Source code for tableauhyperapi.result

import datetime
import decimal
import warnings

from typing import Optional, List

from . import connection  # noqa F401
from .date import Date
from .interval import Interval
from .resultschema import ResultSchema
from .sqltype import NullableValue
from .sqltype import TypeTag
from .timestamp import Timestamp
from .warning import UnclosedObjectWarning
from .impl import hapi
from .impl.converter import Converter
from .impl.dll import ffi, lib
from .impl.dllutil import ConstNativeTableDefinition, Error
from .impl.schemaconverter import SchemaConverter

[docs] class Result: """ An object which is used to read query results. A ``Result`` implements the iterator protocol, so it can be used as follows: .. testsetup:: Result.__init__ from tableauhyperapi import * def setup(): hyper = HyperProcess(Telemetry.SEND_USAGE_DATA_TO_TABLEAU, 'myapp') connection = Connection(hyper.endpoint, 'mydb.hyper', CreateMode.CREATE_AND_REPLACE) table_def = TableDefinition('foo', [ TableDefinition.Column('text', SqlType.text()), TableDefinition.Column('int',, ]) connection.catalog.create_table(table_def) with Inserter(connection, 'foo') as inserter: inserter.add_row(['a', 1]) inserter.add_row(['b', 2]) inserter.execute() return hyper, connection hyper, connection = setup() .. testcode:: Result.__init__ with connection.execute_query('SELECT * FROM foo') as result: for row in result: print(row) .. testoutput:: Result.__init__ ['a', 1] ['b', 2] This is equivalent to the following: .. testcode:: Result.__init__ with connection.execute_query('SELECT * FROM foo') as result: while result.next_row(): row = result.get_values() print(row) .. testoutput:: Result.__init__ ['a', 1] ['b', 2] Alternatively, one can use get_value() to retrieve individual row values: .. testcode:: Result.__init__ with connection.execute_query('SELECT * FROM foo') as result: while result.next_row(): value = result.get_value(0) print(value) .. testoutput:: Result.__init__ a b .. testcleanup:: Result.__init__ connection.close() hyper.close() import os os.remove('mydb.hyper') NULL database values are represented by ``None``. See :any:`TypeTag` documentation for how Hyper data types map to Python types. The ``Result`` constructor may not be used directly, use :any:`Connection.execute_query`. """ # There is a ton of repetition here, for performance. Do not refactor without profiling. # noinspection PyShadowingNames def __init__(self, text_as_bytes: bool, connection: 'connection.Connection', result_cdata): # Private method, do not use directly. See the documentation above. self.__cdata = ffi.gc(result_cdata, hapi.hyper_close_rowset) self.__connection = connection # Reference lib for correct gc order self.__lib_ref = lib self.__inline_things() self.__current_chunk = None self.__read_value_functions = None tdp = ConstNativeTableDefinition(hapi.hyper_rowset_get_table_definition(self.__cdata)) self.__schema = SchemaConverter.result_schema_from_native(tdp) self.__column_count = len(self.__schema.columns) self.__range_column_count = range(self.__column_count) self.__numeric_multipliers = [decimal.Decimal(10) ** col.type.scale if (col.type.tag == TypeTag.NUMERIC and col.type.scale <= 18) else 0 for col in self.__schema.columns] # total number of values in the chunk = number of rows * number of columns self.__current_chunk_cells = 0 self.__current_chunk_rows = 0 # cell offset of the current row, index in __current_chunk_values, __current_chunk_sizes, self.__current_row_cell = 0 self.__current_row = 0 # array of pointers to values self.__current_chunk_values = None # array of value sizes self.__current_chunk_sizes = None self.next_row = self.__next_row1 read_text = self.__read_bytes if text_as_bytes else self.__read_text # (self, column_index) -> value read_value_functions = { TypeTag.UNSUPPORTED: self.__read_bytes, TypeTag.BOOL: self.__read_bool, TypeTag.BIG_INT: self.__read_big_int, TypeTag.SMALL_INT: self.__read_small_int, TypeTag.INT: self.__read_int, TypeTag.NUMERIC: self.__read_numeric, TypeTag.FLOAT: self.__read_float, TypeTag.DOUBLE: self.__read_double, TypeTag.OID: self.__read_uint32, TypeTag.BYTES: self.__read_bytes, TypeTag.TEXT: read_text, TypeTag.VARCHAR: read_text, TypeTag.CHAR: read_text, TypeTag.JSON: read_text, TypeTag.DATE: self.__read_date, TypeTag.INTERVAL: self.__read_interval, TypeTag.TIME: self.__read_time, TypeTag.TIMESTAMP: self.__read_timestamp, TypeTag.TIMESTAMP_TZ: self.__read_timestamp_tz, TypeTag.TABGEOGRAPHY: self.__read_bytes, # Deprecated alias for TABGEOGRAPHY, will be removed as part of W-17701666. TypeTag.GEOGRAPHY: self.__read_bytes, } def get_read_value_function(col: ResultSchema.Column): if (col.type.tag == TypeTag.NUMERIC) and (col.type.precision > 18): return self.__read_big_numeric else: return read_value_functions[col.type.tag] self.__read_value_functions = [get_read_value_function(col) for col in self.__schema.columns] self.__row_template = [None] * self.__column_count # Decimal context used for 128-bit numeric transformations traps = [decimal.Overflow, decimal.DivisionByZero, decimal.InvalidOperation, decimal.Inexact] self._big_numeric_decimal_context = decimal.Context(prec=38, traps=traps) # We call a ton of methods when reading values, so inlining them speeds up things significantly # (like tens of percents significantly) def __inline_things(self): self.__ffi = ffi self.__uint32_ptr_t = self.__ffi.typeof('uint32_t*') self.__uint64_ptr_t = self.__ffi.typeof('uint64_t*') self.__float_ptr_t = self.__ffi.typeof('float*') self.__double_ptr_t = self.__ffi.typeof('double*') self.__py_interval_ptr_t = self.__ffi.typeof('py_interval*') self.__ffi_null = self.__ffi.NULL self.__ffi_cast = self.__ffi.cast self.__ffi_buffer = self.__ffi.buffer self.__hyper_read_int8 = hapi.hyper_read_int8 self.__hyper_read_int16 = hapi.hyper_read_int16 self.__hyper_read_int32 = hapi.hyper_read_int32 self.__hyper_read_int64 = hapi.hyper_read_int64 # need to get the chunk first def __next_row1(self): self.__destroy_chunk() while True: chunk_cdata ='hyper_rowset_chunk_t**') Error.check(hapi.hyper_rowset_get_next_chunk(self.__cdata, chunk_cdata)) if chunk_cdata[0] == self.__ffi_null: # no more chunks self.close() return False chunk = self.__ffi.gc(chunk_cdata[0], hapi.hyper_destroy_rowset_chunk) p_num_cols ='size_t*') p_num_rows ='size_t*') p_values ='uint8_t***') p_sizes ='size_t**') hapi.hyper_rowset_chunk_field_values(chunk, p_num_cols, p_num_rows, p_values, p_sizes) row_count = p_num_rows[0] assert p_num_cols[0] == self.__column_count if row_count: self.__current_chunk = chunk self.__current_chunk_rows = row_count self.__current_chunk_cells = p_num_cols[0] * row_count self.__current_chunk_values = p_values[0] self.__current_chunk_sizes = p_sizes[0] break self.next_row = self.__next_row2 return True # got a chunk, read rows from it def __next_row2(self): self.__current_row_cell += self.__column_count self.__current_row += 1 if self.__current_row >= self.__current_chunk_rows: return self.__next_row1() return True def __destroy_chunk(self): if self.__current_chunk is not None: self.__ffi.release(self.__current_chunk) self.__current_chunk = None self.__current_chunk_cells = 0 self.__current_row_cell = 0 self.__current_row = 0 self.__current_chunk_values = None self.__current_chunk_sizes = None @staticmethod def __raise_result_is_closed(*args, **kwargs): raise RuntimeError('Result has been closed') @property def is_open(self) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if the result has not been closed yet. Note that reading all rows of data automatically closes the result object. """ return self.__cdata is not None
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the result. Normally this is called automatically by ``with`` statement. Also, result is automatically closed when all rows have been read from it. """ self.__destroy_chunk() if self.__cdata is not None: ffi.release(self.__cdata) self.__cdata = None self.__connection = None # leave self.__schema be, this is important when the query returned zero columns # make get_value() raise an exception if self.__read_value_functions is not None: self.__read_value_functions = [self.__raise_result_is_closed for _ in self.__read_value_functions] # next_row() returns False after closing self.next_row = lambda: False
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def __iter__(self): while self.next_row(): yield self.get_values() @property def schema(self) -> ResultSchema: """ Gets the result schema. """ return self.__schema @property def affected_row_count(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Gets the affected row count, if the statement had any. """ # TFSID 931205: what about SELECT? count = hapi.hyper_rowset_get_affected_row_count(self.__cdata) return count if count >= 0 else None @property def connection(self) -> 'connection.Connection': """ Gets the underlying connection. """ return self.__connection
[docs] def next_row(self) -> bool: """ Fetches the next row. :return: ``True`` if there is data to read, ``False`` otherwise. Note: if this method returns ``False``, then the result is closed. """ # actual implementation is set by init, close, and the real iteration methods raise RuntimeError()
[docs] def get_value(self, column_index: int) -> object: """ Gets the value at the given column index in the current row. This MUST only be called if :any:`next_row()` returned ``True``. :param column_index: the column index. :return: the value as the corresponding python object if it is non-NULL, or ``None`` otherwise. See :any:`TypeTag` for how Hyper data types map to Python types. """ return self.__read_value_functions[column_index](column_index)
[docs] def get_values(self) -> List[NullableValue]: """ Gets the values in the current row. This MUST only be called if :any:`next_row()` returned ``True``. :return: the row values as a list of objects. NULL is represented by ``None``, see :any:`TypeTag` for how Hyper data types map to Python types. """ row = list(self.__row_template) for i in self.__range_column_count: row[i] = self.get_value(i) return row
def __read_bool(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[bool]: cell = self.__current_row_cell + column_index if not self.__current_chunk_values[cell]: return None value = self.__current_chunk_values[cell] return self.__hyper_read_int8(value) != 0 def __read_small_int(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[int]: cell = self.__current_row_cell + column_index if not self.__current_chunk_values[cell]: return None value = self.__current_chunk_values[cell] return self.__hyper_read_int16(value) def __read_int(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[int]: cell = self.__current_row_cell + column_index if not self.__current_chunk_values[cell]: return None value = self.__current_chunk_values[cell] return self.__hyper_read_int32(value) def __read_uint32(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[int]: cell = self.__current_row_cell + column_index if not self.__current_chunk_values[cell]: return None value = self.__current_chunk_values[cell] return self.__ffi_cast(self.__uint32_ptr_t, value)[0] def __read_big_int(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[int]: cell = self.__current_row_cell + column_index if not self.__current_chunk_values[cell]: return None value = self.__current_chunk_values[cell] return self.__hyper_read_int64(value) def __read_uint64(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[int]: cell = self.__current_row_cell + column_index if not self.__current_chunk_values[cell]: return None value = self.__current_chunk_values[cell] return self.__ffi_cast(self.__uint64_ptr_t, value)[0] def __read_float(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[float]: cell = self.__current_row_cell + column_index if not self.__current_chunk_values[cell]: return None value = self.__current_chunk_values[cell] return self.__ffi_cast(self.__float_ptr_t, value)[0] def __read_double(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[float]: cell = self.__current_row_cell + column_index if not self.__current_chunk_values[cell]: return None value = self.__current_chunk_values[cell] return self.__ffi_cast(self.__double_ptr_t, value)[0] def __read_bytes(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[bytes]: cell = self.__current_row_cell + column_index if not self.__current_chunk_values[cell]: return None value = self.__current_chunk_values[cell] size = self.__current_chunk_sizes[cell] return bytes(self.__ffi_buffer(value, size)) def __read_text(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[str]: cell = self.__current_row_cell + column_index if not self.__current_chunk_values[cell]: return None value = self.__current_chunk_values[cell] size = self.__current_chunk_sizes[cell] return str(self.__ffi_buffer(value, size), 'utf-8') def __read_date(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[Date]: v = self.__read_uint32(column_index) if v is None: return None return Date._from_hyper(v) def __read_time(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[datetime.time]: v = self.__read_uint64(column_index) if v is None: return None return Converter.time_from_hyper(v) def __read_timestamp(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[Timestamp]: v = self.__read_uint64(column_index) if v is None: return None return Timestamp(v) def __read_timestamp_tz(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[Timestamp]: v = self.__read_uint64(column_index) if v is None: return None return Timestamp(v, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) def __read_interval(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[Interval]: cell = self.__current_row_cell + column_index if not self.__current_chunk_values[cell]: return None value = self.__current_chunk_values[cell] p = self.__ffi_cast(self.__py_interval_ptr_t, value) return Interval(p.months, p.days, p.microseconds) def __read_numeric(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[decimal.Decimal]: v = self.__read_big_int(column_index) if v is None: return None return decimal.Decimal(v) / self.__numeric_multipliers[column_index] def __read_big_numeric(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[decimal.Decimal]: v = self.__read_bytes(column_index) if v is None: return None scale = self.__schema.columns[column_index].type.scale d = decimal.Decimal(int.from_bytes(v, 'little', signed=True)) return d.scaleb(-scale, self._big_numeric_decimal_context) def __read_char1_as_text(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[str]: v = self.__read_int(column_index) if v is None: return None return chr(v) def __read_char1_as_bytes(self, column_index: int) -> Optional[bytes]: v = self.__read_int(column_index) if v is None: return None return chr(v).encode() def __del__(self): if self.__cdata is not None: warnings.warn('Result has not been closed. Use Result object in a with statement or call its close() ' 'method when done.', UnclosedObjectWarning) # do nothing, self.__cdata is a gc'ed pointer def __repr__(self): parts = [] if self.is_open: parts = ['state: open'] affected = self.affected_row_count if affected is not None: parts.append(f'affected_row_count: {affected}') else: parts = ['state: closed'] cols = self.schema.columns if cols: if len(cols) > 6: colnames = [str( for x in cols[:3]] + ['...'] + [str( for x in cols[-2:]] else: colnames = [str( for x in self.schema.columns] colnames = ', '.join(colnames) parts.append(f'columns: [{colnames}]') details = '; '.join(parts) return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} instance at {id(self):#x}; {details}>'