Workgroups Database


The following "data dictionary" provides information about the tables and views in the "workgroup" PostgreSQL database of the Tableau Server repository. This database provides persistent storage for Tableau Server and is primarily intended to support that application.

The purpose of most tables is described, along with the type and purpose of columns in the tables. Foreign key relations are noted in orange rows with links that take you from the table containing the foreign key to the primary key table. This is not an exhaustive description of all tables and fields in the database, but is provided here for those customers who want to query it for information about their Tableau Server usage. This information is provided with a caution that because the purpose of these tables and views is primarily to support Tableau Server, their structure and contents may change without warning and as a result, any custom views built from them may break.

Note: All timestamps are in UTC time.


Tables (these are available to the "readonly" user)

Table Name Description
api_tokensRecords for the api tokens
asset_key_markerRecords are used to flag a particular record in the asset_key_meta_data table.
asset_key_meta_dataEach record holds meta data for an asset encryption key.
asset_list_itemsContains the individual list entries that correspond to the lists defined in the asset_lists table.
asset_listsThis table supports the creation of various types of per-user lists. The actual list contents are listed in the asset_list_items table.
async_jobsRecords information about background tasks that are run in response to some user action (as opposed to being run on some schedule).
authorizable_permission_setsMany-to-many mapping table between authorizables and permission sets. An authorizable may have a permission set for every permission_set_class.
background_jobsRecords information about background tasks that are run by a Backgrounder process. These tasks are almost always run according to some schedule, but in a few cases they may also be triggered by some user actions.
background_jobs_cancelBG jobs for which cancellation has been requested
big_textsThis table serves as a convenient place to store a big text object, if necessary. It's kind of a utility table. This table is really just used for internal purposes.
capabilitiesHolds a relatively short list of capabilities. A user can be allowed certain capabilities either through being some sort of admin, or through owning something like a workbook or a project, or via entries in the next_gen_permissions table. Capabilities are things like read, write, export_data, publish, web_authoring, etc.
capability_rolesThis table serves primarily to associate roles with capabilities. A given role can have many capabilities, and a given capability can be associated with several roles.
column_assetsEach record represents a column asset that exists on Tableau Server.
comment_attachmentsAttachments for comments.
commentsComments users made on views.
content_sync_tokenEach record stores the checksum associated to a piece of content
content_usageInformation about operations performed on Server content.
customized_viewsWhen a user creates a customized view, the data that supports that goes in this table.
data_alertsEach record represents an alert. An alert is a predefined data conditions on a view, and if conditions are met all alert recipients get notified.
data_alerts_recipientsEach record represents the intent of recipient to be notified if an event is triggered.
data_connectionsDescribes various data sources that are included in either workbooks or datasources.
data_quality_indicatorsTable to store data quality indicators.
data_role_contents_associationRepresents the association between the data_role and other content types.
data_role_datasource_field_associationRepresents the association between the data_role and the field on a datasource
data_rolesEach record represents an entry of Semantics Service data role metadata.
database_asset_eventsUsed to store database_asset events stream.
database_assetsEach record represents a database that exists on Tableau Server.
datasource_eventsUsed to store datasource events stream.
datasource_fieldsDescribes datasource fields.
datasource_metrics_aggregationsEach record represents a partial aggregation of analytics for a given datasource in a given time interval. It is often necessary to sum across multiple rows to find a total for a given time interval.
datasource_refresh_propertiesExtension of datasources table for refresh properties (Online). This is 1-0/1 relationship to datasources table. It is a separate table since it contains Online-specific properties.
datasource_versionsDatasource versions saved on server.
datasourcesRecords all Published datasources on server.
desktop_reportingEach record represents a Tableau Desktop usage report.
domainsRecords represent either an Active Directory domain or an authenticate system.
dynamic_configsUsed for dynamic application configuration.
extensions_block_listTable which stores the block list of extensions on this server
extensions_eventsTable which stores the events of referenced extensions calculation service
extensions_instancesTable which stores referenced extensions information calculated from across the workbooks.
extensions_metadataTable which stores Metadata of Extensions.
extensions_safe_listTable which stores safe list of extensions that are configured for a given site.
extensions_site_settingsTable which stores the site specific settings for extensions
external_service_connectionsTable which stores the site specific settings for external service connections
external_service_site_settingsTable which stores the site level settings for external services
extract_sessionsExtracts that have active vizql sessions.
extractsEach record corresponds to a directory that contains one or more extract files associated with either a workbook or datasource.
field_indexabilityThe user-defined NLP indexability rules for fields in datasources
flow_draftsEach record represents a draft for a Tableau Prep flow that exists on Tableau Server.
flow_eventsEach row represents an event affecting a flow
flow_input_stepsEach record represents an individual input step from a published Tableau Prep flow.
flow_modelsEach row contains model metadata for a flow
flow_output_step_runsEach record represents a run of an output step of a flow. See flow_runs for per-flow run history.
flow_output_stepsEach record represents an individual output step from a published Maestro flow.
flow_run_errorsEach record represents an individual flow run error which has detailed information about the error
flow_run_spec_output_stepsEach record represents an individual output step in a flow run specification.
flow_run_specsEach record represents an individual specification about how a Tableau Prep flow should be run
flow_runsEach record represents a run of a flow. See flow_output_step_runs for per-output-step run history.
flow_runtime_ownersTable to keep track of flow/flow output step owner at flow run time. Used to calculate derived permission on flow outputs.
flow_versionsflow versions saved on server.
flowsEach record represents a Tableau Prep flow that exists on Tableau Server.
geocodingInformation about geocoding databases.
group_usersServes as a many to many linking mechanism between users and groups. A user can belong to multiple groups, and a group can contain multiple users.
groupsA grouping of users. Can be locally created or imported from Active Directory.
hist_capabilitiesRecords the most useful information about a capability that was relevant at the time of the event (see capabilities table).
hist_column_assetsRecords the most useful information about a column that was relevant at the time of the event (see column_assets table).
hist_commentsRecords the most useful information about a comment that was relevant at the time of the event (see comments table).
hist_configsCan be used to record information about configuration that was in effect at the time of the historical event.
hist_data_connectionsRecords the most useful information about a data connection that was relevant at the time of the event (see data_connections table).
hist_data_rolesRecords the most useful information about a data role that was relevant at the time of the event (see data_roles table).
hist_database_assetsRecords the most useful information about a database that was relevant at the time of the event (see database_assets table).
hist_datasourcesRecords the most useful information about a data source that was relevant at the time of the event (see datasources table).
hist_flowsRecords the most useful information about a flow that was relevant at the time of the event (see flows table).
hist_groupsRecords the most useful information about a group that was relevant at the time of the event (see groups table).
hist_licensing_rolesRecords the most useful information about a licensing role that was relevant at the time of the event (see licensing_roles table).
hist_metricsRecords the most useful information about a metric that was relevant at the time of the event (see metrics table).
hist_projectsRecords the most useful information about a project that was relevant at the time of the event (see projects table).
hist_remote_agentsRecords the most useful information about a remote agent that was relevant at the time of the event.
hist_schedulesRecords the most useful information about a schedule that was relevant at the time of the event (see schedules table).
hist_sitesRecords the most useful information about a site that was relevant at the time of the event (see sites table).
hist_table_assetsRecords the most useful information about a table that was relevant at the time of the event (see table_assets table).
hist_tagsRecords the most useful information about a tag that was relevant at the time of the event (see tags table).
hist_tasksRecords the most useful information about a task that was relevant at the time of the event (see tasks table).
hist_usersRecords the most useful information about a user and corresponding system_user that was relevant at the time of the event (see users and system_users tables).
hist_viewsRecords the most useful information about a view that was relevant at the time of the event (see views table).
hist_workbooksRecords the most useful information about a workbook that was relevant at the time of the event (see workbooks table).
historical_disk_usageRecords historical disk utilization by Tableau Server for storage monitoring.
historical_event_typesThe types of historical events which can be recorded.
historical_eventsThis table is the heart of the cluster of tables devoted to historical event auditing. For each event, a record is created on this table. The type of event is indicated through historical_event_type_id, which links to the historical_event_types table. Other information relevant to the event is linked through some of the other id fields in this table. Note these links go to other hist* tables, which allows the event to refer to things that might have since been deleted from the regular tables.
http_requestsEach record represents a request received by Tableau Server.
id__ad_identity_storesIdentities for Active Directory identity stores.
id__identity_store_instancesInstances of identity stores.
id__identity_store_typesTypes of identity stores.
id__ldap_identity_storesIdentities for LDAP identity stores.
id__local_identity_storesIdentities for Local identity stores.
identity_based_activation_reportingLogin-based License Management (LBLM) - NOTE: For any custom vizzes or reporting, it is recommended instead to use the View identity_based_activation_admin_view. In this table each row contains important dates with regard to ATR Issuing and Login-based License Usage for a given User, Site, Device and Product combination.
identity_based_activation_user_role_changeLogin-based License Management (LBLM) - NOTE: For any custom vizzes or reporting, it is recommended instead to use the View identity_based_activation_admin_view. This table tracks site role creator changes for each given user on a given site.
language_prefsContains a listing of information about languages for which Tableau Server has been localized.
lens_content_relationshipsRepresents the relationship between the lens and other content types.
lens_datasource_associationsRepresents the association between the lens and the source datasources for a lens.
lens_fieldsTable to store fields associated with lenses
lensesRepresents the table for storing lenses.
licensing_rolesLists the various possible licensing scenarios. (Unlicensed, Guest, Viewer, or Interactor).
local_namesContains translations of certain words or phrases that are relevant to some Tableau Server database constructs.
materialize_views_job_sos_directoryEach row in the table is a mapping of a workbook id and revision in a materialize views job to the sos directories that the job requires.
materialized_viewsThis table stores the materialized views for queries in workbooks.
materialized_views_bloom_filtersThis table stores the bloom filters indicating materialized sites/workbooks.
materialized_views_connectionsThis table stores the information required to fetch materialized views files from the server where they are stored.
materialized_views_metadataThis table stores the metadata for the materialized view service.
materialized_views_object_statusThis table stores the materialized views state configuration for objects for which the feature is enabled.
mentionsMentions for comments.
metric_metrics_aggregationsEach record represents a partial aggregation of analytics for a given metric in a given time interval. It is often necessary to sum across multiple rows to find a total for a given time interval.
metricsEach record represents a Metric.
metrics_definitionEach record represents a metrics definition.
metrics_snapshotEach record represents a metrics snapshot.
metrics_snapshot_deltaEach record represents a metrics snapshot delta.
metrics_viewEach record represents a metrics view.
mobile_enrollmentsKeeps track of most recent time a user has been enrolled for a mobile device. User will typically be enrolled onto server by logging into server through the mobile client. A user may be enrolled under multiple devices if the devices have different attributes (pixel width, pixel height, pixel ratio)
most_recent_refreshesmost recent refresh data for alerts
most_recent_subscription_runsmost recent subscription runs data for suspend subscriptions
mru_list_entriesHolds most recently used list entries. The records here are linked to the lists to which they belong. Those lists are defined in the mru_lists table.
mru_listsMost recently used lists by user. The actual list contents are in the mru_list_entries table.
next_gen_permissionsThis table provides a flexible means of describing which users and groups have been granted which capabilities, on which things. Be aware that permissions is a complex topic and that this table does not contain all relevant information about permissions. For example, some permissions are given, automatically, to owners of workbooks or projects.
nlp_suggested_questionsSuggested questions
nlp_suggestion_groupsSuggested question groups
oauth_request_tokensTable of tokens used for OAuth authorization requests.
oauth_service_code_verifiersShort lived storage for the code verifier used in PKCE requests.
password_tokensTokens issued to client through link in email which can be redeemed to change their password
pdf_subscription_optionsUsed to store different PDF layout options.
pending_search_update_itemsThis table represents an item that is associated with a pending_search_update.
permission_reasonsWhen calculating effective permissions in the perm_users_*_capabilities functions, this table maps the integer precedence of the effective permission rule to the varchar effective permission reason. The integer precedence is internal to the stored procedures. The effective permission reason is returned to callers.
permission_set_classesRepresents a class of permission sets. Generally 1-to-1 with capabilities.
permission_set_itemsRepresents a single next_gen_permission in a permission_set. The columns mirror the next_gen_permissions table.
permission_setsRepresents a common set of permissions used by multiple authorizables.
permissions_templatesThis table provides a flexible means of describing which users and groups will be granted which capabilities by default, on non-overwrite publishes of workbooks and datasources. Be aware that permissions is a complex topic and that this table does not contain all relevant information about permissions. For example, some permissions are given, automatically, to owners of workbooks or projects.
pkce_tokensProof Key for Credential Exchange (RFC 7636) short-lived storage.
projectsEach row of the table corresponds to a project on Tableau Server.
projects_contentsTable which stores the contents of projects
published_connection_extract_infosTable contains user created extract info
published_connection_revisionsTable conatains user created published connections for all revisions
published_connection_tablesTable contains metadata info for tables and fields from the user created published_connection_database
published_connectionsEach record represents a Published Connection.
recommendations_dismissed_viewsViews dismissed by user in context of viz recommendations
recycle_bin_content_typesContent Type lookup table for Recycle Bin.
recycle_bin_contentsTable storing all items in the Recycle Bin.
refresh_token_devicesDevices that have been issued at least one refresh token
refresh_tokensTokens issued to clients which can be redeemed by the client for access to the server
remote_agentsRegistry of remote agents (Online). Remote agents are programs installed on customer PC and executing tasks on a behalf of a customer. The first example of agent is Tableau Data Sync. It is running in background on customer desktop and performing automatic data source refreshes based on schedules defined by customers.
repository_dataThis table forms the link between other tables that need to store "large object" data, and the large object storage, itself.
resource_holder_typesInformation about entities which can hold on to resources. For instance workbook is such an entity, it can reference a geocoding database and keep it alive.
resource_typesInformation about resources which are used by some server entities. For instance geocoding databases are such resources, a workbook can reference a geocoding database and keep it alive.
resource_usageInformation about resources by tableau server entities, for example which geocoding databases are used by which workbooks.
rolesThis table contains records corresponding to various classifications of users. It should really be viewed in conjuction with the capabilities and capability_roles tables. Taken together, these tables associate different roles with different sets of capabilities. The capabilities sets serve as templates when creating content.
saml_assertions_metadataRecords for the saml assertions
schedulesRecords in this table define a schedule according to which certain regular tasks may be performed (see tasks table). They also indicate the next time at which the schedule will be triggered.
schema_migrationsThis table tracks which database migrations have been applied to this database.
semantics_service_data_source_eventsStores the last data source event processed by semantics service
serial_collectionsRecords in this table represent groups of background jobs that should not be run simultaneously.
server_scoped_metadata_node_propertiesTable to store properties of a node.
sessionsSettings associated with a user's browser session.
share_actionsTable storing share actions.
share_contentsTable storing shared content (view/workboook/etc).
share_deleted_sharersTable storing deleted sharers backed up details (e.g. name). Needed because we do not cascade delete sharing action after sharer was deleted.
share_recipientsTable storing share recipients (users/groups/etc).
share_single_user_optionsTable storing single user options on shared content (does not change the content itself).
sheet_imagesServes as a cache for all the sheet images generated by server.
site_logoscustom logo image metadata for sites
site_oidc_configurationsDefines the OpenID Connect IdP associated with a site.
site_rolesLists the various possible user site roles.
site_saml_configurationsDefines the SAML IdP associated with a site.
site_saml_eventsLog table for all SAML actions.
site_saml_sessionsRecords the user sessions authenticated by the SiteSAML service.
site_saml_usersUsers that are allowed to use Per Site SAML authentication.
site_scoped_metadata_node_propertiesTable to store properties of a node.
site_user_prefsSite user preferences.
sitesEach record represents a site. Each site holds its own workbooks, datasources, users, etc. Strict isolation between the contents of each site is maintained.
sos_blob_datatable to store sos file types as binary data
sos_virtual_folder_entriesEach record represents a file in a virtual folder currently tracked in Simple Object Storage.
sos_virtual_foldersEach record represents a virtual folder currently tracked in Simple Object Storage.
ss_custom_value_conceptsThe table to hold value concepts used by semantics service
ss_field_conceptsThe table to hold field concepts used by semantics service
ss_object_conceptsThe table to hold object concepts used by semantics service
ss_ontologiesThe table to hold ontologies used by semantics service
subscription_messagesThis table represent a subscription email message.
subscriptionsEach record represents a subscription.
subscriptions_customized_viewsThis table is used to link various customized views to the subscriptions in which those customized views must be generated and emailed.
subscriptions_viewsThis table is used to link various views to the subscriptions in which those views must be generated and emailed.
subscriptions_workbooksThis table is used to link various workbooks to the subscriptions in which those workbooks must have views generated and emailed.
synonymsThe table to hold the synonyms for fields of datasources
system_user_identitiesIdentity to SystemUser mappings.
system_user_migration_conflictsConflicts when migrating system_user identities.
system_user_migration_conflicts_identity_dataIdentity information related to ambiguous results when migrating system_user identities.
system_usersEach record represents a user of the server. These records correspond to login identity. A single system_user may potentially be able to login to multiple sites. The linkage between a system_user and their allowed sites is defined through the "users" table.
table_asset_eventsUsed to store table_asset events stream.
table_asset_sourcesUsed to store mappings between tables and their source.
table_assetsEach record represents a table asset that exists on Tableau Server.
taggingsAssociates tags with taggable items.
tagsEach tag is a string value. A given tag can be associated with many taggable items in a site.
tasksServes to connect schedules with background tasks that should be run on that schedule. The schedule is defined in the schedules table, while the task is defined by type.
tds_datasource_model_fieldsFields of datasource models.
tds_datasource_modelsModel of the datasource.
trusted_ticketsThis table lists trusted tickets that have been created. Tickets that are redeemed are deleted once used, hence can only be used once. Tickets that are never redeemed become invalid after the time given by "expires_at" and are eventually deleted from the table automatically.
user_default_customized_viewsDefines what customized view a user should see for a given view, by default.
user_imagesRepresents images for each associated system user.
user_notification_recipientsHolds metadata for all user notification recipients on the server.
user_notificationsHolds metadata for all user notifications on the server.
user_onboardingsThis table stores onboarding information for tableau features based on system user ids
user_prefsContains a variety of preferences for the various system users.
usersEach record links a system_users record to a site. The user's site specific settings are captured here.
value_synonymsThe user defined synonyms associated with values of fields in datasources
view_metrics_aggregationsEach record represents a partial aggregation of analytics for a given view in a given time interval. It is often necessary to sum across multiple rows to find a total for a given time interval.
viewsEach records represents a view in a workbook.
views_statsThis table is used to track how many times each user has accessed different views.
viz_snapshotsThis table represents a snapshots of viz.
viz_statesThis table represents a snapshot of the state of a viz.
webhooksHolds metadata for all registered webhooks on the server.
workbook_checksumsThis table provides a set of checksums associated with a workbook which can be used to validate existence of a workbook based on its checksum.
workbook_eventsUsed to store workbook events stream.
workbook_exportsEach row in the table corresponds to a cached pdf file.
workbook_versionsWorkbook versions saved on server.
workbooksEach record represents a workbook that exists on the server.

Views (these are available to both the "tableau" and the "readonly" users)

View Name Description
_background_tasksThis view combines the important contents of both the background_jobs table and the async_jobs table to give an overall picture of jobs that were given to a backgrounder process.
_commentsComments users made on views.
_customized_viewsWhen a user creates a customized view, the data that supports that goes in the customized_views table, and is reflected in this view.
_datasourcesShows all Published datasources on server, along with some associated information.
_datasources_statsSome historical useage information about datasources. Based on the records that exist in the historical events tables.
_groupsA grouping of users. Can be locally created or imported from Active Directory. Reflects the contents of the groups table and associated tables.
_http_requestsEach record represents a request received by Tableau Server. Reflects data in the http_requests table.
_projectsEach row of the table corresponds to a project on Tableau Server.
_schedulesRecords define a schedule according to which certain regular tasks may be performed (see tasks table). They also indicate the next time at which the schedule will be triggered.
_sessionsSettings associated with a user's browser session.
_sitesEach record represents a site. Each site holds its own workbooks, datasources, users, etc. Strict isolation between the contents of each site is maintained.
_subscriptionsEach record provides information about subscriptions that are scheduled. Subscriptions are a mechanism for receiving specified content by email on some schedule.
_system_usersEach record represents a user of the server. These records correspond to login identity. A single system_user may potentially be able to login to multiple sites. The linkage between a system_user and their allowed sites is defined through the "users" table.
_tagsEach tag is a string value. A given tag can be associated with many taggable items in a site.
_usersInformation relating to users.
_viewsEach records represents a view in a workbook.
_views_statsUsed to track how many times each user has accessed different views.
_workbooksEach record represents a workbook that exists on the server.
identity_based_activation_admin_viewLogin-based License Management (LBLM) - Database view to faciliate Admin Server and Site Views for Login-based License Usage Reporting.
users_viewEach record corresponds to a user on the system. The data presented is a combination of user data and data from the linked system_user.
api_tokens: Records for the api tokens
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
token_idcharacter varyingA unique identifier for the record.
client_namecharacter varyingThe client name for this api token.
hashed_secrettextThe hashed_secret for this api token.
user_idintegerA foreign key refrence to the user.
created_timestamptimestamp with time zoneThe time this token was created.
revoked_timestamptimestamp with time zoneThe time this token was revoked.
scopecharacter varyingString containing the scope name
asset_key_marker: Records are used to flag a particular record in the asset_key_meta_data table.
idintegerArtificial auto-incrementing integer that serves as the primary key
asset_key_idintegerThe id of the asset_key_meta_data record being marked.
marker_namecharacter varyingThe type of marker.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this records was last updated.
asset_key_meta_data: Each record holds meta data for an asset encryption key.
idintegerArtificial auto-incrementing integer that serves as the primary key.
algorithm_namecharacter varyingThe algorithm used in conjunction with this key.
saltcharacter varyingThe salt used in the test string.
test_stringcharacter varyingAn encrypted version of a well-known test string
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was last updated.
asset_list_items: Contains the individual list entries that correspond to the lists defined in the asset_lists table.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from asset_list_id on this table to id on table, asset_lists
idintegerPrimary key for the record
asset_list_idintegerA foreign key reference to the asset list to which this item belongs.
useable_typecharacter varyingOne of "View" or "Workbook". The type of object that this item corresponds to.
useable_idintegerKind of an informal "polymorphic" foreign key reference to either the corresponding view or workbook as determined by the useable_type field. Dead links might exist, where the corresponding item has been deleted.
positionintegerControls the order in which the items are displayed.
added_timestamptimestamp without time zoneTimestamp of when the row was added to the table. For rows that already existed, use the timestamp of the migration.
useable_luiduuidThe luid of the useable item. Not used for favorites, but used for other list types.
asset_lists: This table supports the creation of various types of per-user lists. The actual list contents are listed in the asset_list_items table.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record
namecharacter varyingThis is what the type of list is called.
owner_idintegerForeign key to the user for whom this list was defined.
site_idintegerForeign key to the site to which the user belongs.
descriptioncharacter varyingDescription of an asset list.
visibilitycharacter varyingVisibility of asset list, valid values are public or private.
list_typecharacter varyingType of asset list, valid values are collection or favorites.
created_timestamptimestamp without time zoneTime that asset list was created for favorites lists prior to 20.3 it will be time of this update
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this asset list was last updated.
luiduuidAn identifier that is unique in combination with the site_id.
async_jobs: Records information about background tasks that are run in response to some user action (as opposed to being run on some schedule).
idintegerPrimary key for the record
job_typecharacter varyingThe type of job being run
successbooleanWhether or not the job succeeded. Will be true for success, and false for failure.
workercharacter varyingIdentifies the machine on which the job is run
user_idintegerLinks to the user who triggered the running of the job.
site_idintegerLinks to the relevant site.
notestextCan be used to store additional information about the running of the job.
progressintegerCan be used to indicate percent complete for the job, but in most cases simply gets set to 100 when the job is completed
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was last updated.
completed_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the job finished execution. When set, this should generally agree with the updated_at field.
detailed_statustextStores information about current progress details of the async job.
luiduuidAn identifier that is unique in combination with the site_id.
authorizable_permission_sets: Many-to-many mapping table between authorizables and permission sets. An authorizable may have a permission set for every permission_set_class.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from permission_set_id on this table to id on table, permission_sets
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
authorizable_idintegerRefers to the id of the authorizable (e.g. workbook) depending on the value of authorizable_type.
authorizable_typecharacter varyingRefers to the type of the authorizable (e.g. workbook).
permission_set_idintegerThe permission set this item uses.
site_idintegerThe site id.
background_jobs: Records information about background tasks that are run by a Backgrounder process. These tasks are almost always run according to some schedule, but in a few cases they may also be triggered by some user actions.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
job_typecharacter varyingThe type of job being run. This looks a bit odd because it comes from a serialized symbol.
progressintegerCan be used to indicate percent complete for the job, but in most cases simply gets set to 100 when the job is completed.
argstextUsed as a means of passing parameters about the background job. This information is stored in a special serialized format, and thus is not easily readable.
notestextCan be used to store additional information about the running of the job.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was last updated
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
completed_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the job finished execution. When set, this should generally agree with the updated_at field.
started_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the execution of the job was started. This is not generally the same as created_at, because it may take some time before a backgrounder "notices" the newly created record and begins to process it.
job_namecharacter varyingA nice readable name for this type of job.
finish_codeintegerCompletion status for the job. Will be 0 for success, 1 for failure, and 2 for cancelled.
priorityintegerControls which background_jobs records are processed first. The highest priority is 0, and the lowest is 100. Integer values in between are also valid.
titlecharacter varyingCan be used to provide some additional information about the job.
created_on_workercharacter varyingIdentifies the machine that created this background_jobs record.
processed_on_workercharacter varyingIdentifies the machine on which the job is run.
linktextUsed, for certain types of jobs, to record a relevant URL.
lock_versionintegerUsed to implement "optimistic locking." Don't set this or mess with it, it's all handled automatically.
backgrounder_idcharacter varyingIndicates which backgrounder process ran the job.
serial_collection_idintegerIt is possible to designate a job as part of a "serial collection," by setting its serial_collection_id. Two jobs with the same serial_collection_id cannot be processed simultaneously. Note that serial_collection_id is actually a foreign key to the serial_collections table. This is not a capability that sees much use.
site_idintegerLinks to a site, if one is relevant, otherwise it is left NULL.
subtitlecharacter varyingCan be used to provide some additional information about the job.
languagecharacter varyingThe language for the job is listed here.
localecharacter varyingThe locale for the job is listed here.
correlation_idintegerThe ID to correlate occurrences of the same job, which is the foreign key reference to the record in the respective definition table for subscriptions (subscriptions table) and extract-refresh jobs (tasks table).
attempts_remainingintegerUsed track amount of execution attempts remaining for the job. Usually NULL for job that are attempted only once. Number greater than 0 for jobs that will be retried.
luiduuidAn identifier that is unique in combination with the site_id.
job_rankbigintStores the calculated ranking of the job, determines the order it will be run on
queue_idintegerIdentifier representing which virtual queue this job belongs to
overflowbooleanRepresents if the job is in overflow queue or not
promoted_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the job is promoted to primary queue from overflow queue. Null for non overflow jobs
task_idintegerId of the task associated with the job. Explicitly not a foreign key to allow for tasks to be deleted without deleting related job records.
run_nowbooleanIndicates if the job was triggered by run now
creator_idintegerIndicates what user id is the creator of the job
background_jobs_cancel: BG jobs for which cancellation has been requested
Foreign key/Primary key relation from background_job_id on this table to id on table, background_jobs
idintegerPrimary key for the cancellation request
background_job_idintegerThe id of the job to be cancelled
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the cancellation was requested
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the cancellation was last updated
user_idintegerThe user who requested cancellation
users_to_notifytextCSV encoded list of IDs representing users to notify about job cancellation
cancellation_reasoncharacter varyingUser provided reason for the cancellation of the job
big_texts: This table serves as a convenient place to store a big text object, if necessary. It's kind of a utility table. This table is really just used for internal purposes.
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
txttextHolds whatever text object is desired. There is no specific designated use for this field. Any code can store a text object here for whatever purpose it wishes.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was last changed.
capabilities: Holds a relatively short list of capabilities. A user can be allowed certain capabilities either through being some sort of admin, or through owning something like a workbook or a project, or via entries in the next_gen_permissions table. Capabilities are things like read, write, export_data, publish, web_authoring, etc.
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingThis (or the id) is how the capability is referred to by code.
display_namecharacter varyingThis is the name that may be displayed to a user.
display_orderintegerAscending order of this value is the order in which capabilities are listed, when displayed.
capability_roles: This table serves primarily to associate roles with capabilities. A given role can have many capabilities, and a given capability can be associated with several roles.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from capability_id on this table to id on table, capabilities
Foreign key/Primary key relation from role_id on this table to id on table, roles
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
capability_idintegerForeign key reference to the capabilities table.
role_idintegerForeign key reference to the roles table.
column_assets: Each record represents a column asset that exists on Tableau Server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from table_id on this table to id on table, table_assets
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the column asset record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the column asset.
luiduuidA unique, immutable identifier for the column asset.
site_idintegerThe id of the site that this column asset is associated with.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was updated.
descriptiontextThe description of the column asset.
table_idintegerThe table this column belongs to.
remote_typecharacter varyingThe data type of the column.
is_tombstonedbooleanTombstoned columns are "soft deleted" because they have been grouped with other columns. They can be ungrouped to remove this
comment_attachments: Attachments for comments.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from comment_id on this table to id on table, comments
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
comment_idintegerA foreign key reference to the comment that the attachments is attached to.
attachment_typecharacter varyingThe type of the attachment.
attachment_idintegerThe id of the attachment.
comments: Comments users made on views.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
titletextNot used.
commenttextComment text.
created_attimestamp without time zoneDate when comment was created.
commentable_idintegerCorresponding view id.
commentable_typecharacter varyingView.
user_idintegerId of the user who made the comment.
drawingtextNot used.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneDate when comment was last updated.
content_sync_token: Each record stores the checksum associated to a piece of content
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerId associated to that piece of content.
content_typecharacter varyingThe type of the content.
site_idintegerThe associated site.
sync_tokencharacter varyingA unique identifier for this version of the associated content.
content_usage: Information about operations performed on Server content.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerAuto-generated id from postgres. Primary key for table.
content_typesmallintInteger relating to the type of content. 1 - workbooks, 2 - datasources, 3 - flows.
content_idintegerMaps to the id of the workbook/datasource/flow in their respective tables.
operation_typetextThe operation performed on the content. This can be a server operation like extract refresh or a type of REST API call.
last_recorded_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp of when the operation was performed. It is updated no more than once a day, so the time part may be older than the actual latest usage.
site_idintegerID of the site to which this content belongs.
customized_views: When a user creates a customized view, the data that supports that goes in this table.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from creator_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from start_view_id on this table to id on table, views
Foreign key/Primary key relation from view_id on this table to id on table, views
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the customized view.
descriptiontextA description of the customized view. Seems not to be used commonly.
view_idintegerA foreign key reference to the views table. Refers specifically to the view that this customized view is based on.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was last updated.
creator_idintegerForeign key reference to the user who created this customized view.
publicbooleanIndicates if the user elected to share his customized view.
sizeintegerThe number of bytes it took to describe the changes from the base view to the customized view.
site_idintegerA foreign key to the site that this customized view is associated with (the site of the user who created it).
repository_thumbnail_data_idbigintA reference to an entry in the repository_data table, which, in turn references the PostgreSQL large object that contains the thumbnail image for this customized view.
url_idcharacter varyingA URL compatible string derived from the name of the customized view. This must be unique when taken together with the customized view creator and the view.
start_view_idintegerA foreign key reference to the view from which this customized view was derived.
luiduuidA "locally unique" id used to identify this record for certain uses. It is generated automatically, and is nothing that a customer needs to worry about.
data_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the view data.
thumbnail_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the thumbnail.
hiddenbooleanIndicates if the custom view is hidden.
created_by_featureintegerFeature which created customized view.
accessed_attimestamp without time zoneLast accessed datetime for customized view. NULL: never accessed
data_alerts: Each record represents an alert. An alert is a predefined data conditions on a view, and if conditions are met all alert recipients get notified.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from creator_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from customized_view_id on this table to id on table, customized_views
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from view_id on this table to id on table, views
Foreign key/Primary key relation from workbook_id on this table to id on table, workbooks
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
titlecharacter varyingA string that describes the alert.
creator_idintegerUser id for user who created the alert. FK reference to
site_idintegerSite ID for alert. FK reference to
workbook_idintegerA foreign key reference to the
view_idintegerA foreign key reference to the
customized_view_idintegerA foreign key reference to the
luiduuidUUID for alert used in REST APIs.
data_specificationcharacter varyingPlatform-parsable blob that describes which data to track.
last_checkedtimestamp without time zoneThe last time at which the the alert was checked.
notification_interval_in_minutesintegerThe interval in minutes in which to send no more than one alert.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this row was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this row was last updated.
last_editedtimestamp without time zoneThe time a user last edited this data alert.
suspend_stateinteger0: alert is not suspended, 1: alert was auto-suspended, 2: alert was manually suspended.
failure_countintegerThe number of consecutive times evaluating this alert failed.
device_typeinteger0: device type is default, 1: device type is desktop, 2: device type is tablet, 3: device type is phone.
publicbooleanDetermines whether the alert is shared with other users
data_alerts_recipients: Each record represents the intent of recipient to be notified if an event is triggered.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from data_alert_id on this table to id on table, data_alerts
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
recipient_idintegerIt references a user or group id.
data_alert_idintegerA reference to data alert id.
recipient_typecharacter varyingA string that describes the recipient type, currently single user or group.
last_senttimestamp without time zoneThe last time at which the the alert was sent to the user.
last_statebooleanWhether the condition evaluated to true or false for the user the last time it was checked.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this row was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this row was last updated.
data_connections: Describes various data sources that are included in either workbooks or datasources.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
servertextDNS server name to connect to.
dbclasscharacter varyingType of data connection (ie mysql, postgres, sqlproxy etc).
portintegerTCP port number of the connection (eg. 5432 for postgres).
usernametextUsername to use when connecting.
passwordbooleanTrue means password is embedded in owner (see owner_type and owner_id fields).
namecharacter varyingUnique identifier for this data_connection.
dbnamecharacter varyingThe database name to which the particular connection is linked.
tablenamecharacter varyingThe name of the table in the database that this connection connects to.
owner_typecharacter varyingOne of "Datasource" or "Workbook". It is the type of object making the data connection.
owner_idintegerThe ID of the workbook or datasource that is creating the data connection.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was last updated.
captioncharacter varyingFriendly name of this connection as seen in the Desktop data pane.
site_idintegerA foreign key reference to the site in which this data connection is contained.
keychaintextEncode string in yaml format. An attribute bag that will match the embedded keychain connection this connection is associated with.
luiduuidThe locally unique ID, which is intended for exposing externally by the server API. This is automatically generated.
has_extractbooleanIndicates if the data connection is an extract.
datasource_idintegerReference to the Datasource that owns this data connection.
db_subclasscharacter varyingSubclass of the dbclass, for example, dbclass is webdata-direct, db_subclass is intuit-quickbook
authenticationcharacter varyingWhen present, can be used to identify what authentication method is being used for the data connection
using_remote_query_agentbooleanWhether the data connection needs to be proxied via a remote query agent (AKA Bridge Client)
data_quality_indicators: Table to store data quality indicators.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idbigintAuto increment primary key.
luiduuidAutogenerated luid for data quality indicator.
site_idintegerId of the site where data quality indicator belongs.
user_idintegerId of user who created/updated data quality indicator.
user_display_namecharacter varyingDisplay name of user who created/updated data quality indicator.
content_idintegerId of content for which data quality indicator stored.
content_typecharacter varyingType of content for which data quality indicator stored.
messagetextMessage of data quality indicator.
data_quality_typecharacter varyingType of data quality indicator.
is_activebooleanRepresents state of data quality indicator as true or false.
created_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when record is created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when record is updated.
is_tombstonedbooleanTombstoned data quality indicators are "soft deleted" because they are associated with databases that have been grouped with other databases.
is_severebooleanindicates the if a data_quality_indicator is severe or not. True means severe otherwise not.
data_role_contents_association: Represents the association between the data_role and other content types.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from data_role_id on this table to id on table, data_roles
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
data_role_idintegerThe data_role_id for the data_role entity.
content_typetextIdentifies the content-type which is associated with the data_role.
content_idintegercontent_id is the unique identifier for the corresponding content-type.
data_role_datasource_field_association: Represents the association between the data_role and the field on a datasource
Foreign key/Primary key relation from published_datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from associator_user_id on this table to id on table, users
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
site_idintegerThe id of the site on which the datasource is published
published_datasource_idintegerThe id of the published datasource on the site
field_graph_idtextThe graph id of the field in the datasource
field_concept_keytextfield_concept_key is the unique identifier for the dataRole
associator_user_idintegerassociator_user_id is the unique identifier for the user who created the association
link_statusintegerlink_status tells the current state of the association between the field and the dataRole
data_roles: Each record represents an entry of Semantics Service data role metadata.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from project_id on this table to id on table, projects
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the data role metadata record.
nametextThe name of the data role.
owner_idintegerThe user id of the owner/publisher of the data role.
project_idintegerThe id of the project that this data role lives under.
site_idintegerThe id of the site that this data role is associated with.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe timestamp when the record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe timestamp when the record was last updated.
descriptiontextThe description of the data role.
luiduuidAn identifier that is unique in combination with the site_id.
database_asset_events: Used to store database_asset events stream.
idbigintPrimary key for this record.
database_asset_idintegerdatabase_asset ID.
site_idintegerSite ID.
event_created_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was inserted.
event_typesmallintEvent type to differentiate between insert, update, delete.
database_assets: Each record represents a database that exists on Tableau Server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from certifier_user_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from grouped_parent_id on this table to id on table, database_assets
idintegerPrimary key for the database record.
connection_typecharacter varyingConnection type for the database record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the database.
portintegerThe name of the database port.
luiduuidA unique, immutable identifier for the database.
site_idintegerThe id of the site that this database is associated with.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was updated.
descriptiontextThe description of the database.
controlled_permissions_enabledbooleanWhether controlled permissions are enabled for the database
contact_idintegerThe contact for this database.
contact_typecharacter varyingThe contact type (user or group) for this database.
typecharacter varyingType (Database, File, WebDataConnector) for the database record.
file_pathtextPath to file.
is_embeddedbooleanWhether file is embedded (e.g., packaged in a twbx/tflx) or not.
connector_urltextThe connector url for a web data connector.
host_nametextThe database server host name.
providercharacter varyingProvider for a Cloud File.
file_extensioncharacter varyingFile Extension for a Cloud File.
mime_typecharacter varyingmime type for a Cloud File.
file_idcharacter varyingFile Id for a Cloud File.
request_urltextRequest URL for a Cloud File.
is_certifiedbooleanWhether this database is certified.
certification_notetextCertification note for this database.
certifier_user_idintegerCertifier user_id for this database.
certifier_detailstextCertifier details for this database.
source_typecharacter varyingType of the database source, if this database is embedded.
source_idintegerID of the database source, if this database is embedded.
internal_identifiertextA unique identifier for an embedded database internal to its parent content item.
extended_connection_typecharacter varyingoptional - type of connection - some dbs require it - for example SingleNode or MultiNode for SAP HANA
servicecharacter varyingoptional - some dbs optionally have it - for example Snowflake has option roles which we store in this field
duplicate_idintegerIf not null, id of database that is a duplicate of this one.
is_tombstonedbooleanTombstoned databases are "soft deleted" because they have been grouped with other databases. They can be ungrouped to remove this soft deletion.
grouped_parent_idintegerID in database_assets table of database this tombstoned database was grouped into.
is_grouped_parentbooleanTrue if this database is the result of grouping other databases.
datasource_events: Used to store datasource events stream.
idbigintPrimary key for this record.
datasource_idintegerDatasource ID.
site_idintegerSite ID.
event_timetimestamp without time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was inserted.
event_typeintegerEvent type to differentiate between insert, update, delete.
datasource_fields: Describes datasource fields.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
idintegerPrimary key for the datasource field record.
nametextThe name of the datasource field.
descriptiontextThe description of the datasource field.
datasource_idintegerThe id of the datasource that this field is associated with.
site_idintegerThe site id.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was updated.
datasource_metrics_aggregations: Each record represents a partial aggregation of analytics for a given datasource in a given time interval. It is often necessary to sum across multiple rows to find a total for a given time interval.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
datasource_idintegerA foreign key reference to the datasource.
day_indexintegerRecords what day of the month the analytics are aggregated over. When 0, the aggregation is for the month and year as designated by month_index and year_index.
month_indexintegerRecords what month of the year the analytics are aggregated over. When 0, the aggregation is for the year as designated by year_index.
year_indexintegerRecords what year the analytics are aggregated over
view_countintegerRecords the number of times a datasource was viewed in the given time interval.
datasource_refresh_properties: Extension of datasources table for refresh properties (Online). This is 1-0/1 relationship to datasources table. It is a separate table since it contains Online-specific properties.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from remote_agent_id on this table to id on table, remote_agents
idintegerDatasource ID from datasources table. it is 1-0/1 relationship to datasources table.
refresh_modecharacter varyingSpecifies the mode of datasource refresh
remote_agent_idintegerThe associated remote agent ID responsible for data source refresh.
schedulesjsonArray of DatasourceRefreshSchedule objects in JSON format.
last_refresh_error_client_datacharacter varyingInformation about the last refresh error for the purpose of reconstructing the client view of the errors.
remote_agent_reservation_idcharacter varyingUnique string, e.g. GUID, that represents a reservation that a remote agent has yet to claim.
expected_refresh_timetimestamp with time zoneTime at which the schedule is expected to refresh in UTC
expected_refresh_durationintegerTime duration in seconds after which a scheduled extract refresh is expected to complete
next_check_timetimestamp with time zoneThe next check time in UTC when the server checks if the linked bridge client is actively running or other interesting scenarios that might arise in the future
datasource_versions: Datasource versions saved on server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerThe id of a version. Primary key.
site_idintegerReference to entury in sites table. Indicates the site to which this datasource version belongs to.
datasource_idintegerA foreign key to the datasources table. Reference to Datasource.
publisher_idintegerReference to user in site users table. User who published this version. Can point to deleted user.
version_numberintegerThe version number.
published_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this version was initially published. Copied from datasource record last_updated field at the time of being overwritten.
sizebigintThe size, in bytes, of this version of datasource.
content_keycharacter varyingKey of the datasource as string
sos_typecharacter varyingThe SOS data type under which this version document is stored, or null if it is not stored in SOS.
datasources: Records all Published datasources on server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from modified_by_user_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from project_id on this table to id on table, projects
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the published datasource.
repository_urltextUniquely identifies a datasource. More or less consists of a slightly modified name, but not totally obviously, especially in the presence of non-ASCII characters. Used in URLs meant to access this datasource.
owner_idintegerThe user ID of the owner/uploader of the datasource.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was last updated.
project_idintegerThe associated project ID where the datasource was published.
sizebigintThe size in bytes of the datasource.
lock_versionintegerUsed to implement "optimistic locking". Don't set this or mess with it, it's all handled automatically.
statecharacter varyingOne of "active" or NULL.
db_classtextThe origin of the data. It's often a database, but the concept is a bit more general than that. For example, "oracle" and "db2" are possibilities, but so are "excel" and "dataengine" (and many more).
db_nametextThe name of the database associated with the published datasource. But because data sources are more general than databases, in some instances, this might actually be a file path, or blank.
table_nametextThe name of the table associated with the published datasource. But, because data sources are more general than databases, this might, for example, actually refer to an Excel worksheet, or be blank.
site_idintegerA foreign key reference to the site with which this datasource is associated.
revisioncharacter varyingIncrements each time a new version of the datasource is published.
embeddedtextAn encrypted keychain holding any credentials stored with the datasource.
incrementable_extractsbooleanTrue or false as to whether incrementable extracts are allowed for the published datasource.
refreshable_extractsbooleanTrue or false as to whether refreshable extracts are avaliable for the published datasource.
data_engine_extractsbooleanTrue means the data was supplied in the form of a Tableau data extract, though the original source of the data may be known to reside elsewhere.
extracts_refreshed_attimestamp without time zoneRecords the time of the last full extract refresh.
first_published_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the first publication of this datasource occurred.
connectablebooleanIf this datasource was published using a release of the software where connecting to datasources through the Data Server was supported (post 7.0).
is_hierarchicalbooleanSet to true if the source is a hierarchical (cube) database.
extracts_incremented_attimestamp without time zoneRecords the time of the last incremental extract refresh.
luiduuidUnique identifier.
document_versioncharacter varyingThe internal version of the .tds file associated with this record.
descriptiontextA textual description of the datasource.
content_versioninteger$Version number of the datasource. updated on each publish
parent_workbook_idintegerIs set to null for published datasources or else references the workbook id that contains this datasource.
hidden_namecharacter varyingAuto-generated name for the datasource extracted from the twb/tds file.
last_published_attimestamp without time zoneTime that the user last published this datasource to server. For datasources that were last published before this column existed, the value will be null.
data_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the datasource data.
reduced_data_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the reduced datasource data.
remote_query_agent_idintegerIf present, the agent to remote queries to.
using_remote_query_agentbooleanWhether the queries to this data source may be proxied via a remote agent.
is_certifiedbooleanWhether or not this datasource is certified.
certification_notetextExplanation for the certification status of this datasource.
certifier_user_idintegerThe user id of the user that certified this datasource, or null if it is not certified.
certifier_detailstextA snapshot of user information that we want to retain even when the user is deleted.
extract_encryption_statesmallintIf not null, encryption state of the extracts. null or 0 - unencrypted, 1 - encrypted, 2 - pending encryption, 3 - pending decryption, 5 - pending rekey
nlp_settingtextSetting to enable/disable nlp feature on this datasource
extract_creation_pendingsmallintnull or 0 - there is not extract creation in progress, 1 - there is an extract creation in progress
parent_typetextIndicates the parent_type of the datasource (datarole, workbook, null)
nlp_setting_newtextSetting to specify whether a datasource should have Ask Data enabled, disabled, or set to the site default. The site default value was added in 2019.4. This column is kept in sync with the old nlp_setting column until we can deprecate nlp_setting in 2020.3
modified_by_user_idintegerThe user who last modified and published this datasource to server or saved the datasource during web edit. For datasource that were last published before this column existed, the value will be same as owner_id.
separated_data_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the datasource data without the tds file.
separated_reduced_data_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the reduced datasource (tdsx without the extract files) data without the tds file.
tds_luidtextUnique ID to reference the tds file in the TDS Service.
desktop_reporting: Each record represents a Tableau Desktop usage report.
idintegerThe id of the report. Primary key.
app_versioncharacter varyingTableau product version.
emailcharacter varyingRegistered email address.
expiration_datedateExpiration date of active key. NULL means permanent.
first_namecharacter varyingFirst Name.
last_namecharacter varyingLast Name.
computer_user_idcharacter varyingComputer user or login id.
host_namecharacter varyingComputer host name.
departmentcharacter varyingDepartment.
companycharacter varyingCompany or organization.
os_versioncharacter varyingOS version.
os_architecturecharacter varyingOS architecture.
registration_datetimestamp without time zoneDate active key was registered.
last_report_datetimestamp without time zoneLast report for this Desktop.
maintenance_expirationdateMaintenance expiration of in use product key.
product_namecharacter varyingProduct name.
editioncharacter varyingTableau Desktop Edition. E.g Professional or Standard.
typecharacter varyingType of key. Trial or Perpetual.
product_keyscharacter varyingSemicolon delimited product keys. Characters beyond 9 replaced with X.
serial_numbercharacter varyingComputer serial number.
mac_addresscharacter varyingNetwork card MAC address.
domaincharacter varyingComputer Active Directory domain.
unique_machine_numbercharacter varyingUnique Machine Number. A string uniquely identifying a computer.
actioncharacter varyingAction: Activate, Use or Return.
action_keycharacter varyingKey being used activated or returned.
domains: Records represent either an Active Directory domain or an authenticate system.
idintegerPrimary key for the record
namecharacter varyingThe name is either "local" or the name of some Active Directory group.
short_namecharacter varyingAn alternate shorter form of the name
activebooleanIndicates if the domain is active or not.
familycharacter varyingEither local or ActiveDirectory.
dynamic_configs: Used for dynamic application configuration.
idbigintPrimary key for this record.
apptextApplication name.
keytextA unique name for the specific configuration.
valuetextThe value of the configuration.
extensions_block_list: Table which stores the block list of extensions on this server
luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the extensions blocklist row.
urltextThe url of extension which is blocked.
activebooleanThe check to see if the current entry is active or archived.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreated date for this record.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneModified date for this record.
extensions_events: Table which stores the events of referenced extensions calculation service
luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the extensions events row.
workbook_luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the workbook.
site_luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the site.
site_idintegerThe id which uniquely identifies the site.
statusintegerThe status of the current task.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreated date for this record.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneModified date for this record.
extensions_instances: Table which stores referenced extensions information calculated from across the workbooks.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the extensions instance row.
extension_luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the extension.
workbook_luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the workbook.
view_luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the view.
site_luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the site.
site_idintegerThe id which uniquely identifies the site.
activebooleanThe check to determine if the current entry is active or archived.
countintegerThe count of extensions in views of a given workbook
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreated date for this record.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneModified date for this record.
idbigintThe unique identifier for this entry.
extensions_metadata: Table which stores Metadata of Extensions.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the extensions metadata row.
site_luiduuidThe luid which identifies the site.
site_idintegerThe id which identifies the site.
extension_idtextThe extension id defined in the manifest.
typetextThe type of extension.
versiontextThe version of extension.
manifest_versiontextThe version of the manifest of the extension.
min_api_versiontextThe minimum api version needed for the extension.
default_localetextThe default locale of the extension.
name_locale_valuetextThe name of the extension.
name_locale_resourceidtextThe resource id for the name of the extension.
desc_locale_valuetextThe description of the extension.
dec_locale_resourceidtextThe resource id for the description of the extension.
resourcestextThe localization resources for the extension.
permissionstextThe permissions defined in the manifest of the extension.
author_nametextThe name of the author of extension.
author_emailtextThe email of the author of extension.
author_orgtextThe organization of the author of extension.
author_websitetextThe website of the author of extension.
urltextThe url of extension.
icontextThe icon of extension.
installedbooleanThe check to see if the extension is installed.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreated date for this record.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneModified date for this record.
idbigintThe id of the extension from the manifest.
extensions_safe_list: Table which stores safe list of extensions that are configured for a given site.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
site_luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the site.
site_idintegerThe id which uniquely identifies the site.
luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the extensions safe list row.
urltextThe url of the safe list extension.
allow_full_databooleanThe full data access permission of an extension.
prompt_neededbooleanThe prompt needed setting of an extension.
activebooleanThe check to determine if the current entry is active or archived.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreated date for this record.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneModified date for this record.
idbigintThe unique identifier for this entry.
extensions_site_settings: Table which stores the site specific settings for extensions
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
site_luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the site.
site_idintegerThe id which uniquely identifies the site.
luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the extensions settings row.
extensions_enabledbooleanThe check to see if the extensions are enabled on the site.
default_settingbooleanThe check to see if the default settings are enable for extensions
activebooleanThe check to determine if the current entry is active or archived.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneModified date for this record.
idbigintThe unique identifier for this entry.
allow_sandboxedbooleanWhether sandboxed extensions are allowed to run
external_service_connections: Table which stores the site specific settings for external service connections
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerThe id which uniquely identifies the connection.
luiduuidThe luid which uniquely identifies the connection, for security purpose.
site_idintegerThe site_id which uniquely identifies the site.
connection_typetextThe connection_type identifies the external service type.
hosttextThe host identifies host name or ip address of the external server
portintegerThe port identifies port of the external service.
is_auth_enabledbooleanThe is_auth_enabled identifies whether authentication is enabled.
usernametextThe username for authentication of the external service, if is_auth_enabled.
pwdtextThe encrypted password for authentication of the external service, if is_auth_enabled.
is_ssl_enabledbooleanThe is_ssl_enabled identifies whether SSL is enabled for the external service.
asset_key_idintegerThe asset_key_id which uniquely identifies the asset key with which secrets in this row are encrypted
external_service_site_settings: Table which stores the site level settings for external services
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerThe id which uniquely identifies the site setting.
site_idintegerThe site_id which uniquely identifies the site.
extsvc_enabledbooleanThe extsvc_enabled identifies whether external service is enabled on certain site.
time_outintegerThe time_out identifies the time out value when connect to external service.
extract_sessions: Extracts that have active vizql sessions.
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
extract_idintegerForeign key reference to the extracts table.
session_guidcharacter varyingVizql session identifier.
session_typecharacter varyingOne of "Workbook" or "Datasource"
created_attimestamp without time zoneDate when extract session was created.
worker_namecharacter varyingWorker on which extract session was created.
extracts: Each record corresponds to a directory that contains one or more extract files associated with either a workbook or datasource.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from workbook_id on this table to id on table, workbooks
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
workbook_idintegerIf the extracts are associated with a workbook, then this is a foreign key link to that workbook, otherwise it is NULL.
descriptorcharacter varyingThe UUID that is the name of the directory where the extracts are saved.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was last updated.
datasource_idintegerIf the extracts are associated with a datasource, then this is a foreign key link to that datasource, otherwise it is NULL.
encryption_key_idcharacter varyingIf not null, id of the extract encryption key (KEK) with which these extracts are encrypted.
field_indexability: The user-defined NLP indexability rules for fields in datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from published_datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idbigintThe unique identifier for this row that is automatically generated on insert
created_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was created
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was updated
site_idintegerThe id of the site on which the datasource is published
published_datasource_idintegerThe id of the published datasource on the site
field_graph_idtextThe graph id of the field in the datasource
indexing_modetextThe user-specified behavior for NLP to index the field
flow_drafts: Each record represents a draft for a Tableau Prep flow that exists on Tableau Server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_id on this table to id on table, flows
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from project_id on this table to id on table, projects
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the flow draft record.
luiduuidAn immutable identifier for the flow draft, unique within a site.
owner_idintegerThe user ID of the owner of the flow draft. The owner of the draft may differ from the owner of the flow.
flow_idintegerThe ID of the flow associated with this draft. If null, this draft is for a new flow.
site_idintegerThe ID of the site containing this flow draft.
project_idintegerThe ID of the project containing this flow draft. Present if and only if flow ID is null. Otherwise, shares project of flow.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the flow draft. Present if and only if flow ID is null. Otherwise, shares name of flow.
document_data_idcharacter varyingThe identifier for the .TFL(X) file data associated with this flow draft.
packaged_files_data_idcharacter varyingThe identifier for the packaged file data associated with this flow draft.
content_versionintegerVersion of the flow draft. Incremented on each update.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was created.
last_force_updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was last forcibly updated, bypassing certain time-based update throttling.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was last updated.
document_file_sizebigintThe size of the flow draft document file in bytes.
packaged_files_sizebigintThe size of the flow draft packaged files in bytes.
flow_content_versionintegerThe version of the flow to which this draft corresponds. If not associated with a flow, this value will be null.
is_virtual_draftbooleanTrue if this draft is virtual, meaning no changes have been saved to it. False otherwise.
lock_versionintegerOptimistic lock version intended for internal usage only. Should not be manually set or retrieved.
flow_events: Each row represents an event affecting a flow
idintegerPrimary key of the event
flow_idintegerForeign key to the corresponding flow
event_typeintegerEvent type integer value
event_created_attimestamp without time zoneTime of event creation
site_idintegerSite ID of flow event
flow_input_steps: Each record represents an individual input step from a published Tableau Prep flow.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from data_connection_id on this table to id on table, data_connections
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_id on this table to id on table, flows
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record of the input step.
step_idcharacter varyingUnique id for the input step, pulled from the TFL file.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the input step, pulled from TFL.
flow_idintegerThe FK to flows for the flow where this input step exists.
data_connection_idinteger The FK to data_connections.
site_idintegerThe id of the site associated with the flow where this input step exists.
luiduuidA unique, immutable identifier for the input step.
flow_models: Each row contains model metadata for a flow
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_id on this table to id on table, flows
idintegerPrimary key of the model metadata
flow_idintegerForeign key to the corresponding flow
data_idcharacter varyingData store ID of model
generated_attimestamp without time zoneTime of model generation
stale_attimestamp without time zoneModel expiration time
flow_output_step_runs: Each record represents a run of an output step of a flow. See flow_runs for per-flow run history.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_id on this table to id on table, flows
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_output_step_id on this table to id on table, flow_output_steps
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_run_id on this table to id on table, flow_runs
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
flow_idintegerForeign key to the flow that was run.
flow_run_idintegerForeign key to the flow_runs table which gives the flow-level run history.
flow_output_step_idintegerForeign key to the flow_output_steps table.
started_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the flow processing system began executing the execution plan associated with this output step.
completed_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the flow processing system completed publishing the output of this output step.
progressintegerCan be used to indicate percent complete for the job, but in most cases simply gets set to 100 when the job is completed. -1 means pending.
finish_codeintegerWhether or not the job succeeded. 0 for success; 1 for failure; 2 for cancelled.
rows_producedbigintThe count of rows produced.
notescharacter varyingCan be used to store additional information about the running of the job. Often errors.
is_incrementalbooleanWhether the run was incremental in run history
flow_output_steps: Each record represents an individual output step from a published Maestro flow.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from data_connection_id on this table to id on table, data_connections
Foreign key/Primary key relation from datarole_id on this table to id on table, data_roles
Foreign key/Primary key relation from datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_id on this table to id on table, flows
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record of the output step.
step_idcharacter varyingUnique id for the output step, pulled from the TFL file.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the output step from TFL.
flow_idintegerThe FK to flows for the flow where this output step exists.
data_connection_idintegerThe FK to data_connections.
site_idintegerThe id of the site associated with the flow where this output step exists.
luiduuidA unique, immutable identifier for the output step.
is_deletedbooleanWhether this flow output step is deleted or not.
datasource_idintegerid of associated datasource
datarole_idintegerid of associated datarole
is_incremental_enabledbooleanWhether to give user the option to run this output incrementally
is_incremental_defaultbooleanWhether running this output incrementally is the default option.
output_operation_typeintegerWhether to create-1, append-2 or truncate-3 the output when run type is full refresh.
incremental_output_operation_typeintegerWhether to create-1, append-2 or truncate-3 the output when run type is incremental refresh.
flow_run_errors: Each record represents an individual flow run error which has detailed information about the error
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_id on this table to id on table, flows
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_output_step_id on this table to id on table, flow_output_steps
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_output_step_run_id on this table to id on table, flow_output_step_runs
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_run_id on this table to id on table, flow_runs
idintegerPrimary key for the record of the flow run error.
flow_idintegerThe FK to flows for the flow which this run error is about.
flow_output_step_idintegerThe FK to flow output steps for the output step which this run error is about.
flow_run_idintegerThe FK to flow runs for the flow run where this error got reported from.
flow_output_step_run_idintegerThe FK to flow output step runs for the flow output step run where this error got reported from.
error_typecharacter varyingThe type of this error
object_idcharacter varyingThe object id this error is about, could be null if the error is not about specific object but the entire flow.
object_typecharacter varyingThe type of the object, like node or connection in the maestro doc
object_namecharacter varyingThe name of the object according to the maestro doc, used to display name in clients
error_message_paramstextstring params for the flow run error messages, formatted as yaml.
exception_classtextthe class name of the original exception of the flow run error
exception_stacktracetextthe stacktrace of the original exception of the flow run error
flowprocessor_raw_error_messagetextthe raw error message in English from flow processor, if the flow run error is originated from flow processor
flow_run_spec_output_steps: Each record represents an individual output step in a flow run specification.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_output_step_id on this table to id on table, flow_output_steps
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_run_spec_id on this table to id on table, flow_run_specs
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record of the flow run spec output step.
flow_run_spec_idintegerThe FK to flow_run_spec for the flow run spec which this output step belongs to.
flow_output_step_idintegerThe FK to flow_output_steps table for the flow output step which this Id refers to .
site_idintegerThe id of the site associated with the flow which the entire flow run spec is about.
luiduuidA unique, immutable identifier for the flow run spec output step.
is_incrementalbooleanWhether user chooses incremental run in scheduler
flow_run_specs: Each record represents an individual specification about how a Tableau Prep flow should be run
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_id on this table to id on table, flows
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record of the flow run spec.
flow_idintegerThe FK to flows for the flow which this run spec is about.
trigger_typecharacter varyingThe trigger type of this flow run, currently 0 for scheduled run, 1 for ad-hoc run
site_idintegerThe id of the site associated with the flow which this run spec is about.
luiduuid A unique, immutable identifier for the flow run spec.
run_all_outputsbooleanWhether to run flow with all outputs, future outputs included
is_incrementalbooleanWhether to force all output nodes run incrementally (true) or full refresh (false) or unspecified (null).
flow_runs: Each record represents a run of a flow. See flow_output_step_runs for per-output-step run history.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_id on this table to id on table, flows
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_run_spec_id on this table to id on table, flow_run_specs
Foreign key/Primary key relation from task_id on this table to id on table, tasks
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
flow_idintegerForeign key to the flow that was run.
flow_processor_run_idcharacter varyingIdentifier for a given run from the flow processing system.
flow_run_spec_idintegerIdentifier for the specification of a given run.
started_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the flow processing system began execution.
completed_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the flow processing system completed execution.
task_idintegerForeign key to the task that triggered this flow run (if one exists).
trigger_typecharacter varyingSpecifies what caused this flow run to occur. Currently 0 for scheduled run (task), 1 for ad-hoc run.
progressintegerCan be used to indicate percent complete for the job, but in most cases simply gets set to 100 when the job is completed. -1 means pending.
finish_codeintegerWhether or not the job succeeded. 0 for success; 1 for failure; 2 for cancelled.
notescharacter varyingCan be used to store additional information about the running of the job. Often errors.
background_job_idintegerID of the background job associated with this flow run
luiduuidAn immutable identifier for the flow run.
flow_runtime_owners: Table to keep track of flow/flow output step owner at flow run time. Used to calculate derived permission on flow outputs.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_id on this table to id on table, flows
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_output_step_id on this table to id on table, flow_output_steps
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from table_id on this table to id on table, table_assets
idintegerPrimary key.
flow_idintegerFlow id.
flow_output_step_idintegerFlow output step id for this flow runtime owner.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this flow runtime owner record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this flow runtime owner record was updated.
table_idintegerTable related to this flow runtime owner.
owner_idintegerOwner for this flow/table/output step.
site_idintegerSite this flow runtime owner belongs to.
flow_versions: flow versions saved on server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from flow_id on this table to id on table, flows
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerThe id of a version. Primary key.
site_idintegerReference to entry in sites table. Indicates the site to which this flow version belongs to.
flow_idintegerA foreign key to the flows table. Reference to flow.
publisher_idintegerReference to user in site users table. User who published this version. Can point to deleted user.
version_numberintegerThe version number.
published_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this version was initially published. Copied from flow record last_updated field at the time of being overwritten.
sizebigintThe size, in bytes, of this version of flow.
content_keycharacter varyingKey of the flow as string
sos_typecharacter varyingThe SOS data type under which this version document is stored, or null if it is not stored in SOS.
encryption_key_idcharacter varyingIf not null, id of the flow version encryption key (KEK) with which data in this flow is encrypted.
data_engine_extractsbooleanTrue means the data was supplied in the form of a Tableau data extract, though the original source of the data may be known to reside elsewhere.
extract_encryption_statesmallintIf not null, encryption state of the extracts. null or 0 - unencrypted, 1 - encrypted, 2 - pending encryption, 3 - pending decryption, 5 - pending rekey
flows: Each record represents a Tableau Prep flow that exists on Tableau Server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from project_id on this table to id on table, projects
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the flow record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the published flow.
luiduuidA unique, immutable identifier for the flow.
owner_idintegerThe user id of the owner/publisher of the flow.
project_idintegerThe id of the project that this flow is associated with.
site_idintegerThe id of the site that this flow is associated with.
data_idcharacter varyingThe identifier for the data of the .tfl file associated with this flow.
reduced_data_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the flow's packaged files (removed from the .TFLX and stored separately).
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was updated.
descriptiontextThe description of the flow.
lock_versionintegerUsed to implement "optimistic locking." Do not set this or mess with it, its all handled automatically.
sizebigintThe size of the flow file in bytes
embeddedtextThe encrypted keychain with credentials stored with the flow.
asset_key_idintegerThe asset encryption key used to encrypt the keychain in the embedded column.
thumbnail_idcharacter varyingThe identifier for the thumbnail data.
last_published_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time the flow file was published.
content_versionintegerVersion of the flow file, increments on each publish.
document_versioncharacter varyingThe internal version of the .tfl file associated with this record.
file_typecharacter varyingWhether this flow file is a tfl or tflx.
graph_image_idcharacter varyingLocator id for the graph image of the flow in SOS
encryption_key_idcharacter varyingIf not null, id of the flow encryption key (KEK) with which data in this flow is encrypted.
data_engine_extractsbooleanTrue means the data was supplied in the form of a Tableau data extract, though the original source of the data may be known to reside elsewhere.
extract_encryption_statesmallintIf not null, encryption state of the extracts. null or 0 - unencrypted, 1 - encrypted, 2 - pending encryption, 3 - pending decryption, 5 - pending rekey
is_deletedbooleanWhen is_deleted is true then flow is deleted, no active job or user request can see it. It is considered to reside in Recycle Bin until either restored or permanently deleted.
geocoding: Information about geocoding databases.
idintegerAuto-generated id from postgres; also the primary key for the table.
sos_idtextStorage ID of this database.
versiontextVersion of the database.
created_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneSame as created_at.
sizebigintSize of the geocoding database.
group_users: Serves as a many to many linking mechanism between users and groups. A user can belong to multiple groups, and a group can contain multiple users.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from group_id on this table to id on table, groups
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
group_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the groups table.
user_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the users table.
groups: A grouping of users. Can be locally created or imported from Active Directory.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from domain_id on this table to id on table, domains
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
namecharacter varyingThe name that was given to the group.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was last updated.
systembooleanIndicates if this group was created by Tableau itself, or if it was created by user action.
owner_idintegerA foreign key link to the user who owns this group.
domain_idintegerA foreign key link to the domain that corresponds to this group.
site_idintegerA foreign key link to the site to which this group belongs.
luiduuidAn identifier that is unique in combination with the site_id.
minimum_site_rolecharacter varyingThe minimum site role given to members of the AD group
last_synchronizedtimestamp without time zoneLast time that synchronization for an AD group was completed
minimum_site_role_idintegerthe id of the minimum site role of the group
grant_license_modecharacter varyingWhen to grant a license to the users in the group. Can either by ON_SYNC or ON_LOGIN
hist_capabilities: Records the most useful information about a capability that was relevant at the time of the event (see capabilities table).
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
capability_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the capabilities table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the capabilities table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextThis (or the id) is how the capability is referred to by code.
allowbooleanWhether or not the capability is allowed.
hist_column_assets: Records the most useful information about a column that was relevant at the time of the event (see column_assets table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
column_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the columns table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the column_assets table was deleted since this record was created.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the column.
hist_comments: Records the most useful information about a comment that was relevant at the time of the event (see comments table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
comment_idintegerA foreign key link to the primary key for the comments record. This could be NULL if the matching record in the comments table was deleted since this record was created.
commenttextComment text.
hist_configs: Can be used to record information about configuration that was in effect at the time of the historical event.
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
keytextA unique name for the specific configuration.
valuetextThe value of the configuration.
hist_data_connections: Records the most useful information about a data connection that was relevant at the time of the event (see data_connections table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
data_connection_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the data_connections table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the data_connections table was deleted since this record was created.
servertextDNS server name to connect to.
nametextUnique identifier for this data_connection.
dbnametextThe database name to which the particular connection is linked.
table_nametextThe name of the table in the database that this connection connects to.
hist_data_roles: Records the most useful information about a data role that was relevant at the time of the event (see data_roles table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
data_role_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the data_roles table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the data_roles table was deleted since this record was created.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the data_role.
hist_database_assets: Records the most useful information about a database that was relevant at the time of the event (see database_assets table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
database_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the databases table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the database_assets table was deleted since this record was created.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the database.
hist_datasources: Records the most useful information about a data source that was relevant at the time of the event (see datasources table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
datasource_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the datasources table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the datasources table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextThe name of the published datasource.
repository_urltextUniquely identifies a datasource. More or less consists of a slightly modified name, but not totally obviously, especially in the presence of non-ASCII characters. Used in URLs meant to access this datasource.
sizebigintThe size in bytes of the datasource.
revisiontextIncrements each time a new version of the datasource is published.
using_remote_query_agentbooleanWhether this datasource is using remote query agent.
remote_query_agent_nametextThe remote query agent name used by the data source.
is_certifiedbooleanWhether or not this datasource is certified.
certification_notetextExplanation for the certification status of this datasource.
hist_flows: Records the most useful information about a flow that was relevant at the time of the event (see flows table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
flow_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the flows table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the flows table was deleted since this record was created.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the flow.
sizebigintThe number of bytes used in storing the flow information.
content_versioncharacter varyingVersion of the flow file, increments by 1 on each publish.
hist_groups: Records the most useful information about a group that was relevant at the time of the event (see groups table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
group_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the groups table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the groups table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextThe name that was given to the group.
domain_nametextThe name is either "local" or the name of some Active Directory group.
hist_licensing_roles: Records the most useful information about a licensing role that was relevant at the time of the event (see licensing_roles table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
licensing_role_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the licensing_roles table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the licensing_roles table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextThe name of the licensing role.
hist_metrics: Records the most useful information about a metric that was relevant at the time of the event (see metrics table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
metric_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the metrics table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the metrics table was deleted since this record was created.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the metric.
hist_projects: Records the most useful information about a project that was relevant at the time of the event (see projects table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
project_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the projects table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the projects table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextThe name of the project.
hist_remote_agents: Records the most useful information about a remote agent that was relevant at the time of the event.
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
remote_agent_idintegerA reference to an entry in the remote_agents table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the datasources table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextThe value of at the time of the event.
hist_schedules: Records the most useful information about a schedule that was relevant at the time of the event (see schedules table).
Foreign key/Primary key relation from schedule_id on this table to id on table, schedules
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
schedule_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the schedules table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the schedules table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextA schedule can be given a name, which is stored here.
schedule_typeintegerOne of 0 (Hourly), 1 (Daily), 2 (Weekly), 3 (Monthly).
priorityintegerPriority can range from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to higher priority.
scheduled_actionintegerUsed to classify schedules into one of two categories: 0 (Extract related) 1 (Subscription related)
is_serialbooleanSet to true if the schedule must be run serially with other jobs in the same serial collection.
day_of_week_maskintegerIndicates which day of the week this schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday : 1, Monday : 10, Tuesday : 100, Wednesday : 1000, Thursday : 10000, Friday : 100000, Saturday : 1000000.
day_of_month_maskintegerIndicates which day of the month this schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st : 1, 2nd: 10, 3rd: 100, 4th: 1000, 5th: 10000, etc.
start_at_minuteintegerThe minute following the start of the designated time period implied by the schedule_type. For example, for a daily schedule, this would be number of minutes past midnight at the start of the day. For hourly, it would be the number of minutes past the beginning of the hour.
minute_intervalintegerOnce the schedule triggers, it will retrigger at this interval during the time period implied by the schedule_type or until end_at_minute, or end_schedule_at.
end_at_minuteintegerThe minute following the start of the designated time period implied schedule_type, at which the schedule should stop triggering.
end_schedule_attimestamp without time zoneUsed to indicate a point in time, after which the schedule should never trigger.
hist_sites: Records the most useful information about a site that was relevant at the time of the event (see sites table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
site_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the sites table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the sites table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextThe name of the site.
url_namespacetextString used in the construction of URLs that target this site.
hist_table_assets: Records the most useful information about a table that was relevant at the time of the event (see table_assets table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
table_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the tables table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the table_assets table was deleted since this record was created.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the table.
hist_tags: Records the most useful information about a tag that was relevant at the time of the event (see tags table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
tag_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the tags table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the tags table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextThe value of the tag.
hist_tasks: Records the most useful information about a task that was relevant at the time of the event (see tasks table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
task_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the tasks table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the tasks table was deleted since this record was created.
typetextIdentifies the specific type of task that this is. This is how the system identifies what code to execute when this task is to be run.
priorityintegerAn integer where 0 is the highest priority and 10 is the default priority. Other values can be set if desired). Higher priority jobs should be processed earlier.
stateintegerState of the task. 0 - active, 1 - suspended, 2 - disabled.
hist_users: Records the most useful information about a user and corresponding system_user that was relevant at the time of the event (see users and system_users tables).
Foreign key/Primary key relation from hist_licensing_role_id on this table to id on table, hist_licensing_roles
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
user_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the users table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the users table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextThe username of the user.
domain_nametextThe name is either "local" or the name of some Active Directory group.
emailtextThe email of the user.
system_user_idintegerA foreign key reference to the system user that this user is identified with. This could be NULL if the matching record in the system_users table was deleted since this record was created.
system_admin_levelintegerIndicates if the user is a system administrator. 10 : system admin, 0 : not a system admin
hist_licensing_role_idintegerA foreign key reference to the licensing_role_id column for a record in the hist_licensing_roles table.
site_admin_levelintegerIndicates if this user is a site admin. 5 : site admin, 0 : not site admin.
publisher_tristateintegerDeprecated. Column will be removed in a future release.
site_role_idintegerThe ID of the site role for this user. The mapping is described in the comment for the column users.site_role_id.
hist_views: Records the most useful information about a view that was relevant at the time of the event (see views table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
view_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the views table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the views table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextThe name of the view.
repository_urltextUniquely identifies a view. More or less composed of workbook and sheet names, but not totally obviously, especially in the presence of non-ASCII characters. Used in URLs meant to access this view.
revisiontextStarts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 with each republication.
hist_workbooks: Records the most useful information about a workbook that was relevant at the time of the event (see workbooks table).
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
workbook_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the workbooks table. This could be NULL if the matching record in the workbooks table was deleted since this record was created.
nametextThe name of the workbook.
repository_urltextA unique name for the workbook, derived from the ASCII characters in the name, which can be used in URLs to refer to this workbook.
sizebigintThe number of bytes used in storing the workbook information.
revisiontextStarts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 with each republication.
historical_disk_usage: Records historical disk utilization by Tableau Server for storage monitoring.
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
worker_idcharacter varyingHostname of the worker the resource exists on.
resource_typeintegerType of resource being monitored. 0 (Entire disk).
pathcharacter varyingDisk path of the monitored resource.
total_space_bytesbigintTotal disk size in bytes.
used_space_bytesbigintDisk space used by the resource in bytes.
stateintegerFree space state of the disk. One of 1 (Normal), 2 (Warning), 3 (Critical).
record_timestamptimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
historical_event_types: The types of historical events which can be recorded.
type_idintegerPrimary key for this record.
nametextThe name of the specific event that occurred.
action_typetextEvents are grouped together into action types, such as Create, Access, Update and Delete.
historical_events: This table is the heart of the cluster of tables devoted to historical event auditing. For each event, a record is created on this table. The type of event is indicated through historical_event_type_id, which links to the historical_event_types table. Other information relevant to the event is linked through some of the other id fields in this table. Note these links go to other hist* tables, which allows the event to refer to things that might have since been deleted from the regular tables.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from historical_event_type_id on this table to type_id on table, historical_event_types
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
historical_event_type_idintegerA foreign key reference to an entry in the historical_event_types table.
workertextThe name or IP address of the worker where the event occurred.
is_failurebooleanIndicates if the event was an attempted action that failed. May not be implemented across all events.
detailstextDetail text about the event.
created_attimestamp without time zoneDatetime that the event was recorded.
hist_actor_user_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for the record in the hist_users table of the user who initiated the event.
hist_target_user_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for the record in the hist_users table of the user who was the target of the event.
hist_actor_site_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for the record in the hist_sites table where the event was initiated.
hist_target_site_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for the record in the hist_sites table which was the target of the event.
hist_project_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_projects table.
hist_workbook_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_workbooks table.
hist_view_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_views table.
hist_datasource_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_datasources table.
hist_comment_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_comments table.
hist_tag_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_tags table.
hist_group_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_groups table.
hist_licensing_role_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_licensing_roles table.
hist_schedule_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_schedules table.
hist_task_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_tasks table.
hist_data_connection_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_data_connections table.
hist_config_idintegerA foreign key reference to the config_id column for a record in the hist_configs table.
hist_capability_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_capabilities table.
hist_remote_agent_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_remote_agents table.
hist_flow_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_flows table.
hist_data_role_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_data_roles table.
hist_database_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_database_assets table.
hist_table_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_table_assets table.
hist_column_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_column_assets table.
hist_metric_idintegerA reference to the primary key id column for a record in the hist_metrics table.
http_requests: Each record represents a request received by Tableau Server.
idintegerPrimary key for this table.
controllercharacter varyingThe part of the application that received the request.
actioncharacter varyingThe action requested.
http_referercharacter varyingThe referrer.
http_user_agentcharacter varyingThe agent string supplied by the client.
http_request_uritextThe requested URI.
remote_ipcharacter varyingThe client's IP address (from the perspective of the server).
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
session_idcharacter varyingThe session with which the request is associated.
completed_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the request was completed.
portintegerThe port on which the request was received.
user_idintegerThe user associated with the request.
workercharacter varyingWhich worker machine received the request.
statusintegerThe status returned to the client.
user_cookiecharacter varyingThe user cookie provided in the request.
user_ipcharacter varyingThe IP address of the originator of the request.
vizql_sessiontextThe vizql session associated with this request.
site_idintegerThe site associated with the request.
currentsheetcharacter varyingWhich sheet was being viewed.
flags_usedbigintInteger representing the bitmap of feature flags used in the request.
id__ad_identity_stores: Identities for Active Directory identity stores.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from instance_id on this table to id on table, id__identity_store_instances
identity_uuiduuidUuid of identity.
instance_idintegerInstance identifier for identity store.
security_idcharacter varyingSID of identity in Active Directory.
sam_account_namecharacter varyingsAMAccountName of identity in Active Directory.
fqdncharacter varyingFully qualified domain name of Active Directory domain.
upncharacter varyinguserPrincipalName of identity in Active Directory.
external_idcharacter varyingOptional external identifier for identity.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreation time of record.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneLast updated time of record.
id__identity_store_instances: Instances of identity stores.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from type_id on this table to id on table, id__identity_store_types
idintegerPrimary key for identity store instance.
type_idsmallintForeign key for type of identity store instance.
namecharacter varyingMachine consumable name for identity store instance.
display_namecharacter varyingHuman consumable name for identity store instance.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreation time of record.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneLast updated time of record.
id__identity_store_types: Types of identity stores.
idsmallintPrimary key for identity store type.
namecharacter varyingMachine consumable name for identity store type.
display_namecharacter varyingHuman consumable name for identity store type.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreation time of record.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneLast updated time of record.
id__ldap_identity_stores: Identities for LDAP identity stores.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from instance_id on this table to id on table, id__identity_store_instances
identity_uuiduuidUuid of identity.
instance_idintegerInstance identifier for identity store.
entry_uuiduuidEntryUUID of identity in LDAP.
distinguished_namecharacter varyingNormalized distinguished name of identity in LDAP.
external_idcharacter varyingOptional external identifier for identity.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreation time of record.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneLast updated time of record.
id__local_identity_stores: Identities for Local identity stores.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from instance_id on this table to id on table, id__identity_store_instances
identity_uuiduuidUuid of identity.
instance_idintegerInstance identifier for identity store.
usernamecharacter varyingUsername for identity.
protected_passwordcharacter varyingProtected password for identity.
protected_password_bad_formatbooleanSet to true if protected password format unrecognized.
failed_login_attemptsintegerInteger that represents the number of failed attempts since the last successful login.
last_failed_logintimestamp without time zoneDate that represents the last time the user had an unsuccessful login.
force_password_updatebooleanBoolean that represents if we want to force a password reset on the user the next time it tries to log in.
last_password_updatetimestamp without time zoneDate that represents the last time the user updated the password to the current value.
external_idcharacter varyingOptional external identifier for identity.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreation time of record.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneLast updated time of record.
identity_based_activation_reporting: Login-based License Management (LBLM) - NOTE: For any custom vizzes or reporting, it is recommended instead to use the View identity_based_activation_admin_view. In this table each row contains important dates with regard to ATR Issuing and Login-based License Usage for a given User, Site, Device and Product combination.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idbigintPrimary Key generated by PostgreSQL.
iba_user_idcharacter varyingGenerated Id for user for IBA Reporting
site_idinteger(foreign key) Holds the primary key of the sites table. Allows site filtering to work on Admin Views.
device_fingerprintcharacter varyingUniquely identifies device. Built/generated from umn.
product_typecharacter varyingProduct being used at the client level.
host_namecharacter varyingComputer host name.
product_versioncharacter varyingapplication/product version being used at the client level.
registration_first_namecharacter varyingRegistered user first name
registration_last_namecharacter varyingRegistered user last name
registration_emailcharacter varyingRegistered user email address
registration_datetimestamp without time zoneDate active key was registered.
client_user_namecharacter varyingLogin/User name from the client level.
atr_expiration_datetimestamp without time zoneExpiration date of active key. NULL means permanent.
hardware_serial_numbercharacter varyingUniquely identifies company's hardware asset.
registration_custom_fieldcharacter varyingcustom field from registration
machine_oscharacter varyingos_architecture
virtual_machinebooleanis the machine virtual
atr_chain_idcharacter varyingATR Chain Id
domain_informationcharacter varyingComputer Active Directory domain.
date_atr_issuedtimestamp without time zonedate-time the last time an ATR request returned from from the ATR Service SUCCESSFULLY for this user, device, product and site.
date_atr_failedtimestamp without time zonedate-time the last time an ATR request returned from from the ATR Service UNSUCCESSFULLY-(FAILED) for this user, device, product and site.
date_activatedtimestamp without time zonedate-time the first time the user activated this product from this device for this site.
date_last_usedtimestamp without time zonedate-time the last time the user used this product from this device for this site.
date_last_updatedtimestamp without time zonedate-time the last time any of the event dates (date_...) were updated for a given user, productType, device and site.
server_user_namecharacter varyingFull user friendly name on the server level.
server_emailcharacter varyingEmail for user on the server level.
site_luidcharacter varyingHolds the site luid from the sites table.
user_rolecharacter varyingDEPRECATED - Please use user_role in the VIEW identity_based_activation_admin_view instead. This column is no longer updated and will be deleted.
identity_based_activation_user_role_change: Login-based License Management (LBLM) - NOTE: For any custom vizzes or reporting, it is recommended instead to use the View identity_based_activation_admin_view. This table tracks site role creator changes for each given user on a given site.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
site_idintegerThe site ID of the User represented in this row.
user_luidcharacter varyingUnique ID for user from users table.
system_user_idintegerForeign Key to System User table.
system_user_namecharacter varyingName of the user across all sites. Populated from system_users table.
date_creator_role_assignedtimestamp without time zoneDatetime user was assigned from a non-creator role to a creator role -- triggered from the users table.
date_creator_role_unassignedtimestamp without time zoneDatetime user was unassigned from a creator role to a non-creator role -- triggered from the users table.
site_role_idintegerForeign key to site_roles table to allow access to site_roles display_name.
language_prefs: Contains a listing of information about languages for which Tableau Server has been localized.
language_idcharacter varyingA unique ASCII string identifier for the language.
display_namecharacter varyingThe name of the language (in the language, itself).
display_orderintegerGoverns the order in which these languages will appear when listed in the user interface.
help_linktextUsed in constructing help links, so that help can be presented in the appropriate language.
locale_idcharacter varyingA unique identifying string that corresponds to a locale with this language.
lens_content_relationships: Represents the relationship between the lens and other content types.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from lens_id on this table to id on table, lenses
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
lens_idintegerThe id for identifying the lens entity.
content_typetextContent types that are associated with the lens.
content_idintegercontent_id is the unique identifier for the corresponding content-type.
lens_datasource_associations: Represents the association between the lens and the source datasources for a lens.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from lens_id on this table to id on table, lenses
Foreign key/Primary key relation from published_datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
lens_idintegerThe luid for identifying the lens.
site_idintegerThe id of the site on which the lens is created
published_datasource_idintegerThe id of the published datasource on the site
lens_fields: Table to store fields associated with lenses
Foreign key/Primary key relation from lens_id on this table to id on table, lenses
Foreign key/Primary key relation from published_datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
lens_idintegerThe id for identifying the lens.
site_idintegerThe id of the site on which the lens is created
published_datasource_idintegerThe id of the datasource to which the field belong
graph_idtextThe unique graph id of the field
statustextStatus indicator of the field. For example Displayed, Hidden etc
created_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp at which the record was created
updated_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp at which the record was updated
lenses: Represents the table for storing lenses.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idbigintId is the primary key for the record.
luiduuidluid for uniquely identifying a record within a site.
site_idintegerThe site id this lens is created in.
owner_idintegerThe owner id identifies the current owner of the lens.
created_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp at which the record was created
updated_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp when the record was last updated at.
index_version_numbertextIndex version number at which the lens is indexed to.
licensing_roles: Lists the various possible licensing scenarios. (Unlicensed, Guest, Viewer, or Interactor).
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the licensing role.
rankintegerUsed to provide an order of increasing rights.
licensing_roles_countintegerCount of used licensing roles.
local_names: Contains translations of certain words or phrases that are relevant to some Tableau Server database constructs.
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
language_idcharacter varyingAbbreviation for a particular language.
obj_namecharacter varyingA string that uniquly represents the object to be translated. This name, by convention, is very similar, if not identical to the name field for English.
obj_typecharacter varyingThe type of the object. For example, "Project" or "Site".
namecharacter varyingHow to call this object in the specified language, as given by language_id.
materialize_views_job_sos_directory: Each row in the table is a mapping of a workbook id and revision in a materialize views job to the sos directories that the job requires.
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
workbook_idintegerID of the workbook whose query results in this materialized view. This id is same as the id (primary key) of the public.workbooks table in the database.
workbook_revisiontextRevision of the workbook whose id is the workbook_id column.
materialized_query_directory_sos_idtextid of the directory in sos that contains the queries that are materialized.
materialized_views: This table stores the materialized views for queries in workbooks.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from materialized_view_connection_id on this table to id on table, materialized_views_connections
idintegerAuto-generated id from postgres; also the primary key for the table.
workbook_idintegerID of the workbook whose query results in this materialized view. This id is same as the id (primary key) of the public.workbooks table in the database.
workbook_revisiontextRevision of the workbook whose id is the workbook_id column.
materialized_query_file_nametextName of the file that stores the materialized query in sos.
table_nametextName of the table storing the materialized view of the query.
materialized_query_directory_sos_idtextid of the directory in sos that contains the queries that are materialized.
materialized_view_connection_idintegerID (foreign key from materialized view connection table) of the connection that stores the materialized view
materialized_view_expiration_timetimestamp without time zoneTimestamp at which the view is considered obsolete and becomes a candidate for removal by MaterializedViewService.garbageCollector.
elapsed_query_secondsrealTotal elapsed time (in seconds) for the query.
materialized_query_result_size_lower_bound_bytesbigintmaterialized query result size without indrect referenced values(such as string).
materialized_query_result_size_upper_bound_bytesbigintmaterialized query result size with indrect referened values (such as string).
materialization_job_created_attimestamp without time zoneStores the timestamp at which the materialization job was created
query_view_bitmapbyteaBitmap to store a mapping of all the views that use the query
query_hashnumericunsigned 64 bit hash of the materialized logical query.
query_hash_stringcharacter varyingstring representation of hash of the materialized logical query.
query_execution_timestamptimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when query is executed in a materialization job.
materialized_views_bloom_filters: This table stores the bloom filters indicating materialized sites/workbooks.
bloom_filter_typesmallintType of this bloom filter
update_timestamptimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when the bloomfilter is updated.
serialized_bloom_filterbyteaSerialized bloom filters.
stalebooleanFlag to indicate whether or not we need to rebuild the bloom filter.
materialized_views_connections: This table stores the information required to fetch materialized views files from the server where they are stored.
idintegerPrimary key for the table.
materialized_views_directory_sos_idtextId of the sos directory in which the materialized views are contained.
datasource_nametextName of the data source against which we run the query to generate the materialized view.
serialized_source_connection_attributestextSerialized connection attributes for the source datasource connection from which the materialized views are created.
serialized_materialized_view_connection_attributestextSerialized connection attributes to connect to the datasource storing the materialized views.
logical_query_cache_key_xmltextXML containing the datasource columns that is used for generating the cache key for logical query cache. This is known as relationXML in parts of the code.
materialized_views_metadata: This table stores the metadata for the materialized view service.
keycharacter varyingThe key name of the metadata
valuecharacter varyingThe value of the metadata
materialized_views_object_status: This table stores the materialized views state configuration for objects for which the feature is enabled.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from object_id on this table to id on table, workbooks
site_idintegerID of the site. This id is same as the id (primary key) of the public.sites table.
object_idintegerID of the object (workbook or flow).
statesmallintA small int representing the current state of the materialized views for the site (and workbook if it is not null).
change_timestamptimestamp without time zoneTimestamp of the last change made to the record.
idintegerauto generated integer primary key.
sheet_statscharacter varyingthe stats of materialized views for worksheets.
mentions: Mentions for comments.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from comment_id on this table to id on table, comments
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
comment_idintegerA foreign key reference to the comment that the mention is attached to.
target_typecharacter varyingThe type of the mention target.
target_idintegerThe id of the target.
metric_metrics_aggregations: Each record represents a partial aggregation of analytics for a given metric in a given time interval. It is often necessary to sum across multiple rows to find a total for a given time interval.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from metric_id on this table to id on table, metrics
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
metric_idintegerA foreign key reference to the metric.
day_indexintegerRecords what day of the month the analytics are aggregated over. When 0, the aggregation is for the month and year as designated by month_index and year_index.
month_indexintegerRecords what month of the year the analytics are aggregated over. When 0, the aggregation is for the year as designated by year_index.
year_indexintegerRecords what year the analytics are aggregated over
view_countintegerRecords the number of times a metric was viewed in the given time interval.
metrics: Each record represents a Metric.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from customized_view_id on this table to id on table, customized_views
Foreign key/Primary key relation from dataalert_id on this table to id on table, data_alerts
Foreign key/Primary key relation from datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from project_id on this table to id on table, projects
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from view_id on this table to id on table, views
Foreign key/Primary key relation from workbook_id on this table to id on table, workbooks
idintegerPrimary key.
namecharacter varyingA descriptive name.
luiduuidA unique, immutable identifier within a site.
owner_idintegerThe last publisher.
project_idintegerThe associated project.
site_idintegerThe associated site.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was created, in UTC.
descriptiontextA user-supplied description.
embeddedtextThe encrypted keychain with credentials.
asset_key_idintegerThe asset encryption key used to encrypt the keychain in the embedded column.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was updated.
datasource_idintegerThe datasource from which the metric queries its data.
dataalert_idintegerThe data alert from which the metric queries its data.
workbook_idintegerThe workbook from which the metric queries its data.
view_idintegerThe view within the workbook specified by workbook_id.
last_scheduled_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time a refresh for this Metric was scheduled
last_refreshed_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time a Metric's data was refreshed successfully
incomplete_refresh_attemptsintegerThe amount of incomplete attempts to refresh this Metric
customized_view_idintegerThe ID of the customized view the metric was created on.
suspend_stateinteger0: metric is not suspended, 1: metric was auto-suspended, 2: metric was manually suspended.
connected_view_pathcharacter varyingThe connected view path for the metric
connected_view_namecharacter varyingThe connected view name for the metric
metrics_definition: Each record represents a metrics definition.
iduuidPrimary key for the record.
metric_luiduuidMetric unique identifier
site_luiduuidAn identifier which is unique to the site
created_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when this metric definition is created
metric_definitionbyteaDefinition of the metric
metrics_snapshot: Each record represents a metrics snapshot.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from metric_view_id on this table to id on table, metrics_view
iduuidPrimary key for the record.
metric_view_iduuidAn identifier for metric view
client_timestamptimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when this metric snapshot is created on client
server_timestamptimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when this metric snapshot is created on server
site_luiduuidAn identifier which is unique to the site
metrics_snapshot_delta: Each record represents a metrics snapshot delta.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from metric_view_id on this table to id on table, metrics_view
iduuidPrimary key for the record.
metric_view_iduuidAn identifier for metric snapshot
delta_timestamptimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when this metric snapshot delta is created
process_keycharacter varyingProcess Key for this metric snapshot delta
databyteaData for metric snapshot delta
site_luiduuidAn identifier which is unique to the site
metrics_view: Each record represents a metrics view.
iduuidPrimary key for the record.
metric_luiduuidAn identifier which is unique to the metric definition
site_luiduuidAn identifier which is unique to the site
namecharacter varyingName of the metric view
created_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when this metric view is created
columnsbyteaMetrics columns blob
mobile_enrollments: Keeps track of most recent time a user has been enrolled for a mobile device. User will typically be enrolled onto server by logging into server through the mobile client. A user may be enrolled under multiple devices if the devices have different attributes (pixel width, pixel height, pixel ratio)
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
user_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user who is enrolled.
widthintegerThe port size (width) of the device that is enrolled.
heightintegerThe port size (height) of the device that is enrolled.
pixel_ratiorealUsed to distinguish high dpi of the enrolled devices.
last_enrolled_attimestamp without time zoneThe most recent time a user has been enrolled for a mobile device.
most_recent_refreshes: most recent refresh data for alerts
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
historical_event_type_idintegerhistorical event type of the refresh
workertextworker executing refresh
duration_in_msintegerduration of refresh
detailstextdetails of refresh
task_idintegertask id
site_idintegersite id
data_connection_idintegerdata connection id
is_failurebooleanwhether or not refresh failed
created_attimestamp without time zonewhen refresh occurred
workbook_idintegerworkbook being refreshed
datasource_idintegerdatasource being refreshed
has_retry_jobbooleanIndicator for refresh job in background job table, if there is pending/running refresh job, the value is true.
most_recent_subscription_runs: most recent subscription runs data for suspend subscriptions
Foreign key/Primary key relation from subscription_id on this table to id on table, subscriptions
subscription_idintegersubscription id
detailstextdetails of subscription run in plain text
completed_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which the subscription job was last completed and this record was last updated or created
mru_list_entries: Holds most recently used list entries. The records here are linked to the lists to which they belong. Those lists are defined in the mru_lists table.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from mru_list_id on this table to id on table, mru_lists
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
mru_list_idintegerA foreign key reference to the mru_list record to which this item belongs.
useable_idintegerA kind of "polymorphic" foreign key reference. It contains the id of the item to which this entry refers. Look for it in the table indicated by the useable_type field.
useable_typecharacter varyingOne of "User" "View" "Project" "Workbook" or "Tag". Indicates the type of item that this is.
positionintegerWhen the items are shown in order, this field defines that order.
used_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time at which the item referred to by this entry was accessed.
usedobj_nametextThe name of the item referred to by this entry.
usedobj_urltextA URL-like identifier for the item referred to by this entry.
mru_lists: Most recently used lists by user. The actual list contents are in the mru_list_entries table.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
user_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user who is associated with this list.
list_typecharacter varyingOne of "users" "views" "projects" "workbooks" or "tags".
next_gen_permissions: This table provides a flexible means of describing which users and groups have been granted which capabilities, on which things. Be aware that permissions is a complex topic and that this table does not contain all relevant information about permissions. For example, some permissions are given, automatically, to owners of workbooks or projects.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from capability_id on this table to id on table, capabilities
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
authorizable_typecharacter varyingDescribes the type of thing for which permissions are being specified. Must be one of "Project" "Workbook" "Datasource" "View" or "NamedResource".
authorizable_idintegerThe id value of the thing for which permissions are being specified. So, for example, if authorizable_type were "Workbook" then authorizable_id would correspond to the id value of the workbook in question.
grantee_idintegerRefers to either the id of the "users" table or the id of the "groups" table depending on the value of grantee_type.
grantee_typecharacter varyingPermissions can be assigned to either users or groups, and this tells you which. Entry must be one of "User" or "Group".
capability_idintegerIndicates which capability is to be granted or denied by this record. It is a foreign key link to the capabilities table where the corresponding record describes the nature of the capability in question.
permissionintegerAn integer from 1 to 4 that combines whether the permission is applied to a user or to a group (which can also be seen from grantee_type) as well as whether this is granting or denying the capability. The meaning of the values is: 1: grant to group, 2: deny to group, 3: grant to user, 4: deny to user. Ascending order corresponds to increasing precedence. For example, a capability denied to a group (2) can be overriden by the same capability granted specifically to a user in that group (3).
nlp_suggested_questions: Suggested questions
Foreign key/Primary key relation from parent_group_id on this table to id on table, nlp_suggestion_groups
Foreign key/Primary key relation from published_datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerThe unique identifier for this row that is automatically generated on insert
expressiontextSerialized and versioned expression
parent_group_luidtextLUID of the question's parent group
sort_orderintegerThe position at which the question should be displayed within its parent group
luidtextThe unique identifier for this row to be referenced by application code
site_idintegerSite ID of datasource the question belongs to
published_datasource_idintegerDatasource ID of datasource the question belongs to
interpretation_nlgtextHuman readable text of the suggested question
created_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was created
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was updated
colloquial_aliastextUser-defined colloquial alias of a suggested question
parent_group_idintegerID of the parent suggestion group a question belongs to
nlp_suggestion_groups: Suggested question groups
Foreign key/Primary key relation from published_datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerThe unique identifier for this row that is automatically generated on insert
group_nametextName of the group of suggested questions
descriptiontextDescription of the group of suggested questions
sort_orderintegerThe position at which the group should be displayed relative to other groups
luidtextThe unique identifier for this row to be referenced by application code
site_idintegerSite ID of datasource the suggestion group belongs to
published_datasource_idintegerDatasource ID of datasource the suggestion group belongs to
created_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was created
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was updated
oauth_request_tokens: Table of tokens used for OAuth authorization requests.
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
entry_db_classcharacter varyingThe connection class of the connection to which the token will belong.
entry_db_subclasscharacter varyingThe connection subclass of the connection to which the token will belong
request_tokentextThe request token which can be exchanged for an access token along with the request token secret.
request_token_secret_encryptedtextThe encrypted request token secret which can be exchanged for an access token along with the request token
is_usedbooleanWhether or not the request token/request token secret were exchanged for an access token or not.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was last updated.
asset_key_idintegerID of key used to encrypt the token secret.
oauth_service_code_verifiers: Short lived storage for the code verifier used in PKCE requests.
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
luiduuidA unique, immutable identifier for the code verifier.
site_idintegerSite where the code_verifier was created at
user_idintegerUser on the site requesting to authenticate with the code verifier.
db_classcharacter varyingThe database class name this code_verifier is used for.
code_verifiercharacter varyingThe authorization code verifier.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this code_verifier was created.
expires_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this code_verifier expires, defalt per spec 1 min.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this code_verifier was updated at.
password_tokens: Tokens issued to client through link in email which can be redeemed to change their password
Foreign key/Primary key relation from system_user_id on this table to id on table, system_users
idintegerPrimary key identifier for row
guiduuidUnique identifier for token
saltcharacter varyingThe salt is used to hash the password
hashed_secretcharacter varyingSecret portion of token thats been hashed
expires_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the token becomes expired
system_user_idintegerReference to system user that requested the token
pdf_subscription_options: Used to store different PDF layout options.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from subscription_id on this table to id on table, subscriptions
idintegerPrimary key for this record.
pdf_page_size_optioncharacter varyingType of page size such as A4, letter etc
pdf_page_orientationcharacter varyingOrientation in which page should be rendered.
subscription_idintegerID of the subscription with these attachments options.
pending_search_update_items: This table represents an item that is associated with a pending_search_update.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from pending_search_update_id on this table to id on table, pending_search_updates
idintegerPrimary key for the pending search update item.
pending_search_update_idintegerPrimary key id for pending search update associated with the item.
item_idintegerPrimary key for the item. The type of the item is determined by the pending search update.
permission_reasons: When calculating effective permissions in the perm_users_*_capabilities functions, this table maps the integer precedence of the effective permission rule to the varchar effective permission reason. The integer precedence is internal to the stored procedures. The effective permission reason is returned to callers.
precedenceintegerThe integer precedence of an effective permission rule. Higher value means higher precedence. Used in the perm_users_*_capabilities functions.
reasoncharacter varyingThe external identifier for an effective permission rule. Returned by the perm_users_*_capabilities functions.
permission_set_classes: Represents a class of permission sets. Generally 1-to-1 with capabilities.
idintegerPrimary key for the permission set class record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the permission set class.
permission_set_items: Represents a single next_gen_permission in a permission_set. The columns mirror the next_gen_permissions table.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from capability_id on this table to id on table, capabilities
Foreign key/Primary key relation from permission_set_id on this table to id on table, permission_sets
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
grantee_idintegerRefers to either the id of the "users" table or the id of the "groups" table depending on the value of grantee_type.
grantee_typecharacter varyingPermissions can be assigned to either users or groups, and this tells you which. Entry must be one of "User" or "Group".
capability_idintegerIndicates which capability is to be granted or denied by this record. It is a foreign key link to the capabilities table where the corresponding record describes the nature of the capability in question.
permissionintegerAn integer from 1 to 4 that combines whether the permission is applied to a user or to a group (which can also be seen from grantee_type) as well as whether this is granting or denying the capability. The meaning of the values is: 1: grant to group, 2: deny to group, 3: grant to user, 4: deny to user. Ascending order corresponds to increasing precedence. For example, a capability denied to a group (2) can be overriden by the same capability granted specifically to a user in that group (3).
permission_set_idintegerThe permission set this item is a part of.
site_idintegerThe site.
permission_sets: Represents a common set of permissions used by multiple authorizables.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from permission_set_class_id on this table to id on table, permission_set_classes
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the permission set record.
permission_set_class_idintegerThe permission set class.
site_idintegerThe site id.
delete_if_unreferenced_aftertimestamp without time zoneThe earliest time it is safe to delete this permission_set if it is unreferenced by authorizable_permission_sets
permissions_templates: This table provides a flexible means of describing which users and groups will be granted which capabilities by default, on non-overwrite publishes of workbooks and datasources. Be aware that permissions is a complex topic and that this table does not contain all relevant information about permissions. For example, some permissions are given, automatically, to owners of workbooks or projects.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from capability_id on this table to id on table, capabilities
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
template_typecharacter varyingDetermines whether the permission template applies to workbooks or datasource. Value must be "Workbook" or "Datasource".
grantee_idintegerRefers to either the id of the "users" table or the id of the "groups" table depending on the value of grantee_type.
grantee_typecharacter varyingPermissions can be assigned to either users or groups, and this tells you which. Entry must be one of "User" or "Group".
capability_idintegerIndicates which capability is to be granted or denied by this record. It is a foreign key link to the capabilities table where the corresponding record describes the nature of the capability in question.
permissionintegerAn integer from 1 to 4 that combines whether the permission is applied to a user or to a group (which can also be seen from grantee_type) as well as whether this is granting or denying the capability. The meaning of the values is: 1: grant to group, 2: deny to group, 3: grant to user, 4: deny to user. Ascending order corresponds to increasing precedence. For example, a capability denied to a group (2) can be overridden by the same capability granted specifically to a user in that group (3).
container_typetextType of container for which this permission template applies, possbile value are Database and Project.
container_idintegerIdentifies the container for which this permission template applies.
pkce_tokens: Proof Key for Credential Exchange (RFC 7636) short-lived storage.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
user_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user.
authorization_codebyteaThe authorization code (RFC 7636).
code_challengebyteaThe code challenge (RFC 7636).
code_challenge_methodcharacter varyingThe code challenge method (RFC 7636).
expires_attimestamp with time zoneThe time when this token expires.
redeemed_attimestamp with time zoneThe time when this token was redeemed.
projects: Each row of the table corresponds to a project on Tableau Server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from controlling_permissions_project_id on this table to id on table, projects
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from parent_project_id on this table to id on table, projects
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the project.
owner_idintegerThe id of the user who owns this project.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was last changed.
statecharacter varyingIf this is anything other than "active" then the project is inactive.
descriptiontextA textual description of the project.
site_idintegerThe site which contains this project.
specialintegerHas a value of 1 if this is a special system-created project (like the default project). Otherwise it is NULL.
luiduuidThe locally unique ID, which is intended for exposing externally by the server API. This is automatically generated.
controlled_permissions_enabledbooleanIndicates whether permissions on workbooks, views, and data sources are controlled at the project level.
parent_project_idintegerId of the parent project. NULL for top-level projects.
admin_insights_enabledbooleanIndicates if project is a Admin Insights project
nested_projects_permissions_includedbooleanIndicates whether nested projects should be included when permissions are controlled or not controlled at the project level. Associated with controlled_permissions_enabled column
controlling_permissions_project_idintegerThe id of the ancestor project that is controlling the permissions for this project.
projects_contents: Table which stores the contents of projects
Foreign key/Primary key relation from project_id on this table to id on table, projects
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerThe id which uniquely identifies row in the table
project_idintegerThe project_id which identifies the project that the row is associated with
site_idintegerThe site_id which identifies the site that the row is associated with
content_idintegerThe id of the content being stored in the project denoted by project_id. With content_type uniquely identifies a piece of content.
content_typecharacter varyingThe type of content being represented by the given row. Together with content_id uniquely identifies a piece of content
published_connection_extract_infos: Table contains user created extract info
Foreign key/Primary key relation from published_connection_id on this table to id on table, published_connections
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerGenerated Id for published_connection_extract_infos table primary key
site_idintegerSite where published connection revision created at
published_connection_idintegerForeign key to
extract_status_codetextStatus code of an extract info table. For example, completed, in progress or failed
activebooleanExtract is active or not
status_updated_attimestamp without time zonewhen extract status got updated at
lock_versionintegerLatest version in record, used for optimistic locking
created_attimestamp without time zoneFirst time created
updated_attimestamp without time zoneLast time updated
published_connection_revisions: Table conatains user created published connections for all revisions
Foreign key/Primary key relation from published_connection_id on this table to id on table, published_connections
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerGenerated Id for published_connection_revisions table primary key
site_idintegerSite where published connection revision created at
published_connection_idbigintForeign key to
revision_numberintegerRevision number indicating revision history
connection_attributestextBlob of connection attributes: connection_type(mysql, postgres..), hostname, port, username, password, etc.
lock_versionintegerLatest version in record, used for optimistic locking
created_attimestamp without time zoneFirst time created
updated_attimestamp without time zoneLast time updated
asset_key_idintegerasset key id as in EncryptedAttribute
secured_valuestextencrypted message associated with the asset key
published_connection_tables: Table contains metadata info for tables and fields from the user created published_connection_database
Foreign key/Primary key relation from published_connection_revision_id on this table to id on table, published_connection_revisions
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerGenerated Id for published_connection_tables table primary key
site_idintegerSite where published connection tables created at
published_connection_revision_idbigintForeign key to
luiduuidGenerated unique UUID for published connection tables
table_nametextTable name from physical database
database_nametextDatabase name from physical database
schema_nametextSchema name from physical database
aliastextTable alias name (human descriptor)
lock_versionintegerLatest version in record, used for optimistic locking
created_attimestamp without time zoneFirst time created
updated_attimestamp without time zoneLast time updated
published_connections: Each record represents a Published Connection.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from active_revision_id on this table to id on table, published_connection_revisions
idintegerPrimary key.
namecharacter varyingA descriptive name.
luiduuidA unique, immutable identifier within a site.
owner_idintegerThe user who creates the published connection.
project_idintegerThe associated project.
site_idintegerThe associated site.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was created, in UTC.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was updated, in UTC.
descriptiontextA user-supplied description.
active_revision_idintegerCurrent active resision published connection, foreign key to
lock_versionintegerLatest version in record, used for optimistic locking
recommendations_dismissed_views: Views dismissed by user in context of viz recommendations
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from view_id on this table to id on table, views
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
site_idintegerSite Id associated with this dismissed view
user_idintegerUser Id of user that dismissed the view
view_idintegerView Id that was dismissed by user
dismissed_attimestamp without time zoneTime in Utc when the view was dismissed by user
recycle_bin_content_types: Content Type lookup table for Recycle Bin.
idintegerAuto incremented primary key.
content_typecharacter varyingContent type of the object in Recycle Bin.
sos_typecharacter varyingSOS Type for thumbnails of this content type
recycle_bin_contents: Table storing all items in the Recycle Bin.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from content_type_id on this table to id on table, recycle_bin_content_types
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerAuto incremented primary key.
namecharacter varyingName of the recycled item.
descriptiontextDescription (if any) of the recycled item.
owner_idintegerOwner of the original item. May no longer exist.
deleted_by_user_idintegerID of the user who deleted this item. May no longer exist.
content_idcharacter varyingContent ID (could be LUID or ID) of the deleted content.
thumbnail_idcharacter varyingThumbnail of the deleted content.
deleted_attimestamp without time zoneTime of deletion.
last_modified_timetimestamp without time zoneLast modified time of the original object before deletion.
content_type_idintegerContent type ID of the deleted object.
site_idintegerID of the Site from which this content was deleted.
restorable_objectjsonObject metadata in JSON, used to restore the object.
refresh_token_devices: Devices that have been issued at least one refresh token
idintegerPrimary key identifier
device_idcharacter varyingUnique identifier of the device. Must be unique across all instances of the same installations of client applications. This is expected to stay the same through the lifetime of the application.
device_namecharacter varyingFriendly name of the device to be displayed
system_user_idintegerReference to the system user the token is issued to
last_used_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time the device redeemed the refresh token.
refresh_tokens: Tokens issued to clients which can be redeemed by the client for access to the server
Foreign key/Primary key relation from refresh_token_device_id on this table to id on table, refresh_token_devices
idintegerPrimary key identifier
guiduuidUnique identifer of the refresh token
client_idcharacter varyingUnique identifier with which to associate to the refresh token series.
client_namecharacter varyingThis column is no longer used and will be deleted once it will no longer be breaking an upgrade scenario
system_user_idintegerReference to the system user the token is issued to
expires_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this token becomes expired. null means that it does not have absolute expiration time
last_used_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the token was last redeemed for an access token
issued_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this token was issued to the client
saltcharacter varyingThe salt used when hashing the secret
hashed_secretcharacter varyingSecret portion of the token thats been hashed
session_idcharacter varyingThe most current session that has been redeemed using this refresh token. Null if no sessions have been redeemed
refresh_token_device_idintegerReference to the device the token is issued to
next_hashed_secretcharacter varyingSecret portion of the token thats been hashed for the next refresh token
next_saltcharacter varyingThe salt used when hashing the secret for the next refresh_token
remote_agents: Registry of remote agents (Online). Remote agents are programs installed on customer PC and executing tasks on a behalf of a customer. The first example of agent is Tableau Data Sync. It is running in background on customer desktop and performing automatic data source refreshes based on schedules defined by customers.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
owner_idintegerForeign key reference to the user who owns this project.
site_idintegerForeign key reference to the site which contains this remote agent.
namecharacter varyingName of the remote agent. Usually agent computer name. This name must be unique for a specific site/user. Different users can have same agent (for example of shared computer).
time_zone_idcharacter varyingString identifier of agent's time zone. Time zone is specified during registration and can be changed later. Time zone ID is full name such as "America/Los_Angeles". It should be accepted by Java method java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(java.lang.String).
schedules_synced_attimestamp without time zoneUTC time of last agent synchronization of schedules with the server. Time is the recorded server time.
device_idcharacter varyingID generated by client and also given to the Refresh Token Service. Otherwise, one is randomly generated.
concurrent_live_operations_allowedintegerNumber of concurrent live operations allowed on a remote agent.
capacitiestextThe capacities that this remote agent exhibits, e.g. LiveQueryAlpha, LiveQueryBeta, LiveQueryV1
pooledbooleanIf part of the site pool to handle shared work.
versioncharacter varyingThe version of the remote agent.
repository_data: This table forms the link between other tables that need to store "large object" data, and the large object storage, itself.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from sos_blob_data_id on this table to id on table, sos_blob_data
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
nametextA possibly useful string that is mostly here to make it easier to debug.
contentoidAn oid field that references the corresponding data stored in the pg_largeobject system table. Be aware pg_largeobject is not accessible by the "tableau" or "readonly" users.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
tracking_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to track the repository data.
typecharacter varyingSimple Object Storage type.
kindcharacter varyingKind of data in content; file or folder.
sos_blob_data_idbigintforeign key referencing
resource_holder_types: Information about entities which can hold on to resources. For instance workbook is such an entity, it can reference a geocoding database and keep it alive.
idsmallintUnique numeric id of the type. This value is used as the value of resource_usage.resource_holder_type column.
nametextUnique name of the type, used in the code to identify the particular resource holder type.
descriptiontextDescription of the type.
resource_types: Information about resources which are used by some server entities. For instance geocoding databases are such resources, a workbook can reference a geocoding database and keep it alive.
idsmallintUnique numeric id of the type. This value is used as the value of resource_usage.resource_type column.
nametextUnique name of the type, used in the code to identify the particular resource type.
descriptiontextDescription of the type.
resource_usage: Information about resources by tableau server entities, for example which geocoding databases are used by which workbooks.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from resource_holder_type on this table to id on table, resource_holder_types
Foreign key/Primary key relation from resource_type on this table to id on table, resource_types
idintegerAuto-generated id from postgres; also the primary key for the table.
resource_holder_typesmallintType of the entity which references the resource. Values correspond to the values in the column.
resource_holder_idintegerID of the entity for which this entry was created. The meaning of the ID depends on the resource_holder_type value. For instance, for workbooks it is the workbook ID
resource_typesmallintType of the resource, e.g. geocoding database. Values correspond to the values in the column.
resource_idintegerID of the resource. The meaning of the ID depends on the resource_type value. For instance, for geocoding databases it is the id from the geocoding table.
created_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneSame as created_at.
roles: This table contains records corresponding to various classifications of users. It should really be viewed in conjuction with the capabilities and capability_roles tables. Taken together, these tables associate different roles with different sets of capabilities. The capabilities sets serve as templates when creating content.
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingEach role has a name by which it is known to program code. Examples include, viewer, editor, interactor, ds_editor, etc.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was last changed.
creator_idintegerLinks to the user who created this record, or is NULL. Not a significant value.
displayablebooleanUsed to distinguish between records that can be displayed in the GUI and those that cannot.
administrativebooleanRoles are categorized as administrative in nature, or not. This field is used for filtering.
display_orderintegerAscending order of this value is the order in which roles are listed, when displayed.
display_namecharacter varyingThis is the name for the role, which will be displayed to the user.
saml_assertions_metadata: Records for the saml assertions
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
assertion_idcharacter varyingSaml assertion id.
idp_entity_idcharacter varyingIdP entity id URI.
expires_attimestamp without time zoneThe time saml assertion expires. Null indicates no expiration time
schedules: Records in this table define a schedule according to which certain regular tasks may be performed (see tasks table). They also indicate the next time at which the schedule will be triggered.
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingA schedule can be given a name, which is stored here.
activebooleanIf set to false, this means that the schedule is inactive, meaning that no tasks will be performed when the schedules triggers.
priorityintegerPriority can range from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to higher priority.
schedule_typeintegerOne of 0 (Hourly), 1 (Daily), 2 (Weekly), 3 (Monthly).
day_of_week_maskintegerIndicates which day of the week this schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday : 1, Monday : 10, Tuesday : 100, Wednesday : 1000, Thursday : 10000, Friday : 100000, Saturday : 1000000.
day_of_month_maskintegerIndicates which day of the month this schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st : 1, 2nd: 10, 3rd: 100, 4th: 1000, 5th: 10000, etc.
start_at_minuteintegerThe minute following the start of the designated time period implied by the schedule_type. For example, for a daily schedule, this would be number of minutes past midnight at the start of the day. For hourly, it would be the number of minutes past the beginning of the hour.
minute_intervalintegerOnce the schedule triggers, it will retrigger at this interval during the time period implied by the schedule_type or until end_at_minute, or end_schedule_at.
end_at_minuteintegerThe minute following the start of the designated time period implied schedule_type, at which the schedule should stop triggering.
end_schedule_attimestamp without time zoneUsed to indicate a point in time, after which the schedule should never trigger.
run_next_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the schedule will next trigger.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time any changes were made to this record.
hiddenbooleanIf set to true, then this schedule will not be listed in the GUI, otherwise it will be.
serial_collection_idintegerA foreign key to the serial_collections table. Two jobs with the same serial_collection_id cannot be processed simultaneously. When the job record for a task linked to this schedule is created, it is assigned this serial_collection_id.
lock_versionintegerUsed to implement "optimistic locking" by JPA/Hibernate. The counter increases each time the record is changed. Not useful for customers.
scheduled_actionintegerUsed to classify schedules into categories: 0 (Extracts), 1 (Subscriptions), 2 (Sync AD users and groups), 3 (Auto Refresh Extracts), 4 (Flows)
luiduuiduuid for schedules used in the REST API
defined_byintegerThe mechanism type of how the schedule is created, e.g. 0 for system_admin, 1 for self_service.
timezoneidtextThe IANA timezoneid for the schedule when it is created i.e. America/Los_angeles
schema_migrations: This table tracks which database migrations have been applied to this database.
versioncharacter varyingA string, derived from the name of the migration file, which serves to identify a particular migration that has been applied.
semantics_service_data_source_events: Stores the last data source event processed by semantics service
idintegerThe unique identifier for this row that is automatically generated on insert
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was updated
last_enqueued_idbigintThe ID of the event that is last processed by semantics service
processing_nodetextThe ID of the semantics service node that is currently processing the events. If the field is empty, no semantics service node is currently processing events.
serial_collections: Records in this table represent groups of background jobs that should not be run simultaneously.
idintegerThe primary key for the record.
descriptioncharacter varyingWhoever creates the serial collection can decide what they want this description to say.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time any changes were made to this record.
server_scoped_metadata_node_properties: Table to store properties of a node.
idintegerAuto increment primary Key.
node_idcharacter varyingId of a node present in graph.
content_typecharacter varyingContent type of a node present in graph.
property_namecharacter varyingName of a property for a node present in graph.
property_valuetextValue of a property for a node present in graph.
created_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when property is created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when property is updated.
sessions: Settings associated with a user's browser session.
idintegerThe primary key for the record.
session_idcharacter varyingSession identifier.
datatextSerialized session data.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneTime when session was last updated, used to expire inactive sessions.
user_idintegerForeign key to users table
shared_wg_writetextSettings used by wgserver (language/country preference etc).
shared_vizql_writetextSettings used by vizql server.
site_idintegerA foreign key to the sites table. Indicates the site to which this session belongs.
created_attimestamp without time zoneA timestamp without timezone indicating how long ago the session was created
lock_versionintegerUsed to implement "optimistic locking." Don't set this or mess with it, it's all handled automatically.
saltcharacter varyingThe salt used when hashing the secret.
hashed_secretcharacter varyingSecret portion of the token thats been hashed.
oauth_statetextThe OAuth request state, will be verified later to prevent CSRF attack.
share_actions: Table storing share actions.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
sharer_idintegerUserId of the sharer (if not deleted). Backed up id (if deleted). Product spec: sharing action is not cascade deleted with sharer.
was_sharer_deletedbooleanIf sharer was deleted. False (regular user). True (name backed up for historical reason)
site_idintegerThe ID of the site where content was shared.
messagecharacter varyingSharers message to recipients. Max char count by PM spec is 500.
created_attimestamp without time zoneShare action creation timestamp.
share_contents: Table storing shared content (view/workboook/etc).
Foreign key/Primary key relation from share_action_id on this table to id on table, share_actions
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
share_action_idintegerShare action ID which was used to share this content.
content_idintegerShared content ID. Note: depending on "content_type" can be ID of different content.
content_typecharacter varyingShared content type.
site_idintegerThe ID of the site where content was shared.
share_deleted_sharers: Table storing deleted sharers backed up details (e.g. name). Needed because we do not cascade delete sharing action after sharer was deleted.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingName for deleted sharer. Backed up from
friendly_namecharacter varyingFriendly name for deleted sharer. Backed up from system_users.friendly_name.
site_idintegerThe ID of the site where content was shared by sharer.
share_recipients: Table storing share recipients (users/groups/etc).
Foreign key/Primary key relation from share_action_id on this table to id on table, share_actions
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
share_action_idintegerShare action ID which was used to share this content.
site_idintegerThe ID of the site where content was shared.
recipient_idintegerRecipient ID whom this content was shared with. Note: depending on "recipient_type" can be ID of different recipients.
recipient_typeintegerRecipient type (e.g. "USER", "GROUP").
share_single_user_options: Table storing single user options on shared content (does not change the content itself).
Foreign key/Primary key relation from single_user_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
content_idintegerContent ID on which user set a custom option.
content_typecharacter varyingContent type on which user set a custom option.
site_idintegerThe ID of the site where content was shared.
single_user_idintegerUser ID who set a custom option.
single_user_option_valueintegerValue of some certain option a user has set.
single_user_option_typeintegerOption type a user has set on a shared content.
sheet_images: Serves as a cache for all the sheet images generated by server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from customized_view_id on this table to id on table, customized_views
Foreign key/Primary key relation from generated_as_user_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from view_id on this table to id on table, views
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
widthintegerThe port size (width) used to generate the image.
heightintegerThe port size (height) used to generate the image.
pixel_ratiorealThe pixel ratio used to generate the image.
view_idintegerA foreign key reference to the view used to generate the image.
language_idcharacter varyingA code indicating the language used to generate the image.
locale_idcharacter varyingA code indicating the locale used to generate the image.
generated_attimestamp without time zoneA timestamp indicating when the image was generated.
data_storage_idbigintA reference to an entry in the repository_data table, which, in turn references the PostgreSQL large object that contains the sheet image for this entry.
generated_as_user_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user the image was generated as. Can be null if the image was not generated as any user in particular.
customized_view_idintegerA foreign key reference to the customized view that the image was generated as. Can be null if the image was not generated with a customized view.
cropped_heightintegerIndicates how many pixels were vertically cropped off of the generated image.
cropped_widthintegerIndicates how many pixels were horizontally cropped off of the generated image.
freshness_verified_attimestamp without time zoneThis date represents a point in time at which this sheet image is considered to be fresh.
data_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the image.
show_commands_query_strtextRepresents hash of the possible show commands to be applied to the viz in the native api code.
file_typeintegerThe file type. 0 for Image, 1 for Pdf
page_orientationintegerPDF page orientation
page_size_optionintegerPDF page size option
site_logos: custom logo image metadata for sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
site_idbigintthe site the logo belongs to
widthintegerthe image width in px
heightintegerthe image height in px
storage_idcharacter varyingidentifies the logo image on the storage back_end
urltextthe public URL of the logo
mime_typecharacter varyingthe MIME type of the logo
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this row was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this row was last updated.
logo_typecharacter varyingtype of logo (header or compact)
site_oidc_configurations: Defines the OpenID Connect IdP associated with a site.
site_luiduuidPrimary key for this table, matches the site.site_luid column.
is_enabledbooleanDefines if the configration is active.
known_provider_aliastextName of the preconfigured provider, which must be defined in SiteSAML application.yml file.
client_idtextOAuth2 client ID if using a custom provider.
client_secrettextOAuth2 client secret if using a custom provider.
user_authorization_uritextOAuth2 user authorization URI if using a custom provider.
access_token_uritextOAuth2 access token URI if using a custom provider.
user_info_uritextOAuth2 user info URI if using a custom provider.
site_roles: Lists the various possible user site roles.
idintegerUser site role ID is unique key correspondent to site_role_id from users table.
namecharacter varyingUser site role name.
licensing_rankintegerUser license role rank for the purpose of licensing users with the correct priority when the number of available licenses is less that users. 1000-600 Tier Interactor users, down to 500 - Basic Tier users, 300 - Support users, 200 - guest users, 100 and below - Unlicensed.
display_namecharacter varyingUser Friendly value to display on the IBA License Usage Admin View.
site_saml_configurations: Defines the SAML IdP associated with a site.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_luid on this table to luid on table, sites
site_luiduuidPrimary key for this table, matches the site.site_luid column.
idp_entity_descriptortextXML block of the EntityDescriptor for the Identity Provider.
attribute_mappingtextDefines mapping for the saml response fields.
sp_certificatetextPEM encoded certificate.
sp_private_keytextPEM encoded private key.
is_enabledbooleanDefines if the configration is active.
entity_descriptor_validation_resulttextJSON Serialized validation result.
authentication_domain_idcharacter varyingAuthentication Domain.
authentication_type_for_embeddedcharacter varyingAuthentication type: DEFAULT or SAML.
allow_embedded_authenticationbooleanFlag if the site permits the authentication flow to be hosted in an iframe.
site_saml_events: Log table for all SAML actions.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_luid on this table to luid on table, sites
iduuidPrimary key for this table.
timestamptimestamp without time zoneTimestamp for the event.
log_levelcharacter varyingString value of the logging level.
messagetextText of the logged message.
site_luiduuidMatches the site.site_luid column and site_saml_configurations.site_luid.
site_saml_sessions: Records the user sessions authenticated by the SiteSAML service.
idcharacter varyingPrimary key for this table.
site_luiduuidMatches the site.site_luid column and site_saml_configurations.site_luid.
last_accessed_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp for the last_accessed_at time of the seesion.
http_sessionbyteaHTTP Session representation.
versionbigintVersion value if set.
site_saml_users: Users that are allowed to use Per Site SAML authentication.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_luid on this table to luid on table, sites
iduuidPrimary key for this table.
site_luiduuidMatches the site.site_luid column and site_saml_configurations.site_luid.
user_namecharacter varyingUser name field.
auth_user_idcharacter varyingMatches the auth_user_id of the user stored in the system_users table.
authentication_typecharacter varyingWhich type of authentication to use, e.g. SAML or OIDC.
site_scoped_metadata_node_properties: Table to store properties of a node.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerAuto increment primary Key.
node_idcharacter varyingId of a node present in graph.
content_typecharacter varyingContent type of a node present in graph.
site_idintegerId of the site a node is scoped for
property_namecharacter varyingName of a property for a node present in graph.
property_valuetextValue of a property for a node present in graph.
created_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when property is created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp when property is updated.
site_user_prefs: Site user preferences.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idintegerThe id of a site user preference. Primary key.
user_idintegerA foreign key to users table. Indicates the site user to which this preference belongs.
refresh_failure_notification_enabledbooleanWhether to send notification on failed extracts for this site user.
notification_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling system notifications
show_welcome_screenbooleanShows the Welcome Screen on the Home space in Vizportalclient
show_metrics_bannerbooleanShows the metrics banner on the metric detail screen in Vizportalclient
sites: Each record represents a site. Each site holds its own workbooks, datasources, users, etc. Strict isolation between the contents of each site is maintained.
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the site.
url_namespacecharacter varyingString used in the construction of URLs that target this site.
statuscharacter varyingOne of "active" "suspended" or "locked".
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time any changes were made to this record.
content_admin_modeintegerOne of 1 (content only) or 2 (content and users).
storage_quotabigintMaximum storage for the site in megabytes.
status_reasoncharacter varyingHolds an explanation for why a site is in a "suspended" status.
subscriptions_enabledbooleanTrue if subscriptions are allowed for this site, otherwise false.
custom_subscription_footertextContent to be placed as the footer in each subscription email sent.
custom_subscription_emailtextThe email from which to send subscriptions.
luiduuidAn identifier which is unique to this site.
authoring_disabledbooleanIf true, then web authoring is disabled.
sheet_image_enabledbooleanTrue if sheet image API is enabled for this site, otherwise false.
refresh_token_settingintegerIf true, oauth is enabled on server, allowing connected clients.
version_history_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling version history on a site
notification_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling system notification such as email notification on a site
content_version_limitintegerMaximum number of versions to retain for each content type : workbooks ,datasources
subscribe_others_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling the subscribe others functionality on a site
lock_versionintegerUsed to implement "optimistic locking." Don't set this or mess with it, it's all handled automatically.
guest_access_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling guest account per site
support_access_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling access to a Tableau Online site by a Tableau support user
cache_warmup_enabledbooleanTrue if cache warmup is enabled for this site.
cache_warmup_thresholdsmallintHow recently a view must have been viewed to run warmup for it in days, defaulting to 30.
data_alerts_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling data driven alerts on a site
allow_live_query_syncbooleanSetting for allowing live query sync on a site
commenting_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling commenting on a site
self_service_schedules_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling self service schedules on a site
tier_interactor_capacityintegerMax site-wide tier interactor license capacity limit.
tier_basic_user_capacityintegerMax site-wide tier basic user license capacity limit.
tier_author_capacityintegerMax site-wide tier author license capacity limit.
viz_in_tooltip_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling Viz in Tooltip on a site
protocol_cache_lifetimeintegerLifetime for native connections, in minutes
protocol_group_size_limitintegerLimit on connection parallelism
commenting_mentions_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling commenting mentions on a site
mixed_content_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling mixed content on a site
site_invite_notification_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling site invite notification on a site
extract_encryption_modesmallintExtract encryption mode: whether it is disabled (null or 0), enabled (1), or enforced (2).
flows_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling Tableau Prep flows on a site
materialized_views_enabledbooleana flag to indicate whether the feature of materialized views is enabled for this site or not, enabled if true.
allow_subscriptions_attach_pdfbooleanWhether to allow users to attach PDFs to subscription emails.
materialized_views_modesmallintCode representing the materialized views mode for the site.
start_page_uritextif not set the value from global_settings.start_page_uri is used
afe_enabledbooleanAlternative Federation Engine (afe) is enabled or not
sandbox_enabledbooleanWhether to enable sandbox for the site or not
viz_recs_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling Viz Recommendations on a site
biometrics_mobile_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling biometrics for mobile clients for a site
iba_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling Identity Based Activation on a site. Only applicable for Online
named_sharing_enabledbooleanWhether Named Sharing is enabled on the site
sandbox_storage_quotabigintthe per user storage quota for sandboxes on a site in bytes. If null is unlimited
sandbox_datasources_enabledbooleanWhether to enable datasources on sandboxes for the site or not
sandbox_flows_enabledbooleanWhether to enable flows on sandboxes for the site or not
cataloging_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling data cataloging features on a site
derived_permissions_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling derived metadata permissions on a site
viz_recs_username_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling the display of usernames along with viz recommendations
user_visibilityintegerWhether to user visibility is set to 0 - FULL or 1 - LIMITED
request_accessintegerOne of 3 options for request access: on, off, custom_note
ask_data_modetextSetting the ask data mode for each site
run_now_enabledbooleanSetting for allowing run now background jobs.
web_extraction_enabledsmallintEnable or disable extract creation/live 1: enable, 0: disable the default is 1
metrics_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling the metrics feature
web_editing_enabledbooleanOne of two options for web editing enabled: on, off
notify_site_admins_on_throttlebooleanSetting for allowing site admins to opt in on receiving an email when background jobs are throttled.
obfuscation_enabledbooleanSetting to enable or disable the obfuscation feature for Data Catalog
flow_auto_save_enabledbooleanSetting to enable or disable auto save feature for flows
time_zonetextIANA time zone name to be used with Hyper connections on this site. If not set or is empty then the server time zone is used.
public_collections_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling public collections
self_service_schedule_for_refresh_enabledbooleanSetting for allowing self service schedule for refresh.
self_service_schedule_for_flow_enabledbooleanSetting for allowing self service schedule for flow.
auto_suspend_refresh_enabledbooleanSetting for enabling/disabling Extract Refresh Auto Suspend feature on a site
auto_suspend_refresh_inactivity_windowintegerNumber of days after which extract refresh will be suspended for inactive workbooks.
sos_blob_data: table to store sos file types as binary data
idbigintid referenced by repository_data sos_blob_data_id foreign key
databyteaSOS content stored as binary data
sos_virtual_folder_entries: Each record represents a file in a virtual folder currently tracked in Simple Object Storage.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from virtual_folder_id on this table to id on table, sos_virtual_folders
idbigintPrimary key for the virtual folder entry record.
site_idintegerID of the site containing the virtual folder containing this entry.
virtual_folder_idintegerID of the virtual folder containing this entry.
sos_typecharacter varyingThe SOS type name of this virtual folder entry.
sos_idcharacter varyingThe SOS LUID corresponding to this virtual folder entry.
relative_pathtextRelative path to this entry starting from the root of the virtual folder.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the virtual folder entry was created.
sos_virtual_folders: Each record represents a virtual folder currently tracked in Simple Object Storage.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idbigintPrimary key for the virtual folder record.
site_idintegerID of the site containing this virtual folder.
sos_idcharacter varyingThe SOS LUID corresponding to this virtual folder.
sos_typecharacter varyingThe SOS type name of this virtual folder.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the virtual folder was created.
last_updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the virtual folder was last updated.
ss_custom_value_concepts: The table to hold value concepts used by semantics service
Foreign key/Primary key relation from ontology_id, field_concept_key on this table to ontology_id, key on table, ss_field_concepts
idbigintThe unique identifier for this row that is automatically generated on insert
created_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was created
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was updated
keytextKey of a value concept which is unique within one ontology
valuetextThe value of the value concept in string format
value_typetextThe enum that represents the value type
field_concept_keytextKey of the field concept that this value concept belongs to
ontology_idbigintID of the ontology that this value concept belongs to
synonymsjsonbA list of synonyms of this value concept
ss_field_concepts: The table to hold field concepts used by semantics service
Foreign key/Primary key relation from ontology_id, object_concept_key on this table to ontology_id, key on table, ss_object_concepts
Foreign key/Primary key relation from vs_datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idbigintThe unique identifier for this row that is automatically generated on insert
created_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was created
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was updated
keytextKey of a field concept which is unique within one ontology
namesjsonbA list of synonyms of this field concept
descriptiontextDescription of this field concept
name_characteristicsjsonbA json blob that contains name characteristics of this field concept
data_typesARRAYA list of possible data types of this field concept
field_rolesARRAYA list of possible field roles of this field concept
default_formatsARRAYA list of possible default formats of this field concept
value_characteristicsjsonbA json blob that contains value characteristics of this field concept
ontology_idbigintID of ontology that this field concept belongs to
owner_idtextUser that creates this field concept, empty for built-in ones
object_concept_keytextKey of object concept that this field concept belongs to
parent_field_concept_keytextKey of field concept that is parent of this field concept
vs_field_nametextField in a published datasource that we sync value concepts of this field concept from
vs_datasource_idbigintId of published datasource that we sync value concepts of this field concept from
user_idbigintID of user who creates this field concept, empty for built-in ones
data_role_idbigintThe ID of the data role that corresponds to the field concept. Data roles are stored in table `data_roles`.
value_source_kindtextContains a serialization of the kind of the value source (ie. datasource, builtin, valuelist, etc.)
ss_object_concepts: The table to hold object concepts used by semantics service
Foreign key/Primary key relation from ontology_id on this table to id on table, ss_ontologies
idbigintThe unique identifier for this row that is automatically generated on insert
created_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was created
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was updated
keytextKey of an object concept which is unique within one ontology
namesjsonbA list of synonyms of this object concept
descriptiontextDescription of this object concept
ontology_idbigintID of ontology that this object concept belongs to
source_versiontextSource data version of built-in object concepts
ss_ontologies: The table to hold ontologies used by semantics service
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idbigintThe unique identifier for this row that is automatically generated on insert
created_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was created
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was updated
site_idintegerID of the site that this ontology belongs to, empty for built-in ontology
descriptiontextDescription of this ontology
subscription_messages: This table represent a subscription email message.
idintegerPrimary key for the subscription message.
message_texttextThe text of the message.
subscriptions: Each record represents a subscription.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from subscription_message_id on this table to id on table, subscription_messages
Foreign key/Primary key relation from creator_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from schedule_id on this table to id on table, schedules
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
subjectcharacter varyingA string that describes the nature of the subscription.
user_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user who will receive the subscription.
schedule_idintegerA foreign key reference to the record in the schedules table that describes exactly when the subscription will be triggered.
last_senttimestamp without time zoneThe last time at which the the subscription was sent.
site_idintegerSite ID for Subscriptions. FK reference to
luiduuidUUID for subscriptions used in REST APIs
creator_idintegerUser id for user who created the subscription. FK reference to
data_condition_typecharacter varyingThe type of data condition that will cause this subscription to be sent out. Defaults to "Always", but can also be "DataPresent", "Constant", "Band", etc.
is_refresh_extract_triggeredbooleanWhether or not subscription is triggered by refresh extract
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
subscription_message_idintegerLocator for the subscription message.
content_has_user_referencesbooleanBoolean that represents whether the content of the subscription has user references. NULL means subscription has not run yet
attach_pdfbooleanBoolean that represents whether to attach a PDF to the subscription
attach_imagebooleanBoolean that represents whether to attach images to the subscription
target_typecharacter varyingString that represents the type of object being subscribed to. Either View or Workbook
target_idintegerInteger that represents the id of the object being subscribed to.
subscriptions_customized_views: This table is used to link various customized views to the subscriptions in which those customized views must be generated and emailed.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from customized_view_id on this table to id on table, customized_views
Foreign key/Primary key relation from subscription_id on this table to id on table, subscriptions
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
subscription_idintegerA foreign key reference to a record in the subscriptions table. Emailing the customized view referenced by the customized_view_id is one of the activities of the linked subscription.
customized_view_idintegerA foreign key reference to a particular customized view.
subscriptions_views: This table is used to link various views to the subscriptions in which those views must be generated and emailed.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from subscription_id on this table to id on table, subscriptions
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
subscription_idintegerA foreign key reference to a record in the subscriptions table. Emailing the view referenced by the repository_url is one of the activities of the linked subscription.
repository_urltextUsed as a means to reference the particular view that is to be included in the subscription.
subscriptions_workbooks: This table is used to link various workbooks to the subscriptions in which those workbooks must have views generated and emailed.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from subscription_id on this table to id on table, subscriptions
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
subscription_idintegerA foreign key reference to a record in the subscriptions table. Emailing the views of the workbook referenced by the repository_url is one of the activities of the linked subscription.
repository_urltextUsed as a means to reference the particular workbook that is to be included in the subscription.
site_idintegerA foreign key reference to the site that the workbooked referred to by repository_url belongs.
synonyms: The table to hold the synonyms for fields of datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from published_datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
site_idintegerThe site id of the datasource
published_datasource_idintegerThe published datasource id of the datasource
field_graph_idtextThe graph id corresponding to the field of a datasource
synonymsARRAYThe synonyms corresponding to a particular field of a datasource
created_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was created
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was updated
idbigintThe unique identifier for this row that is automatically generated on insert
system_user_identities: Identity to SystemUser mappings.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from system_user_id on this table to id on table, system_users
identity_uuiduuidPrimary key for identity mapping.
system_user_idintegerSystemUser for identity mapping.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreation time of record.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneLast updated time of record.
system_user_migration_conflicts: Conflicts when migrating system_user identities.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from duplicate_system_user_id on this table to id on table, system_users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from system_user_id on this table to id on table, system_users
idintegerThe autoincremental id for this record.
system_user_idintegerSystemUser for which the migration failed.
failure_typecharacter varyingThe type of failure that was registered when migrating this system_user.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreation time of this record.
discard_identitybooleanIf the admin acknowledge they will not create an identity for this system_user.
error_messagecharacter varyingInformation on the exception raised during the migration of this system_user.
duplicate_system_user_idintegerThe id of the system_user for which the original system_user is a duplicate of.
system_user_migration_conflicts_identity_data: Identity information related to ambiguous results when migrating system_user identities.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from migration_conflict_id on this table to id on table, system_user_migration_conflicts
idintegerThe autoincremental id for this record.
migration_conflict_idintegerThe id of the ambiguous migration conflict to which this identity information corresponds.
domain_fqdncharacter varyingThe fqdn from the domain of the active directory user.
sam_account_namecharacter varyingThe sAMAccountName of the active directory user from the query result.
user_principal_namecharacter varyingThe Full-UPN of the active directory user attributes.
distinguished_namecharacter varyingThe DN of the ldap user from the query result.
display_namecharacter varyingThe display name attribute from the query result.
system_users: Each record represents a user of the server. These records correspond to login identity. A single system_user may potentially be able to login to multiple sites. The linkage between a system_user and their allowed sites is defined through the "users" table.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from domain_id on this table to id on table, domains
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingThe username of the user.
emailcharacter varyingThe email of the user.
hashed_passwordcharacter varyingHashed password - only used for local authentication.
saltcharacter varyingThe salt used when hashing the password - only used for local authentication.
keychaintextThe encyrpted keychain for the user.
domain_idintegerThe domain for this user.
friendly_namecharacter varyingA friendly name that might be used in the GUI to refer to the user.
custom_display_namebooleanIf set to true, this prevents the friendly_name from potentially being overwritten by Active Airectory information when the user is read in from Active Directory. Seldom done.
admin_levelintegerIndicates if the user is a system administrator. 10 : system admin, 0 : not a system admin
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time any changes were made to this record.
auth_user_idcharacter varyingAn external, immutable identifier for the user provided by an external authorization system.
asset_key_idintegerThe id for the asset encryption key used to encrypt the keychain for this user.
lock_versionintegerUsed to implement "optimistic locking." Don't set this or mess with it, it's all handled automatically.
last_password_updatetimestamp without time zoneDate that represents the last time the user updated the password to the current value.
force_password_updatebooleanBoolean that represents if we want to force a password reset on the user the next time it tries to log in.
protected_passwordcharacter varyingProtected form of the user password - only used for local authentication.
last_failed_logintimestamp without time zoneDate that represents the last time the user had an unsuccessful login.
failed_login_attemptsintegerInteger that represents the number of failed attempts since the last successful login.
protected_password_bad_formatbooleanSet to true if protected password format unrecognized
table_asset_events: Used to store table_asset events stream.
idbigintPrimary key for this record.
table_asset_idintegertable_asset ID.
site_idintegerSite ID.
event_created_attimestamp without time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was inserted.
event_typesmallintEvent type to differentiate between insert, update, delete.
table_asset_sources: Used to store mappings between tables and their source.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from table_asset_id on this table to id on table, table_assets
idintegerPrimary key.
site_idintegerSite id.
table_asset_idintegerTable Asset ID.
source_idintegerSource ID.
source_typecharacter varyingSource type, e.g. Workbook, Datasource, Flow.
created_attimestamp without time zoneCreated at.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneUpdated at.
table_assets: Each record represents a table asset that exists on Tableau Server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from grouped_parent_id on this table to id on table, table_assets
Foreign key/Primary key relation from database_id on this table to id on table, database_assets
Foreign key/Primary key relation from certifier_user_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the table asset record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the table asset.
luiduuidA unique, immutable identifier for the table asset.
site_idintegerThe id of the site that this table asset is associated with.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe time the record was updated.
descriptiontextThe description of the table asset.
database_idintegerThe database this table belongs to.
table_schematextSchema for this table.
contact_idintegerThe contact for this table.
contact_typecharacter varyingThe contact type (user or group) for this table.
is_certifiedbooleanWhether this table is certified.
certification_notetextCertification note for this table.
certifier_user_idintegerCertifier user_id for this table.
certifier_detailstextCertifier details for this table.
full_namecharacter varyingThe fully qualified name of the table.
duplicate_idintegerIf not null, id of table that is a duplicate of this one.
is_tombstonedbooleanTombstoned tables are "soft deleted" because they are associated with databases that have been grouped with other databases.
grouped_parent_idintegerID in table_assets table of table this tombstoned database was grouped into.
taggings: Associates tags with taggable items.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from tag_id on this table to id on table, tags
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idintegerThe primary key for the table.
tag_idintegerThe ID of the tag.
taggable_idintegerThe ID of the taggable item.
taggable_typecharacter varyingThe type of the taggable item - this is used to identify which table to join to.
user_idintegerThe ID of the owning user.
tags: Each tag is a string value. A given tag can be associated with many taggable items in a site.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerThe primary key for the table.
namecharacter varyingThe value of the tag.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time any changes were made to this record.
site_idintegerThe ID of the site to which the tag belongs.
tasks: Serves to connect schedules with background tasks that should be run on that schedule. The schedule is defined in the schedules table, while the task is defined by type.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from schedule_id on this table to id on table, schedules
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerThe primary key for the table.
schedule_idintegerLinks to a schedule. When the schedule's "run_next_at" time arrives, any tasks linked to that schedule will run.
typecharacter varyingIdentifies the specific type of task that this is. This is how the system identifies what code to execute when this task is to be run.
priorityintegerAn integer where 0 is the highest priority and 10 is the default priority. Other values can be set if desired). Higher priority jobs should be processed earlier.
obj_idintegerSome tasks are specific to a particular workbook or datasource. In such cases, the object_id is the primary key of the relevant item, in either the workbooks or datasources tables, as indicated by obj_type.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time this record was updated.
site_idintegerSome tasks are specific to a particular site. In such cases, this field links to the relevant site in the sites table.
obj_typecharacter varyingOne of either "Workbook" or "Datasource". Used in conjuction with obj_id, as described there.
luiduuiduuid for tasks used in the REST API
consecutive_failure_countintegerThe number of times this task has failed.
activebooleanIf set to false, this means that the task is inactive, implying it won't be run when the schedule triggers
argstextUsed to pass parameters for the task, formatted as yaml.
titletextCan be used to provide some additional information about the task
subtitletextCan be used to provide some additional information about the task
historical_run_timeintegerStored as the historical run time in seconds for the task, used for sorting background jobs and comparing current run time to the past
historical_queue_timeintegerStored as the historical queue time in seconds for the task, used for comparing the current queue time to the past
run_countintegerNumber of times this task has run since we created this column. Do not use this value as gospel, as it is will not be accurate for tasks created before this column.
stateintegerOne of 3 options for task state: 0 - active, 1 - suspended, 2 - disabled
last_success_completed_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time the task successfully completed.
creator_idintegerIndicates what user id is the creator of the task
tds_datasource_model_fields: Fields of datasource models.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from datasource_model_id on this table to id on table, tds_datasource_models
Foreign key/Primary key relation from content_site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
created_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for creating the model.
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for updating the model.
luidtextInternally used LUID for the record.
content_site_idintegerA foreign key reference to the site to where the datasource exisits.
qualified_nametextThe qualified name of the field, the qualified name is represented in JSON style.
datasource_model_idintegerA foreign key reference to the tds datasource model to where the field exisits.
captiontextFriendly name for the data source field that is seen in Tableau.
is_hiddenbooleanDetermines if the field is hidden or not.
is_auto_hiddenbooleanThe visibility of Autohidden fields are not under user control.
is_layeredbooleanThe field is layered on top of a field from a remote data source.
field_typeintegerThe type of the field.
field_roleintegerThe role of the field.
folder_nametextThe optional folder name if this field is in a folder.
user_captiontextThe optional user generated name for the field.
server_captiontextThe optional caption provided by the server.
user_descriptiontextThe optional user description defined by user, the representation type is JSON.
tds_datasource_models: Model of the datasource.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from content_site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idbigintPrimary key for the record.
created_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for creating the model.
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for updating the model.
content_site_idintegerA foreign key reference to the site to where the datasource exists.
content_datasource_idintegerA foreign key reference to the datasource.
nametextThe name of the datasource.
captiontextThe caption of the datasource.
tds_xml_sos_idtextThe SOS ID of the TDS XML document associated with this data source model
schema_versionintegerThe schema version number of this data source model
luidtextThe luid of the tds data source, combining it with site id can identify a tds data source entity
trusted_tickets: This table lists trusted tickets that have been created. Tickets that are redeemed are deleted once used, hence can only be used once. Tickets that are never redeemed become invalid after the time given by "expires_at" and are eventually deleted from the table automatically.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
usernamecharacter varyingThe name of the user, under whose authority, the ticket is created. Access to content is provided as if the ticket redeemer were this user.
ticketcharacter varyingThe unique ticket string, i.e. the "value" of the trusted ticket.
client_ipcharacter varyingIf you have configured wgserver.extended_trusted_ip_checking to true, then the IP address of the client that is authorized to redeem the ticket will be recorded here.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created, i.e. the time of creation of the ticket.
user_idintegerLinks to the user that has the given username, and is associated with the current site.
expires_attimestamp without time zoneTickets can be redeemed no more than one time, but if it gets any later than this time, then the ticket cannot be redeemed at all. Unless configured differently, this time will be 3 minutes after the ticket is created.
site_idintegerThe site of the user.
originating_session_idcharacter varyingThe user session which created the ticket. Null if the ticket was not created by an authenticated user.
guidcharacter varyingUniquely identifies a trusted ticket when ticket hashing is enabled.
saltcharacter varyingCombined with ticket to form the hash.
hashed_ticketcharacter varyingThe hash of the salt and the ticket.
user_default_customized_views: Defines what customized view a user should see for a given view, by default.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from customized_view_id on this table to id on table, customized_views
Foreign key/Primary key relation from user_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from view_id on this table to id on table, views
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
user_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user.
view_idintegerA foreign key reference to the view.
customized_view_idintegerA foreign key reference to the customized view.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was last updated.
user_images: Represents images for each associated system user.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from system_user_id on this table to id on table, system_users
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
repository_data_idbigintA reference to an entry in the repository_data table.
image_idcharacter varyingThe id of the image in storage.
image_typecharacter varyingA string representing the size of the image.
system_user_idintegerThe id of the user this image is associated with.
user_notification_recipients: Holds metadata for all user notification recipients on the server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from notification_luid on this table to luid on table, user_notifications
idintegerPrimary key for the user notification recipient.
recipient_user_idintegerThe identifier for the recipient of the user notification.
notification_luiduuidUUID for the notification.
read_statebooleanTrue if the notification has been read, false if it is unread.
user_notifications: Holds metadata for all user notifications on the server.
idintegerPrimary key for the user notification.
luiduuidThe identifier for the user notification.
notification_typetextThe type of the user notification.
event_timetimestamp without time zoneThe time at which the event that triggered this notification occurred.
subject_typeintegerThe subject type of the user notification.
subject_idintegerThe identifier for the subject of the user notification.
site_idintegerThe identifier for the site that the user notification belongs to.
contenttextThe text content of the user notification.
sender_user_idintegerThe identifier for the (optional) sender of the user notification.
user_onboardings: This table stores onboarding information for tableau features based on system user ids
Foreign key/Primary key relation from system_user_id on this table to id on table, system_users
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
system_user_idintegerThe id of the user this onboarding info is associated with.
nlp_onboarding_stagecharacter varyingThe nlp onboarding stage of this user.
user_prefs: Contains a variety of preferences for the various system users.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from system_user_id on this table to id on table, system_users
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
system_user_idintegerForeign key reference to the system_users table. This tells us which system user these preferences apply to.
versionintegerUsed to indicate how to interpret the prefs information.
prefsbyteaA serialized object containing the various preferences.
language_idcharacter varyingA code indicating the desired language for this system_user
locale_idcharacter varyingA code indicating the locale (country and language) for this system_user.
start_pagetextA relative url of the start page saved by the user.
suppress_getting_started_notificationsbooleanFlag which indicates if user has selected to suppress getting started notifications (used in online case only so far).
display_modecharacter varyingA display mode "thumbnail" or "list" that the user last selected for viewing contents.
local_timezone_offsetintegerlocal user timezone offset (in minutes) from utc from last login location
local_timezone_namecharacter varyingbest guess of local user timezone name from last login location
lock_versionintegerUsed to implement "optimistic locking." Don't set this or mess with it, it's all handled automatically.
is_user_set_timezonebooleanIndicating whether user explicitly set the timezone or inferred by system
suspended_subscription_notificationbooleanSite and System admins only. When true admins receive notification about suspended subscriptions
suspended_data_alert_notificationbooleanSite and System admins only. When true admins receive notification about suspended alerts
mark_animation_enabledbooleanWhen true, users will see mark animations on sheets
users: Each record links a system_users record to a site. The user's site specific settings are captured here.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from system_user_id on this table to id on table, system_users
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
login_attimestamp without time zoneThe time of the most recent login for this user.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the record was last updated.
site_idintegerA foreign key reference to the site that the user belongs to.
system_user_idintegerA foreign key reference to the system user that this user is identified with.
system_admin_autobooleanA flag indicating if the user is a system_admin that is not explicitly a member of the site.
luiduuidAn immutable identifier for the record.
lock_versionintegerUsed to implement "optimistic locking." Don't set this or mess with it, it's all handled automatically.
site_role_idintegerThe ID of the site role for this user. The mapping is below. 0 = SiteAdministrator 1 = SupportUser 2 = Publisher 3 = Interactor 4 = ViewerWithPublish 5 = Viewer 6 = UnlicensedWithPublish 7 = Guest 8 = Unlicensed 9 = BasicUser
value_synonyms: The user defined synonyms associated with values of fields in datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from published_datasource_id on this table to id on table, datasources
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idbigintThe unique identifier for this row that is automatically generated on insert
created_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was created
updated_attimestamp with time zoneThe timestamp for when this row entry was updated
site_idintegerThe id of the site on which the datasource is published
published_datasource_idintegerThe id of the published datasource on the site
field_graph_idtextThe graph id of the field in the datasource
field_valuetextThe name of the value in the field
user_defined_synonymsARRAYThe user defined synonyms associated with the value
view_metrics_aggregations: Each record represents a partial aggregation of analytics for a given view in a given time interval. It is often necessary to sum across multiple rows to find a total for a given time interval.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from view_id on this table to id on table, views
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
view_idintegerA foreign key reference to the view.
day_indexintegerRecords what day of the month the analytics are aggregated over. When 0, the aggregation is for the month and year as designated by month_index and year_index.
month_indexintegerRecords what month of the year the analytics are aggregated over. When 0, the aggregation is for the year as designated by year_index.
year_indexintegerRecords what year the analytics are aggregated over
view_countintegerRecords the number of time a view was viewed in the given time interval.
device_typetextDSD device type detected (non-null only if view is dashboard in non-authoring mode)
views: Each records represents a view in a workbook.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from workbook_id on this table to id on table, workbooks
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the view.
repository_urltextUniquely identifies a view. More or less composed of workbook and sheet names, but not totally obviously, especially in the presence of non-ASCII characters. Used in URLs meant to access this view.
descriptiontextCan hold a description of the view, but not normally populated.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
workbook_idintegerA foreign key reference to the workbook the view is part of.
indexintegerEach view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time any changes were made to this record
owner_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user who owns this view.
fieldstextA list of fields extracted from the workbook's twb file.
titletextA title for the worksheet extracted from the workbook's twb file.
captiontextA descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet, based on the workbook definition.
sheet_idcharacter varyingAn identifier for the sheet. Based on the name of the sheet.
statecharacter varyingOne of either "active" or "disabled".
sheettypecharacter varyingOne of "story" "dashboard" and "view".
site_idintegerA foreign key link to the site to which this view belongs.
first_published_attimestamp without time zoneRecords the timestamp for the first time this view was published. This value will not change is the workbook containing this view is later republished.
revisioncharacter varyingStarts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 with each republication.
luiduuidAn immutable identifier for the record.
thumbnail_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the thumbnail data.
is_deletedbooleanWhether a view has been soft deleted and is now in the recycle bin
views_stats: This table is used to track how many times each user has accessed different views.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from view_id on this table to id on table, views
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
user_idintegerA foreign key reference to a particular user.
view_idintegerA foreign key reference to the view that was accessed. This field must be populated.
nviewsintegerKeeps a cumulative count of the number of times the view was accessed by this user.
timetimestamp without time zoneThe time of the most recent access of the specified view by the specified user.
site_idintegerThe site to which the view and the user belong.
device_typetextDevice type detected for Device Designer (non-null only if view is dashboard in non-authoring mode)
viz_snapshots: This table represents a snapshots of viz.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from view_id on this table to id on table, views
idintegerPrimary key for the viz snapshot.
view_idintegerPrimary key id for view associated with the viz snapshot.
image_idcharacter varyingLocator for the full image of the viz snapshot.
thumbnail_idcharacter varyingLocator for the thumbnail image of the viz snapshot.
data_idcharacter varyingLocator for the data of the viz snapshot.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
reference_countintegerThe number of objects that reference a viz snapshot.
viz_states: This table represents a snapshot of the state of a viz.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from view_id on this table to id on table, views
idintegerPrimary key for the viz state entity.
view_idintegerForeign key reference to the view associated with this viz state.
image_idcharacter varyingLocator for the full image of the viz state.
thumbnail_idcharacter varyingLocator for the thumbnail image of the viz state.
data_idcharacter varyingA reference to an entry in SOS which references a tcv file of the viz state.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this recorded was created
webhooks: Holds metadata for all registered webhooks on the server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerPrimary key for the webhook.
luiduuidIdentifier for webhook.
site_luiduuidThe site that the webhook belongs to.
site_idintegerThe id of the site that the webhook belongs to.
versionintegerThe version of this webhook. 1 on create, monotonically increasing with each update of the webhook.
owner_luiduuidThe user who is the current owner of the webhook.
urltextThe fully specified URL for the webhook to POST to when triggered.
body_templatetextJSON template for the body of the request to send when the webhook is triggered.
nametextHuman readable name for the webhook, defaults to the value Unnamed Webhook.
event_typetextThe type of event on the server that will trigger this webhook e.g datasource refresh.
isenabledbooleanWhether the webhook is currently run on trigger events
statuschangereasontextRecord the reason for any automated disabling/enabling of a webhook
workbook_checksums: This table provides a set of checksums associated with a workbook which can be used to validate existence of a workbook based on its checksum.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from workbook_id on this table to id on table, workbooks
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
workbook_idintegerIdentifies the workbook for which this checksum applies.
checksumcharacter varyingThe computed checksum of the workbook during download.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this checksum entry was created and will be valid only if associated workbook update timestamp is earlier than this.
expires_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this checksum entry expires and became eligible for cleanup by background task.
workbook_events: Used to store workbook events stream.
idbigintPrimary key for this record.
workbook_idintegerWorkbook ID.
site_idintegerSite ID.
event_timetimestamp without time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was inserted.
event_typeintegerEvent type to differentiate between insert, update, delete.
workbook_exports: Each row in the table corresponds to a cached pdf file.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from generated_as_user_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from workbook_id on this table to id on table, workbooks
idintegerPrimary key for the record.
language_idcharacter varyingThe language ID the pdf was generated with.
locale_idcharacter varyingThe locale ID the pdf was generated with.
generated_as_user_idintegerThe user ID iff the pdf was generated with user references. Otherwise NULL.
workbook_idintegerThe workbook id this pdf is generated from.
generated_attimestamp without time zoneThe timestamp at which the pdf was generated.
freshness_verified_attimestamp without time zoneThe timestamp at which the cached file was last verified as fresh.
data_storage_idbigintA reference to an entry in the repository_data table, which, in turn references the PostgreSQL large object that contains the sheet image for this entry.
data_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the pdf.
show_commands_query_strtextRepresents hash of the possible show commands to be applied to the viz in the native api code.
page_orientationcharacter varyingPDF page orientation
page_size_optioncharacter varyingPDF page size option
file_typeintegerThe file type (PDF = 0, PPT = 1). Enum to be defined in WorkbookExportOptions
customized_viewscharacter varyingComma separated list of custom view IDs associated with the workbook export, sorted in ascending order. NULL if not applicable
workbook_versions: Workbook versions saved on server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
Foreign key/Primary key relation from workbook_id on this table to id on table, workbooks
idintegerThe id of a version. Primary key.
site_idintegerReference to entry in sites table. Indicates the site to which this workbook version belongs to.
workbook_idintegerA foreign key to the workbooks table. Reference to workbook.
publisher_idintegerReference to user in site users table. User who published this version. Can point to deleted user.
version_numberintegerThe version number.
published_attimestamp without time zoneThe time when this version was initially published. Copied from workbook record last_updated field at the time of being overwritten.
sizebigintThe size, in bytes, of this version of workbook.
content_keycharacter varyingKey of the workbook as string
publish_metadatatextMetadata about how this version was published on server, such as visiblity of views. Metadata is stored as a serialized JSON object.
sos_typecharacter varyingThe SOS data type under which this version document is stored, or null if it is not stored in SOS.
is_revision_file_reducedbooleanBoolean flag indicating if the stored workbook version has an extract that is not stored in the workbook document, since extracts are not versioned.
workbooks: Each record represents a workbook that exists on the server.
Foreign key/Primary key relation from modified_by_user_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from owner_id on this table to id on table, users
Foreign key/Primary key relation from project_id on this table to id on table, projects
Foreign key/Primary key relation from site_id on this table to id on table, sites
idintegerThe primary key for the record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the workbook.
repository_urltextA unique name for the workbook, derived from the ASCII characters in the name, which can be used in URLs to refer to this workbook.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time any changes were made to this record.
owner_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user that owns this workbook.
project_idintegerA foreign key reference to the project in which this workbook exists.
view_countintegerKeeps count of the number of views that are associated with this workbook.
sizebigintThe number of bytes used in storing the workbook information.
embeddedtextAn encrypted keychain holding any credentials stored with the workbook.
thumb_userintegerThe user to be used when generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
refreshable_extractsbooleanWhether the extracts in the workbook can be refreshed.
extracts_refreshed_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which the last extract refresh occurred.
lock_versionintegerUsed to implement "optimistic locking." Don't set this or mess with it, it's all handled automatically.
display_tabsbooleanIf true, then the sheets of the workbook are displayed on tabs.
data_engine_extractsbooleanIndicates if this workbook has associated data engine extracts.
incrementable_extractsbooleanIndicates if it is possible to perform an incrementable extract refresh for this workbook.
site_idintegerThe site to which the workbook was published.
revisioncharacter varyingStarts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 with each republication.
first_published_attimestamp without time zoneRecords the timestamp for the first time this view was published. This value will not change is the workbook containing this view is later republished.
extracts_incremented_attimestamp without time zoneThe time of the last incremental extract refresh for extracts in this workbook.
default_view_indexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default.
luiduuidAn immutable identifier for the record.
asset_key_idintegerThe asset encryption key used to encrypt the keychain in the embedded column.
document_versioncharacter varyingA string that indicates the version of the document description that was used when saving this workbook.
content_versionintegerVersion number of the workbook. updated on each publish
last_published_attimestamp without time zoneTime that the user last published this workbook to server or saved the workbook during web edit. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be null.
data_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the workbook data.
reduced_data_idcharacter varyingUnique ID used to identify the reduced workbook data.
published_all_sheetsbooleanTrue if user previously published all sheets in the workbook, false if they chose to not publish a sheet
extract_encryption_statesmallintIf not null, encryption state of the extracts. null or 0 - unencrypted, 1 - encrypted, 2 - pending encryption, 3 - pending decryption, 5 - pending rekey
extract_creation_pendingsmallintnull or 0 - there is not extract creation in progress, 1 - there is an extract creation in progress
is_deletedbooleanWhen is_deleted is true then workbook is deleted, no active job or user request can see it. It is considered to reside in Recycle Bin until either restored or permanently deleted.
parent_workbook_idintegernull - there is no parenet workbook; if not null, it stores the id of the original workbook from which this private workbook is derived
is_privatebooleannull or false - this is not a private workbook, true - this is a private workbook
modified_by_user_idintegerThe user who last modified and published this workbook to server or saved the workbook during web edit. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be same as owner_id.
_background_tasks: This view combines the important contents of both the background_jobs table and the async_jobs table to give an overall picture of jobs that were given to a backgrounder process.
backgrounder_idcharacter varyingThe id of the backgrounder process that did the work.
idintegerThe primary key of either the background_jobs record or the async_jobs record, depending on where this record is coming from.
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
completed_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the job finished execution. When set, this should generally agree with the updated_at field.
finish_codeintegerCompletion status for the job. Will be 0 for success, 1 for failure, and 2 for cancelled.
job_typecharacter varyingThe type of job being run. This looks a bit odd because it comes from a serialized symbol.
progressintegerCan be used to indicate percent complete for the job, but in most cases simply gets set to 100 when the job is completed.
argstextUsed as a means of passing parameters about the background job. This information is stored in a special serialized format, and thus is not easily readable.
notestextCan be used to store additional information about the running of the job.
started_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the execution of the job was started. This is not generally the same as created_at, because it may take some time before a backgrounder "notices" the newly created record and begins to process it.
job_namecharacter varyingA nice readable name for this type of job.
priorityintegerControls which background_jobs records are processed first. The highest priority is 0, and the lowest is 100. Integer values in between are also valid.
titlecharacter varyingCan be used to provide some additional information about the job.
processed_on_workercharacter varyingIdentifies the machine on which the job is run.
subtitlecharacter varyingCan be used to provide some additional information about the job.
languagecharacter varyingThe language for the job is listed here.
site_idintegerLinks to a site, if one is relevant, otherwise it is left NULL.
localecharacter varyingThe locale for the job is listed here.
subscriptions_attach_imagebooleanBoolean that represents whether to attach images to a subscription background_job. Will be NULL if the background_job is not a subscription.
subscriptions_attach_pdfbooleanBoolean that represents whether to attach a PDF to a subscription background_job. Will be NULL if the background_job is not a subscription.
_comments: Comments users made on views.
idintegerPrimary key for the underlying comments record.
titletextNot used.
commenttextComment text.
commentable_typecharacter varyingView.
created_attimestamp without time zoneDate when comment was created.
drawingtextNot used.
commentable_idintegerCorresponding view id.
user_idintegerId of the user who made the comment.
site_idintegerLinks to the site that the user and this comment belong to.
_customized_views: When a user creates a customized view, the data that supports that goes in the customized_views table, and is reflected in this view.
namecharacter varyingA combination of the site name and the customized_view name.
repository_urlcharacter varyingURL text created from workbook, sheet domain, and url_id.
idintegerPrimary key for the underlying customized_views record.
sizeintegerThe number of bytes it took to describe the changes from the base view to the customized view.
view_namecharacter varyingThe name of the view that this customized view is based on.
sheet_idcharacter varyingAn identifier for the sheet. Based on the name of the sheet.
workbook_urltextA unique name for the workbook, that contains the base view, derived from the ASCII characters in the name, which can be used in URLs to refer to this workbook.
workbook_namecharacter varyingThe actual name of the workbook, that contains the base view, derived from the ASCII characters in the name, which can be used in URLs to refer to this workbook.
emailcharacter varyingThe email of the system_user associated with this customized view.
user_namecharacter varyingThe name of the system_user associated with this customized view.
site_idintegerA foreign key to the site that this customized view is associated with (the site of the user who created it).
_datasources: Shows all Published datasources on server, along with some associated information.
idintegerPrimary key for the underlying datasources record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the published datasource.
datasource_urltextUniquely identifies a datasource. More or less consists of a slightly modified name, but not totally obviously, especially in the presence of non-ASCII characters. Used in URLs meant to access this datasource.
owner_idintegerThe user ID of the owner/uploader of the datasource.
owner_namecharacter varyingThe name of the system_user linked to owner_id
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was last updated.
sizebigintThe size in bytes of the datasource.
project_idintegerThe associated project ID where the datasource was published.
project_namecharacter varyingThe name of the project linked via project_id.
servertextDNS server name to connect to (for the associated data_connection record).
dbclasscharacter varyingType of data connection (ie mysql, postgres, sqlproxy etc) (for the associated data_connection record).
portintegerTCP port number of the connect (eg. 5432 for postgres) (for the associated data_connection record).
usernametextUsername to use when connecting.
dbnamecharacter varyingThe database name associated with the linked data_connection record.
owner_typecharacter varying"Datasource"
system_user_idintegerThe system_user linked to the user whose id is owner_id.
site_idintegerThe site that contains this datasource.
domain_idintegerA foreign key reference to the domain of the owner.
domain_namecharacter varyingThe name is either "local" or the name of some Active Directory group.
_datasources_stats: Some historical useage information about datasources. Based on the records that exist in the historical events tables.
nviewsbigintThe number of times that the datasource has been accessed.
last_access_timetimestamp without time zoneThe most recent access of the datasource
datasource_idintegerLinks to the datasource whose usage is being described.
site_idintegerThe site in which this datasource exists.
_groups: A grouping of users. Can be locally created or imported from Active Directory. Reflects the contents of the groups table and associated tables.
idintegerThe primary key of the underlying groups record.
namecharacter varyingThe name that was given to the group.
site_namecharacter varyingThe name of the site that this group belongs in.
domain_namecharacter varyingThe name of the domain that this group is linked to.
domain_short_namecharacter varyingA short version of the domain that this group is linked to.
domain_familycharacter varyingEither local or ActiveDirectory.
_http_requests: Each record represents a request received by Tableau Server. Reflects data in the http_requests table.
controllercharacter varyingThe part of the application that received the request.
actioncharacter varyingThe action requested.
http_referercharacter varyingThe referrer.
http_user_agentcharacter varyingThe agent string supplied by the client.
http_request_uritextThe requested URI.
remote_ipcharacter varyingThe client's IP address (from the perspective of the server).
created_attimestamp without time zoneWhen this record was created.
session_idcharacter varyingThe session with which the request is associated.
completed_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the request was completed.
portintegerThe port on which the request was received.
user_idintegerThe user associated with the request.
workercharacter varyingWhich worker machine received the request.
vizql_sessiontextThe vizql session associated with this request.
user_ipcharacter varyingThe IP address of the originator of the request.
currentsheetcharacter varyingWhich sheet was being viewed.
site_idintegerThe site associated with the request.
_projects: Each row of the table corresponds to a project on Tableau Server.
idintegerPrimary key for the underlying record in the projects table.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the project.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
owner_idintegerThe id of the user who owns this project.
owner_namecharacter varyingThe name of the system_user who owns this project.
system_user_idintegerThe id of the system_user who owns this project.
site_idintegerRefers to the site which contains this project.
_schedules: Records define a schedule according to which certain regular tasks may be performed (see tasks table). They also indicate the next time at which the schedule will be triggered.
idintegerPrimary key for the record in the underlying schedules table.
namecharacter varyingA schedule can be given a name, which is stored here.
activebooleanIf set to false, this means that the schedule is inactive, meaning that no tasks will be performed when the schedules triggers.
priorityintegerPriority can range from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to higher priority.
schedule_typeintegerOne of 0 (Hourly), 1 (Daily), 2 (Weekly), 3 (Monthly).
day_of_week_maskintegerIndicates which day of the week this schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday : 1, Monday : 10, Tuesday : 100, Wednesday : 1000, Thursday : 10000, Friday : 100000, Saturday : 1000000.
day_of_month_maskintegerIndicates which day of the month this schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st : 1, 2nd: 10, 3rd: 100, 4th: 1000, 5th: 10000, etc.
start_at_minuteintegerThe minute following the start of the designated time period implied by the schedule_type. For example, for a daily schedule, this would be number of minutes past midnight at the start of the day. For hourly, it would be the number of minutes past the beginning of the hour.
minute_intervalintegerOnce the schedule triggers, it will retrigger at this interval during the time period implied by the schedule_type or until end_at_minute, or end_schedule_at.
end_at_minuteintegerThe minute following the start of the designated time period implied schedule_type, at which the schedule should stop triggering.
end_schedule_attimestamp without time zoneUsed to indicate a point in time, after which the schedule should never trigger.
run_next_attimestamp without time zoneWhen the schedule will next trigger.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which this record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time any changes were made to this record.
hiddenbooleanIf set to true, then this schedule will not be listed in the GUI, otherwise it will be.
serial_collection_idintegerA foreign key to the serial_collections table. Two jobs with the same serial_collection_id cannot be processed simultaneously. When the job record for a task linked to this schedule is created, it is assigned this serial_collection_id.
lock_versionintegerUsed to implement "optimistic locking" by JPA/Hibernate. The counter increases each time the record is changed. Not useful for customers.
scheduled_actionintegerUsed to classify schedules into one of two categories: 0 (Extract related) 1 (Subscription related)
scheduled_action_typetextA friendly string representation of the type of scheduled action.
defined_byintegerThe mechanism type of how the schedule is created, e.g. 0 for system_admin, 1 for self_service.
_sessions: Settings associated with a user's browser session.
session_idcharacter varyingSession identifier.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneTime when session was last updated, used to expire inactive sessions.
user_idintegerForeign key to users table. Tells the user whose session this is.
user_namecharacter varyingThe name of the system_user linked to the user whose session this is.
system_user_idintegerThe id of the system_user linked to the user whose session this is.
site_idintegerThe site that this session belongs to.
_sites: Each record represents a site. Each site holds its own workbooks, datasources, users, etc. Strict isolation between the contents of each site is maintained.
idintegerPrimary key for the underlying sites record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the site.
url_namespacecharacter varyingString used in the construction of URLs that target this site.
statuscharacter varyingOne of "active" "suspended" or "locked".
_subscriptions: Each record provides information about subscriptions that are scheduled. Subscriptions are a mechanism for receiving specified content by email on some schedule.
idintegerPrimary key for the underlying subscriptions record.
subjectcharacter varyingA string that describes the nature of the subscription.
content_typetextDescribes what type of content is being delivered by this subscription. One of: "Customized View - Single View", "Workbook", "Single View", or "Customized View - Workbook".
view_urltextA URL string that describes the view to be delivered, when the subscription is for a view.
workbook_urltextA URL string that describes the workbook to be delivered, when the subscription is for a workbook.
customized_view_idintegerA foreign key reference to the customized view, if the subscription is for a customized view.
last_senttimestamp without time zoneThe last time at which the the subscription was sent.
user_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user who will receive the subscription.
user_namecharacter varyingThe name of the system_user who will receive the subscription.
site_idintegerThe site that the subscription (and the user) belongs to.
site_namecharacter varyingThe name of the site that the subscription (and the user) belongs to.
schedule_namecharacter varyingThe name of the schedule that this subscription runs under.
schedule_activebooleanIf set to false, this means that the subscription is inactive.
schedule_run_next_attimestamp without time zoneThe next time the subscription should be sent.
schedule_priorityintegerPriority can range from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to higher priority.
_system_users: Each record represents a user of the server. These records correspond to login identity. A single system_user may potentially be able to login to multiple sites. The linkage between a system_user and their allowed sites is defined through the "users" table.
idintegerPrimary key for the underlying system_user record.
namecharacter varyingThe username of the user.
emailcharacter varyingThe email of the user.
friendly_namecharacter varyingA friendly name that might be used in the GUI to refer to the user.
custom_display_namebooleanIf set to true, this prevents the friendly_name from potentially being overwritten by Active Airectory information when the user is read in from Active Directory. Seldom done.
admin_levelintegerIndicates if the user is a system administrator. 10 : system admin, 0 : not a system admin
domain_namecharacter varyingThe name of the domain that the user belongs to. The name is either "local" or the name of some Active Directory group.
domain_short_namecharacter varyingAn alternate shorter form of the name
domain_familycharacter varyingEither local or ActiveDirectory.
_tags: Each tag is a string value. A given tag can be associated with many taggable items in a site.
tag_idintegerThe primary key for the underlying tags table.
tag_namecharacter varyingThe value of the tag.
object_typecharacter varyingThe type of the taggable item - this is used to identify which table to join to.
taggable_idintegerThe ID of the taggable item.
object_idintegerThe same as taggable_id.
object_namecharacter varyingThe name of the view, workbook, or datasource that is being tagged.
user_idintegerThe ID of the user that owns the tagging.
user_namecharacter varyingThe name of the system_user that owns the tagging.
system_user_idintegerThe id of the system_user that owns the tagging.
site_idintegerThe site in which the tagged object exists (likewise the user, etc.).
_users: Information relating to users.
idintegerPrimary key for the underlying user record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the system_user linked to the user record.
login_attimestamp without time zoneThe time of the most recent login for this user.
friendly_namecharacter varyingThe friendly name of the system_user linked to the user record.
licensing_role_idintegerForeign key reference to the licensing_roles table. Indicates the licensing role that is assigned to this user.
licensing_role_namecharacter varyingThe name of the licensing role that is assigned to this user.
domain_idintegerThe domain_id of the system_user linked to the user record.
system_user_idintegerThe id of the system_user linked to the user record.
domain_namecharacter varyingThe domain_name of the system_user linked to the user record.
domain_short_namecharacter varyingThe a shorter version of the domain_name of the system_user linked to the user record.
site_idintegerThe id of the site that the user belongs to.
_views: Each records represents a view in a workbook.
idintegerPrimary key for the underlying views record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the view.
view_urltextUniquely identifies a view. More or less composed of workbook and sheet names, but not totally obviously, especially in the presence of non-ASCII characters. Used in URLs meant to access this view.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which the underlying views record was created.
owner_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user who owns this view.
owner_namecharacter varyingThe name of the user who owns this view.
workbook_idintegerA foreign key reference to the workbook the view is part of.
indexintegerEach view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook.
titletextA title for the worksheet extracted from the workbook's twb file.
captiontextA descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet, based on the workbook definition.
site_idintegerA foreign key link to the site to which this view belongs.
_views_stats: Used to track how many times each user has accessed different views.
users_idintegerA foreign key reference to a particular user.
system_users_namecharacter varyingThe name of the system_user that corresponds to the user.
users_login_attimestamp without time zoneThe time of the most recent login for this user.
system_users_friendly_namecharacter varyingThe friendly_name of the system_user that corresponds to the user.
views_idintegerA foreign key reference to the view that was accessed. This field must be populated.
system_users_idintegerThe id of the system_user that corresponds to the user.
views_namecharacter varyingThe name of the view that was accessed.
views_urltextUniquely identifies a view. More or less composed of workbook and sheet names, but not totally obviously, especially in the presence of non-ASCII characters. Used in URLs meant to access this view.
views_workbook_idintegerA foreign key reference to the workbook the view is part of.
views_created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which the view was created.
views_owner_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user who owns the view.
views_indexintegerEach view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook.
views_titletextA title for the worksheet extracted from the workbook's twb file.
views_captiontextA descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet, based on the workbook definition.
device_typetextDSD device type detected (non-null only if view is dashboard in non-authoring mode)
nviewsintegerKeeps a cumulative count of the number of times the view was accessed by this user.
last_view_timetimestamp without time zoneThe time of the most recent access of the specified view by the specified user.
site_idintegerLinks to the site that contains the view.
_workbooks: Each record represents a workbook that exists on the server.
idintegerThe primary key for the underlying workbook record.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the workbook.
workbook_urltextA unique name for the workbook, derived from the ASCII characters in the name, which can be used in URLs to refer to this workbook.
created_attimestamp without time zoneThe time at which the workbook record was created.
updated_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time any changes were made to this workbook record.
owner_idintegerA foreign key reference to the user that owns this workbook.
project_idintegerA foreign key reference to the project in which this workbook exists.
sizebigintThe number of bytes used in storing the workbook information.
view_countintegerKeeps count of the number of views that are associated with this workbook.
owner_namecharacter varyingThe name of the system_user who is the owner.
project_namecharacter varyingThe name of the project that this workbook is part of.
system_user_idintegerThe id of the system_user who is the owner.
site_idintegerLinks to the site that contains this workbook.
domain_idintegerA foreign key reference to the domain of the owner.
domain_namecharacter varyingThe name is either "local" or the name of some Active Directory group.
identity_based_activation_admin_view: Login-based License Management (LBLM) - Database view to faciliate Admin Server and Site Views for Login-based License Usage Reporting.
iba_user_idcharacter varyingGenerated Id for user for IBA Reporting
site_idintegerSite being used.
device_fingerprintcharacter varyingUniquely identifies device. Built/generated from umn.
product_typecharacter varyingProduct being used at the client level.
host_namecharacter varyingComputer host name.
product_versioncharacter varyingapplication/product version being used at the client level.
registration_first_namecharacter varyingRegistered user first name
registration_last_namecharacter varyingRegistered user last name
registration_emailcharacter varyingRegistered user email address
registration_datetimestamp without time zoneDate active key was registered.
client_user_namecharacter varyingLogin/User name from the client level.
atr_expiration_datetimestamp without time zoneExpiration date of active key. NULL means permanent.
hardware_serial_numbercharacter varyingUniquely identifies company's hardware asset.
registration_custom_fieldcharacter varyingcustom field from registration
machine_oscharacter varyingos_architecture
virtual_machinebooleanis the machine virtual
atr_chain_idcharacter varyingATR Chain Id
domain_informationcharacter varyingComputer Active Directory domain.
date_atr_issuedtimestamp without time zonedate-time when the ATR successfully returned from the server for this user, device, product and site.
date_atr_failedtimestamp without time zonedate-time when the ATR successfully returned from the server for this user, device, product and site.
date_last_updatedtimestamp without time zonedate-time the last time this row was updated in any way for a given user, productType, device and site.
server_user_namecharacter varyingUser friendly name on the server level.
server_emailcharacter varyingEmail for user on the server level.
site_luidcharacter varyingLUID from sites table.
date_activatedtimestamp without time zonedate-time when the user activated this product from this device for this site for the first time.
date_last_usedtimestamp without time zonedate-time the last time the user used this product from this device for this site.
date_creator_role_assignedtimestamp without time zoneDatetime user was assigned a creator role. Triggered by site role change in the users table.
date_creator_role_unassignedtimestamp without time zoneDatetime user was unassigned a creator role. Triggered by site role change in the users table.
site_namecharacter varyingThe name of the site sourced from the name column in the sites table.
users_view: Each record corresponds to a user on the system. The data presented is a combination of user data and data from the linked system_user.
emailcharacter varyingThe email of the system_user.
login_attimestamp without time zoneThe last time the system_user logged in.
namecharacter varyingThe name of the system_user.
idintegerThe id of the underlying users record.
system_user_idintegerThe id of the linked system_users record.