Hyper API for C++ 0.0.21408
Hyper client library for C++ applications
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NhyperapiThe primary namespace of the Hyper API for C++
 Cbad_optional_accessSurrogate for C++17 std::bad_optional_access
 CByteSpanAn arbitrarily-sized binary value
 CCatalogThe catalog class gives access to the metadata of the attached databases of a connection
 CChunkA chunk of a result
 CChunkedResultIteratorIterates over a hyperapi::Result in hyperapi::Chunk
 CChunkIteratorIterates over a hyperapi::Chunk in rows (hyperapi::Row)
 CChunksA tag that makes a result iterable in chunks
 CColumnIteratorIterates over a hyperapi::Row in values (hyperapi::Value)
 CConnectionDefines a Hyper connection
 CContextIdA context id
 CDatabaseNameRepresents an escaped SQL database name
 CDateA date data value
 Craw_tMarker struct for the raw timestamp constructor
 CEndpointDescribes a network endpoint at which a Hyper server is accessible
 CHyperExceptionDefines an exception object that is thrown on failure by the functions in the Hyper API C++ library
 CHyperProcessDefines a Hyper process
 CHyperServiceVersionA Hyper Service version number of the form 'major.minor'
 CInserterAn inserter
 CColumnMappingMaps an expression to a column
 CIntervalAn interval data value
 CIteratorBeginTagA tag for an iterator-begin constructor
 CIteratorEndTagA tag for an iterator-end constructor
 CNameRepresents an escaped SQL name
 CNumericA fixed-point numeric data value with scale fraction digits and precision digits overall
 COffsetTimestampA timestamp data value with an offset to UTC
 Craw_tMarker struct for the raw timestamp constructor
 CoptionalSurrogate for C++17 std::optional
 CResultBase class for a result of a query
 CResultIteratorIterates over a hyperapi::Result in rows (hyperapi::Row)
 CResultSchemaA result schema
 CColumnA column of a result
 CRowA Row inside a chunk
 CSchemaNameRepresents an escaped SQL schema name
 CSqlTypeA Hyper SQL type
 Cstring_viewDescribes an object that can refer to a constant, contiguous sequence of char-like objects
 CTableDefinitionA table definition
 CColumnA Column of a table definition
 CTableNameRepresents an escaped SQL table name
 CTimeA time data value
 Craw_tMarker struct for the raw timestamp constructor
 CTimestampA timestamp data value
 Craw_tMarker struct for the raw timestamp constructor
 CValueA value inside a row