Class HyperProcess

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class HyperProcess
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.AutoCloseable
    Defines a Hyper process. This class starts Hyper and manages its lifetime.

    This is an AutoCloseable class since it maintains native resources. The Hyper process must always be closed when it is no longer needed. The best way to guarantee this is to use a try-with-resources block.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      HyperProcess​(Telemetry telemetry)
      Starts a new Hyper process trying to automatically locate the Hyper binary.
      HyperProcess​(Telemetry telemetry, java.lang.String userAgent)
      Starts a new Hyper process trying to automatically locate the Hyper binary.
      HyperProcess​(Telemetry telemetry, java.lang.String userAgent, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> parameters)
      Starts a new Hyper process trying to automatically locate the Hyper binary.
      HyperProcess​(java.nio.file.Path hyperPath, Telemetry telemetry)
      Starts a new Hyper process using the given path to the Hyper executable.
      HyperProcess​(java.nio.file.Path hyperPath, Telemetry telemetry, java.lang.String userAgent)
      Starts a new Hyper process using the given path to the Hyper executable.
      HyperProcess​(java.nio.file.Path hyperPath, Telemetry telemetry, java.lang.String userAgent, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> parameters)
      Starts a new Hyper process using the given path to the Hyper executable.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close()
      Closes this Hyper process object, relinquishing the underlying native handle.
      Endpoint getEndpoint()
      Returns the endpoint descriptor of the Hyper process.
      boolean isOpen()
      Returns whether the Hyper process is open.
      void shutdown()
      Shuts down the Hyper process and waits for it to exit.
      void shutdown​(int timeoutMs)
      Shuts down the Hyper process.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • HyperProcess

        public HyperProcess​(java.nio.file.Path hyperPath,
                            Telemetry telemetry,
                            java.lang.String userAgent,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> parameters)
        Starts a new Hyper process using the given path to the Hyper executable.
        hyperPath - The file path to the Hyper executable.
        telemetry - Whether to send telemetry to Tableau.
        userAgent - A user agent string, which will be used in telemetry and logging/
        parameters - Optional parameters for starting the Hyper process. The available parameters are documented in the Tableau Hyper documentation, chapter "Process Settings".
        HyperException - Thrown when starting the Hyper process fails.
      • HyperProcess

        public HyperProcess​(java.nio.file.Path hyperPath,
                            Telemetry telemetry,
                            java.lang.String userAgent)
        Starts a new Hyper process using the given path to the Hyper executable.
        hyperPath - The file path to the Hyper executable.
        telemetry - Whether to send telemetry to Tableau.
        userAgent - A user agent string, which will be used in telemetry and logging/
        HyperException - Thrown when starting the Hyper process fails.
      • HyperProcess

        public HyperProcess​(Telemetry telemetry,
                            java.lang.String userAgent,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> parameters)
        Starts a new Hyper process trying to automatically locate the Hyper binary.

        Tries to locate the Hyper binaries by locating the JAR file. The JAR file is assumed to reside in a libraries directory that contains the Hyper binaries in a "hyper" subfolder.

        telemetry - Whether to send telemetry to Tableau.
        userAgent - A user agent string, which will be used in telemetry and logging.
        parameters - Optional parameters for starting the Hyper process. The available parameters are documented in the Tableau Hyper documentation, chapter "Process Settings".
        HyperException - Thrown when starting the Hyper process fails.
      • HyperProcess

        public HyperProcess​(Telemetry telemetry,
                            java.lang.String userAgent)
        Starts a new Hyper process trying to automatically locate the Hyper binary.

        Tries to locate the Hyper binaries by locating the JAR file. The JAR file is assumed to reside in a libraries directory that is on the same level as a "bin" directory that contains the Hyper binaries in a "hyper" subfolder.

        telemetry - Whether to send telemetry to Tableau.
        userAgent - A user agent string, which will be used in telemetry and logging.
        HyperException - Thrown when starting the Hyper process fails.
      • HyperProcess

        public HyperProcess​(java.nio.file.Path hyperPath,
                            Telemetry telemetry)
        Starts a new Hyper process using the given path to the Hyper executable.
        hyperPath - The file path to the Hyper executable.
        telemetry - Whether to send telemetry to Tableau.
        HyperException - Thrown when starting the Hyper process fails.
      • HyperProcess

        public HyperProcess​(Telemetry telemetry)
        Starts a new Hyper process trying to automatically locate the Hyper binary.

        Tries to locate the Hyper binaries by locating the JAR file. The JAR file is assumed to reside in a libraries directory that is on the same level as a "bin" directory that contains the Hyper binaries in a "hyper" subfolder.

        telemetry - Whether to send telemetry to Tableau.
        HyperException - Thrown when starting the Hyper process fails.
    • Method Detail

      • shutdown

        public void shutdown​(int timeoutMs)
        Shuts down the Hyper process.

        If timeoutMs > 0ms, wait for Hyper to shut down gracefully. If the process is still running after a timeout of timeoutMs milliseconds, terminate the process forcefully and throw an exception.

        If timeoutMs < 0ms, wait indefinitely for Hyper to shut down.

        If timeoutMs == 0ms, immediately terminate Hyper forcefully. Does not throw if the process already exited with a non-zero exit code.

        timeoutMs - The timeout in milliseconds
        HyperException - Thrown if there was an error stopping the process, if the process was forcefully killed after the timeout, or if the process already exited with a non-zero exit code.
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Shuts down the Hyper process and waits for it to exit.
        HyperException - Thrown if there was an error stopping the process, if the process was forcefully killed after the timeout, or if the process already exited with a non-zero exit code.
      • getEndpoint

        public Endpoint getEndpoint()
        Returns the endpoint descriptor of the Hyper process. The descriptor is of the Tableau IPC form, e.g., "tab.tcp://[::1]:7483".
        The endpoint descriptor.
      • isOpen

        public boolean isOpen()
        Returns whether the Hyper process is open.
        Whether the Hyper process is open.
      • close

        public void close()
        Closes this Hyper process object, relinquishing the underlying native handle.
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable