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Tableau Extensions API Basics

The Tableau Extensions API is organized by namespaces. The type of extension you create determines the set of namespaces the extension will have access to.

Dashboard extensionsFor example, if you create and register a dashboard extension, the extension will have access to the dashboardContent namespace, which provides access to the dashboard object. When you have the dashboard object, you have access to all elements in the dashboard, including the worksheets, marks, filters, parameters, and data sources.
Viz extensionsIf you create and register a viz extension, the extension will have access to the worksheetContent namespace, which provides access to the worksheet object. When you have the worksheet object, you have access to all elements in the worksheet, including the marks, filters, parameters, and data sources.

The Extensions API Reference namespaces are like containers that comprise the classes and methods for communicating with Tableau components. At the highest-level, is the tableau namespace, which has no constructs, but contains the extensions namespace. The tableau namespace serves primarily as the overall container and keeps the global namespace clean.

The extensions namespace is the namespace for Tableau extensions. A dashboard extension is one type of extension. When a extension is registered as a dashboard extension, it has access to the dashboardContent namespace, and all of the objects and classes of the dashboard.

A viz extension is another type of extension. When a extension is registered as a viz extension, it has access to the worksheetContent namespace, and all of the objects and classes of the worksheet. A viz extension does not have access to the dashboardContent.

The type of extension you have registered determines what namespaces will be available. Some namespaces, like the settings, environment, and ui are available to all extensions.

The extensions namespace has one method initializeAsync() that is used to initialize the extension. When this method is called, it also triggers Tableau to configure the Extensions API. Like the Tableau JavaScript API, the Extensions API follows the CommonJS Promises/A standard for asynchronous method calls.

Registering and accessing dashboard extensions

The dashboard extension is one type of extension in the Tableau extensions namespace (and it is accessed using tableau.extensions). To register the extension, you declare the type of extension in the manifest file (.trex). For more information about what goes in the file, see Tableau Manifest File.

<dashboard-extension id="" extension-version="0.1.0">

After the extension is initialized, it provides access to the objects in the dashboard, but also has access to the namespaces that are common to all extensions. For example, you can use the tableau.extensions.environment to query the environment the dashboard is running in, or tableau.extensions.settings to set or get key-value pairs associated with a specific instance of the extension. That is, an extension that has been added to one dashboard can have different settings from another instance of the extension in another dashboard. The tableau.extensions.settings can be saved with the workbook, so you can configure the dashboard and the extension in specific ways and then share that configuration with others.

To access the objects in the dashboard, you specify the namespace reserved for dashboard extensions dashboardContent, which then gives you access to the dashboard object. For example, the following code snippet gets the array of worksheets in the dashboard.

window.onload = tableau.extensions.initializeAsync().then(async () => {
// Get the array of worksheets in the dashboard
const worksheets = tableau.extensions.dashboardContent.dashboard.worksheets;

// ...

Registering and accessing viz extensions

The viz extension is another type of extension in the Tableau extensions namespace (and it is accessed using tableau.extensions). To register the viz extension, you specify the extension as a worksheet-extension in the manifest file (.trex). For more information about what goes in the file, see Tableau Viz Manifest File.

<worksheet-extension id="" extension-version="0.1.0">

After the viz extension is initialized, it provides access to the objects in the worksheet, but also has access to the namespaces that are common to all extensions. For example, you can use the tableau.extensions.environment to query the environment the extension is running in, or tableau.extensions.settings to set or get key-value pairs associated with the extension. That is, an extension that has been added to one worksheet can have different settings from another instance of the extension in another worksheet. The tableau.extensions.settings can be saved with the workbook, so you can configure the viz extension in specific ways and then share that configuration with others.

To access the properties and methods in the worksheet, you specify the namespace used by viz extensions, worksheetContent, which then gives you access to the worksheet object. For example, the following code snippet gets the worksheet in the dashboard.

window.onload = tableau.extensions.initializeAsync().then(async () => {
// Get the worksheet that the Viz Extension is running in
const worksheet = tableau.extensions.worksheetContent.worksheet;
// ...


Using properties and methods in the dashboard and worksheet namespace

The Tableau Extensions API is similar to the Tableau Embedding API. The dashboard and worksheet class or namespace inherit from an abstract sheet class. You can use the Extensions API Reference to find the properties and methods that are available for dashboard and worksheet objects.

For example, after you access a worksheet object, you can use that worksheet to get properties. such as the name or size, or to call methods that get or apply filters, get data, or set or remove event listeners.

The following code fragment shows an example of setting an event listener addEventListener on a worksheet.

    // Add an event listener for the selection changed event on this sheet.
// Assigning the event type to a variable just to make the example fit on the page here.
const markSelection = tableau.TableauEventType.MarkSelectionChanged;
let unregisterEventHandlerFunction = worksheet.addEventListener( markSelection, myfunctionHandleSelectionEvent);

The following diagram shows the tableau namespace.