns a string with type of field (quantitative, ordinal, nominal).

self.aliases Returns Key-value mappings of all aliases that are registered under this field.

self.is_quantitative Returns a boolean if field is quantitative.

self.is_ordinal Returns a boolean if field is categorical that has a specific order.

self.is_nominal Returns a boolean if field is categorical that does not have a specific order.

self.calculation Returns a string with the formula if this field is a calculated field.

self.default_aggregation Returns a string with he default type of aggregation on the field (e.g Sum, Avg).

self.description Returns a string with contents of the tag on a field.

self.worksheets Returns a list of strings with the worksheet’s names uses this field.