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Submitting your Extension to the Tableau Exchange

You may be interested in sharing your extension for others to download and use in their dashboards. To submit your extension to the Tableau Exchange online, make sure you have the following components gathered.

Exchange Card

  • Extension Name
  • Extension Icon
  • Tagline

Exchange Page

  • Description
  • Developer Info
  • Featured Images

How to Submit your Extension


Exchange Card Example

This is what an extension looks like to a user while browsing the Tableau Exchange.

exchange card example

Extension NameThe name of your extension must clearly communicate what it does in one to three words. Use title case, making sure that each word starts with a capital letter. The name you use here must match the name you specified in the extension manifest file (.trex).
Extension IconThe icon for your extension will be displayed at a small size, so ensure that all the important visual elements of your icon are easily visible. Dimensions for the icon must be 280x280 pixels and uploaded as a .png file with transparency. Learn more about branding at Branding your Extension. Note that the icon you use here must look like the icon you include in the extension manifest file (.trex). The icon in the manifest file is used in the About dialog box for your extension. The icon in the manifest file is a 70x70 pixel .png file that is Base64 encoded.
TaglineThe tagline is one sentence that explains what the extension does. The maximum length is 96 characters. This tagline is also used within the extension configuration dialog. Learn more at Extension Components and Modes.


Exchange Page Example

Users reach pages like this when they want to know more about a particular extension.

exchange page example

DescriptionDescribe what your extension does in one paragraph. The description must describe how your extension works, how it might help with one’s workflow, or how it might enhance data insights.
Developer InfoTake credit for your work. Gather links, files, and/or contact info for the following items:
Policy: Privacy Policy (website link or PDF)
Usage: Terms of Service (website link or PDF), and terms of service
Support: Personal or company website, FAQ, PDF, and contact info for feedback and inquires
Version: Current version of your extension.
Featured ImagesYou can upload one to three images of your extension in action. Dimensions for the screenshots must be 1200x680 pixels and uploaded as .png files. Take caution that screenshots do not reveal any sensitive or confidential data.


How to Submit your Extension

To submit your extension to the Tableau Exchange, you must be added as a contributor on the Exchange. Contact the Tableau Exchange at for more information.

After completing your extension, you will need to provide the Exchange with your information and extension details. The extension name in the template needs to match the name you specified for your extension in the manifest file (.trex). The 280x280 pixel .png icon that you attach with your submission must look like the icon you included in your manifest file (they just have different dimensions). If you have any questions about the Tableau Exchange please send them to