All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form
- add(boolean) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current field to the given boolean value.
- add(byte[]) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current field to the given byte array value.
- add(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current field to the given value.
- add(double) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current field to the given double value.
- add(float) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current field to the given float value.
- add(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current field to the given int value.
- add(long) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current field to the given long value.
- add(short) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current field to the given short value.
- add(Interval) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current INTERVAL field to the given value.
- add(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current field to the given String value.
- add(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current field to the given BigDecimal value.
- add(Instant) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMPTZ field to the given Instant value.
- add(LocalDate) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current DATE field to the given LocalDate value.
- add(LocalDateTime) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current TIMESTAMP field to the given value.
- add(LocalTime) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current TIME field to the given value.
- add(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current TIMESTAMPTZ field to the given value.
- add(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current TIMESTAMPTZ field to the given value.
- add(Date) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMPTZ field to the given java.util.Date value.
- addColumn(TableDefinition.Column) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Adds a column to the table definition.
- addColumn(String, SqlType) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Adds a column to the table definition.
- addColumn(String, SqlType, Nullability) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Adds a column to the table definition.
- addColumn(String, SqlType, String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Adds a column to the table definition.
- addColumn(String, SqlType, String, Nullability) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Adds a column to the table definition.
- addDate(int, int, int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current DATE field to the given value.
- addInterval(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current INTERVAL field to the given value.
- addNull() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current field to null.
- addTime(int, int, int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current TIME field to the given value.
- addTime(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current TIME field to the given value.
- addTimestamp(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Sets the current TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMPTZ field to the given value.
- attachDatabase(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Attaches a database to this connection.
- attachDatabase(String, Name) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Attaches a database to this connection under the alias databaseAlias.
- BIG_INT - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
bigint type
- bigInt() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the BIG_INT SQL type.
- bool() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the BOOL SQL type.
- BOOL - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
Bool type
- BoolByReference - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi.impl
Helper class that handles a bool by reference
- BoolByReference() - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.impl.BoolByReference
Construct a BoolByReference with the default value false.
- BoolByReference(boolean) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.impl.BoolByReference
Construct a BoolByReference.
- bytes() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the BYTES SQL type.
- BYTES - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
bytes type
- cancel() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Cancels the current query on this connection.
- Catalog - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
The catalog of a connection.
- CHAR - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
char type
- character(int) - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the CHAR SQL type.
- checksum(InputStream) - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperAPIUtil
Compute checksum of contents of input stream.
- close() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Closes this connection object, relinquishing the underlying native handle.
- close() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperProcess
Closes this Hyper process object, relinquishing the underlying native handle.
- close() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Closes the inserter and discards all data.
- close() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Closes this result object, relinquishing the underlying native handles.
- Column(Name, SqlType) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.ResultSchema.Column
Creates a column.
- Column(Name, SqlType) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Creates a column.
- Column(Name, SqlType, Nullability) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Creates a column.
- Column(Name, SqlType, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Creates a column.
- Column(Name, SqlType, String, Nullability) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Creates a column.
- Column(String, SqlType) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Creates a column.
- Column(String, SqlType, Nullability) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Creates a column.
- Column(String, SqlType, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Creates a column.
- Column(String, SqlType, String, Nullability) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Creates a column.
- ColumnMapping(Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter.ColumnMapping
Creates a column mapping.
- ColumnMapping(Name, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter.ColumnMapping
Creates a column mapping.
- ColumnMapping(String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter.ColumnMapping
Creates a column mapping.
- ColumnMapping(String, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter.ColumnMapping
Creates a column mapping.
- com.tableau.hyperapi - package com.tableau.hyperapi
This is the public Tableau Hyper API documentation version 0.0.21408
- com.tableau.hyperapi.impl - package com.tableau.hyperapi.impl
- compareTo(DatabaseName) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.DatabaseName
Compares this name with the other database name for order.
- compareTo(Interval) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Compares this interval with the specified interval for order.
- compareTo(Name) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Name
Compares this name with the specified name for order.
- compareTo(SchemaName) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Compares this name with the other schema name for order.
- compareTo(SqlType) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Compares this SQL type with the specified SQL type for order.
- compareTo(TableName) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Compares this name with the specified name for order.
- Connection - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
Defines a Hyper connection.
- Connection(Endpoint) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Connects to a hyper endpoint.
- Connection(Endpoint, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Connects to a hyper endpoint.
- Connection(Endpoint, String[]) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Connects to a hyper endpoint.
- Connection(Endpoint, String[], CreateMode, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Connects to a hyper endpoint.
- Connection(Endpoint, String, CreateMode) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Connects to a hyper endpoint.
- Connection(Endpoint, String, CreateMode, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Connects to a hyper endpoint.
- Connection(Endpoint, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Connects to a hyper endpoint.
- ContextId(int) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperException.ContextId
- CREATE - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.CreateMode
Create the database.
- CREATE_AND_REPLACE - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.CreateMode
Create and replace the database.
- CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.CreateMode
Create the database if it doesn't exist.
- createDatabase(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Creates a new database given the database file path.
- createDatabaseIfNotExists(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Creates a database if it doesn't exist yet; otherwise does nothing.
- CreateMode - Enum Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
Database creation behavior during connection establishing.
- createSchema(SchemaName) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Creates a schema.
- createSchemaIfNotExists(SchemaName) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Creates a schema if no schema with that name exists; otherwise does nothing.
- createTable(TableDefinition) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Creates a table.
- createTableIfNotExists(TableDefinition) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Creates a table if no table with that name exists; otherwise does nothing.
- DatabaseName - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
A database name.
- DatabaseName(Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.DatabaseName
Constructs a Database name from already properly escaped SQL Name
- DatabaseName(String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.DatabaseName
Constructs a properly escaped Database Name.
- date() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the DATE SQL type.
- DATE - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
date type
- detachAllDatabases() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Detaches all databases from this connection.
- detachDatabase(Name) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Detaches a database from this connection.
- DO_NOT_SEND_USAGE_DATA_TO_TABLEAU - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Telemetry
Disable sharing usage data with Tableau.
- DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
double type
- doublePrecision() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the DOUBLE PRECISION SQL type.
- dropDatabase(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Drops a database file.
- dropDatabaseIfExists(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Drops a database file if it exists; otherwise does nothing.
- Endpoint - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
An endpoint.
- Endpoint(String, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Endpoint
Creates an endpoint.
- endRow() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Advances the inserter to the next row.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.DatabaseName
Checks two names for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperServiceVersion
Checks two HyperServiceVersions for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Checks two intervals for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Name
Checks two names for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Checks two names for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Checks two SQL types for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Checks for equality.
- escapeName(String) - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Sql
Escapes a SQL name.
- escapeStringLiteral(String) - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Sql
Escapes a string literal for use in a SQL query.
- execute() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Executes the insert, closes the inserter.
- executeCommand(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Execute a SQL command and return the affected row count, if any.
- executeQuery(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Executes a SQL statement and return its result.
- executeScalarQuery(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Executes a scalar query that returns a single value.
- ExternalHyperAPISharedLibraryProvider - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi.impl
Shared library provider for the external Hyper API.
- ExternalHyperAPISharedLibraryProvider() - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.impl.ExternalHyperAPISharedLibraryProvider
- geography() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the GEOGRAPHY SQL type.
- GEOGRAPHY - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
Deprecated alias for `TABGEOGRAPHY`.
- getAffectedRowCount() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the number of rows affected by the SQL command.
- getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as BigDecimal.
- getBool(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as boolean.
- getByteArray(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as byte array.
- getCatalog() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Gets the catalog for this connection.
- getCause() - Method in exception class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperException
Returns the cause of the exception (if any).
- getCollation() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Returns the collation of the column.
- getColumn(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.ResultSchema
Returns the column at a specific position.
- getColumn(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Returns a column by position.
- getColumnByName(Name) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.ResultSchema
Retrieves the column named "columnName", if it exists.
- getColumnByName(Name) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Retrieves the column named "columnName", if it exists.
- getColumnByName(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.ResultSchema
Retrieves the column named "columnName", if it exists.
- getColumnByName(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Retrieves the column named "columnName", if it exists.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.ResultSchema
Returns the number of columns.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Returns the number of columns.
- getColumnName() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter.ColumnMapping
Returns the name of the column.
- getColumnPositionByName(Name) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.ResultSchema
Retrieves the column position for column named "columnName", if it exists.
- getColumnPositionByName(Name) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Retrieves the column position of a column named "columnName", if it exists.
- getColumnPositionByName(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.ResultSchema
Retrieves the column position for column named "columnName", if it exists.
- getColumnPositionByName(String) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Retrieves the column position of a column named "columnName", if it exists.
- getColumns() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.ResultSchema
Returns all columns.
- getColumns() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Returns all columns.
- getConnection() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Returns the underlying connection.
- getConnection() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the connection of the SQL statement that yielded this result.
- getConnectionDescriptor() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Endpoint
Gets the connection descriptor.
- getContextId() - Method in exception class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperException
Returns the context id.
- getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Gets the optional Database name prefix
- getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Gets the optional Database name prefix
- getDays() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Gets the days.
- getDouble(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as double.
- getEndpoint() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperProcess
Returns the endpoint descriptor of the Hyper process.
- getErrorMessage() - Method in exception class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperException
Deprecated.Use getMainMessage() instead. This function will be removed in the future.
- getExpression() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter.ColumnMapping
Returns the optional expression mapped to the column.
- getFloat(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as float.
- getHint() - Method in exception class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperException
Returns the hint message that was stored in the exception object.
- getHours() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Gets the hours.
- getInt(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as integer.
- getInternalOid() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the type oid.
- getInternalTypeModifier() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the internal type modifier.
- getInterval(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as interval.
- getLocalDate(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as local date.
- getLocalDateTime(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as local date time.
- getLocalTime(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as local time.
- getLong(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as long.
- getMainMessage() - Method in exception class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperException
Returns the message that was stored in the exception object.
- getMaxLength() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the maximum length of this type if it is CHAR or VARCHAR.
- getMessage() - Method in exception class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperException
Returns a detailed message string of this throwable.
- getMicroseconds() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Gets the microseconds.
- getMinutes() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Gets the minutes.
- getMonths() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Gets the months.
- getName() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.DatabaseName
Gets the database name
- getName() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.ResultSchema.Column
Returns the name of the column.
- getName() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Gets the Schema name without the optional Database name prefix
- getName() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Returns the name of the column.
- getName() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Gets the Schema name without the optional Schema name prefix
- getNullability() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Returns whether the column can store null values.
- getObject(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as Object.
- getOffsetDateTime(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as an offset date time in UTC.
- getPersistence() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Returns the persistence of the table.
- getPrecision() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the precision if this type is NUMERIC.
- getRaw(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as a raw value.
- getScale() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the scale if this type is NUMERIC.
- getSchema() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the schema of the result.
- getSchemaName() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Gets the optional Schema name prefix
- getSchemaNames() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Gets the names of all schemas in the first database in the database search path.
- getSchemaNames(Name) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Gets the names of all schemas in the specified database.
- getSeconds() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Gets the seconds.
- getSharedLibraryBaseName() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.impl.ExternalHyperAPISharedLibraryProvider
- getSharedLibraryBaseName() - Method in interface com.tableau.hyperapi.impl.SharedLibraryProvider
- getShort(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as short.
- getSqlState() - Method in exception class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperException
- getString(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as string.
- getTableDefinition() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Gets the table definition.
- getTableDefinition(TableName) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Returns the table definition if a table with the given name exists.
- getTableName() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Returns the name of the table.
- getTableNames(SchemaName) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Gets the names of all tables in the specified schema.
- getTag() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the type tag.
- getType() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.ResultSchema.Column
Returns the SQL type of the column.
- getType() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition.Column
Returns the type of the column.
- getTypeTag() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.ResultSchema.Column
Returns the type tag of the column.
- getUnescaped() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Name
Returns the original unescaped name.
- getUserAgent() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Endpoint
Gets the user agent.
- getValue() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperException.ContextId
Get the underlying value
- getValue() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.impl.BoolByReference
- getYears() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Gets the years.
- getZonedDateTime(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the value of column `position` for the current row as a zoned date time in UTC.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.DatabaseName
Computes a hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperServiceVersion
Computes a hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Computes a hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Name
Computes a hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Computes a hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Computes a hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Computes a hash code.
- hasTable(TableName) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Catalog
Returns whether a table with this name exists.
- HyperAPIUtil - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
Utility methods.
- HyperAPIUtil() - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperAPIUtil
- HyperException - Exception Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
Defines a
object that is thrown on failure by the functions in the Hyper API Java library. - HyperException.ContextId - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
A context id.
- HyperProcess - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
Defines a Hyper process.
- HyperProcess(Telemetry) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperProcess
Starts a new Hyper process trying to automatically locate the Hyper binary.
- HyperProcess(Telemetry, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperProcess
Starts a new Hyper process trying to automatically locate the Hyper binary.
- HyperProcess(Telemetry, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperProcess
Starts a new Hyper process trying to automatically locate the Hyper binary.
- HyperProcess(Path, Telemetry) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperProcess
Starts a new Hyper process using the given path to the Hyper executable.
- HyperProcess(Path, Telemetry, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperProcess
Starts a new Hyper process using the given path to the Hyper executable.
- HyperProcess(Path, Telemetry, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperProcess
Starts a new Hyper process using the given path to the Hyper executable.
- HyperServiceVersion - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
A Hyper Service version number of the form 'major.minor'.
- HyperServiceVersion(int, int) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperServiceVersion
Constructs a HyperServiceVersion
- Inserter - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
An inserter.
- Inserter(Connection, TableDefinition) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Creates an inserter for an existing table.
- Inserter(Connection, TableDefinition, String[]) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Creates an inserter for an existing table.
- Inserter(Connection, TableDefinition, List<Inserter.ColumnMapping>, List<TableDefinition.Column>) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Creates an inserter for an existing table.
- Inserter(Connection, TableName) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Creates an inserter for an existing table.
- Inserter(Connection, TableName, String[]) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Creates an inserter for an existing table.
- Inserter(Connection, TableName, List<Inserter.ColumnMapping>, List<TableDefinition.Column>) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Creates an inserter for an existing table.
- Inserter.ColumnMapping - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
Maps an expression to a column
- INT - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
int type
- integer() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the INT SQL type.
- interval() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the INTERVAL SQL type.
- Interval - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
An interval data type.
- Interval(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Creates an interval value from a number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds.
- INTERVAL - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
interval type
- isFullyQualified() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Returns whether the schema name is qualified i.e Whether the schema name has a database name prefix
- isFullyQualified() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Returns whether the table name is qualified i.e Whether the table name has a schema name prefix
- isNull(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Returns whether the value of column `position` is null for the current row.
- isOpen() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Returns whether the connection is open.
- isOpen() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperProcess
Returns whether the Hyper process is open.
- isOpen() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Inserter
Returns whether the inserter is open.
- isOpen() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Returns whether the result is open.
- isReady() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Connection
Checks whether the connection is ready, i.e., if the connection can be used.
- json() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the JSON SQL type.
- JSON - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
json type
- major - Variable in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperServiceVersion
The major part of the version number.
- minor - Variable in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperServiceVersion
The minor part of the version number.
- Name - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
A name.
- Name(String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Name
Constructs a properly escaped SQL name.
- nextRow() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Result
Gets the next row of the result.
- NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.CreateMode
Do not create the database.
- NOT_NULLABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Nullability
Column is not nullable
- Nullability - Enum Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
The nullability of a column.
- NULLABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Nullability
Column is nullable
- nullSafeDatabaseNameComparator - Static variable in class com.tableau.hyperapi.DatabaseName
The null safe comparator
- nullSafeSchemaNameComparator - Static variable in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
The null-safe Schema name comparator
- nullSafeTableNameComparator - Static variable in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
The null-safe table name comparator.
- numeric(int, int) - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the NUMERIC SQL type.
- NUMERIC - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
numeric type
- oid() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the OID SQL type.
- OID - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
OID type
- PERMANENT - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Persistence
A permanent table.
- Persistence - Enum Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
The persistence level of a table.
- real() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the REAL SQL type.
- Result - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
A query result.
- ResultSchema - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
The schema of a query result.
- ResultSchema.Column - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
A single column.
- SchemaName - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
A schema name.
- SchemaName(DatabaseName, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Constructs a properly escaped qualified SchemaName.
- SchemaName(DatabaseName, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Constructs a properly escaped qualified SchemaName.
- SchemaName(Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Constructs a properly escaped non-qualified SchemaName from a Name
- SchemaName(Name, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Constructs a properly escaped qualified SchemaName.
- SchemaName(Name, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Constructs a properly escaped qualified SchemaName.
- SchemaName(String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Constructs a properly escaped non-qualified SchemaName.
- SchemaName(String, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Constructs a properly escaped qualified SchemaName.
- SchemaName(String, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Constructs a properly escaped qualified SchemaName.
- SEND_USAGE_DATA_TO_TABLEAU - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Telemetry
Enable sharing usage data with Tableau.
- setPersistence(Persistence) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Sets the table persistence.
- setTableName(TableName) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Sets the table name.
- setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.impl.BoolByReference
- SharedLibraryProvider - Interface in com.tableau.hyperapi.impl
This service provider interface is used to provide the name of the shared library the API is loading.
- shutdown() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperProcess
Shuts down the Hyper process and waits for it to exit.
- shutdown(int) - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperProcess
Shuts down the Hyper process.
- SMALL_INT - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
smallint type
- smallInt() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the SMALL_INT SQL type.
- Sql - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
Helper utilities for SQL formatting.
- Sql() - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.Sql
- SqlType - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
A SQL type.
- tabgeography() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the TABGEOGRAPHY SQL type.
- TABGEOGRAPHY - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
tabgeography type
- TableDefinition - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
The schema of a table.
- TableDefinition(TableName) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Creates a new, empty
of permanent persistence. - TableDefinition(TableName, Persistence) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Creates a new, empty
with the given persistence. - TableDefinition(TableName, List<TableDefinition.Column>) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Creates a new
of permanent persistence with the given columns. - TableDefinition(TableName, List<TableDefinition.Column>, Persistence) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableDefinition
Creates a new
with the given columns and persistence. - TableDefinition.Column - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
A single column.
- TableName - Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
A table name.
- TableName(DatabaseName, Name, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- TableName(DatabaseName, Name, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- TableName(DatabaseName, String, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- TableName(DatabaseName, String, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- TableName(Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped non-qualified TableName from a Name
- TableName(Name, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped qualified TableName.
- TableName(Name, Name, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- TableName(Name, Name, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- TableName(Name, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped partly qualified TableName.
- TableName(Name, String, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- TableName(Name, String, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- TableName(SchemaName, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped partly qualified TableName.
- TableName(SchemaName, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped partly qualified TableName.
- TableName(String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped non-qualified TableName.
- TableName(String, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped partly qualified TableName.
- TableName(String, Name, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- TableName(String, Name, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- TableName(String, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped partly qualified TableName.
- TableName(String, String, Name) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- TableName(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Constructs a properly escaped fully qualified TableName.
- Telemetry - Enum Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
Hyper API usage data options.
- TEMPORARY - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Persistence
A temporary table.
- text() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the TEXT SQL type.
- TEXT - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
text type
- time() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the TIME SQL type.
- TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
time type
- timestamp() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the TIMESTAMP SQL type.
- TIMESTAMP - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
timestamp type
- TIMESTAMP_TZ - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
timestamptz type
- timestampTz() - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the TIMESTAMP_TZ SQL type.
- toString() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.DatabaseName
Gets a correctly escaped string representation of database name, which can be used in a SQL query to refer to the database entity
- toString() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.HyperServiceVersion
Get the string representation of the version number
- toString() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Interval
Gets a string representation that matches the ISO 8601 duration representation (https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations).
- toString() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.Name
Gets a correctly escaped string representation of this name, which can be used in a SQL query to refer to the named entity.
- toString() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SchemaName
Gets a correctly escaped string representation of this schema name, which can be used in a SQL query to refer to the schema
- toString() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Return a string representation of this SQL type that can be used in SQL statements.
- toString() - Method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.TableName
Gets a correctly escaped string representation of this schema name, which can be used in a SQL query to refer to the schema
- TypeTag - Enum Class in com.tableau.hyperapi
A SQL type tag.
- UNSUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
Unsupported type
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.CreateMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Nullability
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Persistence
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Telemetry
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.CreateMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Nullability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Persistence
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.Telemetry
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- varchar(int) - Static method in class com.tableau.hyperapi.SqlType
Returns the VARCHAR SQL type.
- VARCHAR - Enum constant in enum class com.tableau.hyperapi.TypeTag
varchar type
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