Hyper API for C++ 0.0.21408
Hyper client library for C++ applications
▼Nhyperapi | The primary namespace of the Hyper API for C++ |
Cbad_optional_access | Surrogate for C++17 std::bad_optional_access |
CByteSpan | An arbitrarily-sized binary value |
CCatalog | The catalog class gives access to the metadata of the attached databases of a connection |
CChunk | A chunk of a result |
CChunkedResultIterator | Iterates over a hyperapi::Result in hyperapi::Chunk |
CChunkIterator | Iterates over a hyperapi::Chunk in rows (hyperapi::Row ) |
CChunks | A tag that makes a result iterable in chunks |
CColumnIterator | Iterates over a hyperapi::Row in values (hyperapi::Value ) |
CConnection | Defines a Hyper connection |
CContextId | A context id |
CDatabaseName | Represents an escaped SQL database name |
▼CDate | A date data value |
Craw_t | Marker struct for the raw timestamp constructor |
CEndpoint | Describes a network endpoint at which a Hyper server is accessible |
CHyperException | Defines an exception object that is thrown on failure by the functions in the Hyper API C++ library |
CHyperProcess | Defines a Hyper process |
CHyperServiceVersion | A Hyper Service version number of the form 'major.minor' |
▼CInserter | An inserter |
CColumnMapping | Maps an expression to a column |
CInterval | An interval data value |
CIteratorBeginTag | A tag for an iterator-begin constructor |
CIteratorEndTag | A tag for an iterator-end constructor |
CName | Represents an escaped SQL name |
CNumeric | A fixed-point numeric data value with scale fraction digits and precision digits overall |
▼COffsetTimestamp | A timestamp data value with an offset to UTC |
Craw_t | Marker struct for the raw timestamp constructor |
Coptional | Surrogate for C++17 std::optional |
CResult | Base class for a result of a query |
CResultIterator | Iterates over a hyperapi::Result in rows (hyperapi::Row ) |
▼CResultSchema | A result schema |
CColumn | A column of a result |
CRow | A Row inside a chunk |
CSchemaName | Represents an escaped SQL schema name |
CSqlType | A Hyper SQL type |
Cstring_view | Describes an object that can refer to a constant, contiguous sequence of char-like objects |
▼CTableDefinition | A table definition |
CColumn | A Column of a table definition |
CTableName | Represents an escaped SQL table name |
▼CTime | A time data value |
Craw_t | Marker struct for the raw timestamp constructor |
▼CTimestamp | A timestamp data value |
Craw_t | Marker struct for the raw timestamp constructor |
CValue | A value inside a row |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< hyper_data128_t > | Specialization of std::hash for hyper_data128_t |
Chash< hyperapi::ByteSpan > | Specialization of std::hash for hyperapi::ByteSpan |
Chash< hyperapi::DatabaseName > | Specialization of std::hash for hyperapi::DatabaseName |
Chash< hyperapi::Numeric< p, s > > | Specialization of std::hash for hyperapi::Numeric |
Chash< hyperapi::SqlType > | Specialization of std::hash for hyperapi::SqlType |
Chash< hyperapi::string_view > | Specialization of std::hash for hyperapi::string_view |